[Eurchap] Fwd. : DIAC 2008

M.J. Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Tue Feb 12 07:47:09 EST 2008

Apologies for cross posting

> Twenty-one years since the first DIAC Symposium!
>                Tools for Participation:
>                Collaboration, Deliberation, and Decision Support
> Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing Symposium
> Conference on Online Deliberation
> (DIAC-2008/OD2008)
> Sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
> and UC Berkeley School of Information
> Partners: National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD)
> University of California, Berkeley
> June 26 - 29, 2008
> http://www.publicsphereproject.org/events/diac08/
> At the dawn of the 21st century humankind faces challenges of
> profound proportions. The ability of people around the world to
> discuss, work, make decisions, and take action collaboratively is one
> of the most important capabilities for addressing these challenges.
> Researchers, scholars, activists, advocates, artists, educators,
> technologists, designers, students, policy-makers, entrepreneurs,
> journalists and citizens are rising to these challenges in many ways,
> including, devising new communication technologies that build on the
> opportunities afforded by the Internet and other new (as well as old)
> media. The interactions between technological and social systems are
> of special and central importance in this area.
> DIAC-08 combines CPSR's 11th DIAC symposium with the third Conference
> on Online Deliberation. The joint conference is intended to provide a
> platform and a forum for highlighting socio-technological
> opportunities, challenges, and pitfalls in the area of community and
> civic action. Technology enhanced community action ranges from
> informal communities of practice to democratic governance of formal
> organizations to large social movements.
> We are especially interested in technology development that is
> already being tested or fielded. We are also interested in
> theoretical and other intellectual work that helps build
> understanding and support for future efforts. In addition to
> exploring social technology, we must at the same time understand and
> advance the social context of technology, including its design,
> access, use, policy and evaluation, as well as intellectual
> frameworks and perspectives that inform technological as well as
> social innovation including requirements, case studies, critique and
> self-reflection, and infrastructures for future work.
> Our areas of focus include but are not limited to: deliberative and
> collaborative systems, e-democracy and e-participation, mobilization
> and organization, negotiation, consultation, sustainability,
> community support systems, open source models, human rights,
> ecological awareness, conflict resolution, justice, transparency
> systems, media and civic journalism, media literacy, power research,
> citizen science, economic development and opportunity, peace and
> reconciliation, infrastructure development, policy, education,
> community networks, research and development for civil society,
> social software, virtual communities and civic intelligence.
> We are currently interested in the following types of submissions:
> research paper and exploratory paper presentations (both of which
> will be peer reviewed), technology demonstrations, workshops and
> poster sessions. We are currently seeking co-sponsors who can help
> provide various types of assistance. We are also seeking donations
> and other support (including volunteer labor) to help make this event
> successful.
> The DIAC symposia have resulted in six book publications (in addition
> to the proceedings). Although we don't have specific plans at this
> time, we are hoping to publish our seventh book based on this event.
> Guidelines for papers and other submissions
> All submissions must be made via the conference submission system on
> the DIAC-08 web site. Submissions should be written in English and
> foreign speakers are encouraged to have their submissions reviewed
> for language prior to submission. Submissions should be formatted for
> "US Letter" size using 11 point Times-Roman font. Research papers
> should be a maximum of 10 pages. Accepted research papers should be
> revised according to reviewer comments and resubmitted by the
> deadline. Workshop proposals (two pages) should include motivation,
> objectives, expected outcomes, intended audience, process (including
> specific description of how people will be engaged during the
> workshop). Taking a cue from PDC 2008, we are also interested in
> exploratory papers (4 pages), that reflect novel concepts,
> works-in-progress, reflections, manifestos or other ideas and issues
> that aren't currently suitable for a research paper.
> Important Dates
> January 1, 2007 Submission system available
> January 15, 2007 Early registration begins
> February 15, 2008 Research paper submissions due
> March 15, 2008 Demonstration, workshop proposals due
> April 1, 2008 Notices of research paper acceptances
> April 15, 2008 Poster proposals due
> May 1, 2008 Late registration begins
> May 15, 2008 Completed research papers due
> June 26 - June 29, 2008 DIAC-2008/OD2008
> Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
> CPSR is a public-interest alliance of people concerned about the
> impact of information and communications technology on society. By
> sponsoring international, national, and local projects and events,
> CPSR serves as a catalyst for in-depth discussion and effective
> action in key areas.
> UC Berkeley School of Information
> Providing the world with innovative information solutions and
> leadership, the UC Berkeley School of Information conducts research,
> provides policy counsel, and trains information professionals in five
> areas of concentration including information design and architecture,
> information assurance, social studies of information, human-computer
> interaction, and information economics and policy.
> Conference Chair
> Douglas Schuler
> Program Chairs
> Todd Davies, Jerome Feldman, and Douglas Schuler
> Related Conferences
> We also recommend the Participatory Design Conference which will be
> held in Bloomington, Indiana, USA. September 30, 2008 - October 4,
> 2008. See http://www.pdc2008.org/. The theme of this 10th PDC is
> "Experiences and Challenges" and it is an excellent opportunity to
> reassess the achievements of the PD movement and to consider its
> future.

Dr. Michel J. Menou
Visiting Professor, SLAIS, University College London, U.K.
Consultant in ICT policies and Knowledge & Information Management
Adviser of Somos at Telecentros board http://www.tele-centros.org
Member of the founding steering committee of
Telecenters of the Americas Partnership http://www.tele-centers.net/
B.P. 15
F-49350 Les Rosiers sur Loire, France
Email: micheljmenou[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone: +33 (0)2 41511043

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