[Chapters-l] chapter awards: innovation, event, and member

Remlee Green remlee at mit.edu
Fri Sep 2 11:07:31 EDT 2011

Hi, chapters,

I'm happy to announce the winners of the chapter awards for innovation, event, and member of the year.  Many thanks to the nominators, judges, and chapters for working so hard throughout the year to do such wonderful things!

Chapter Event of the Year
Potomac Valley Chapter - "An Evening with National Public Radio"
The Potomac Valley Chapter of ASIS&T (PVC) is awarded the 2011 Chapter Event of the Year award for the event, "An Evening with National Public Radio."  The event was well attended in-person, but the event organizers reached ASIS&T members far beyond their chapter borders, as it was also broadcast as a webinar and viewed by over 100 online participants.  Speakers described how a story is born and discussed the integration of the librarian role into the work of broadcast program staff members.  Topics presented the perfect combination of information science and technology, and the event was relevant, informative, and fun.  For these reasons, the Potomac Valley Chapter merits the receipt of the 2011 Chapter Event of the Year Award.

European Chapter - "ASIS&T European Workshop 2011"
The European Chapter of ASIS&T is awarded the 2011 Chapter Event of the Year award for the event, "ASIS&T European Workshop 2011."  Event organizers reached out to European attendees, and 8 countries were represented at the workshop.  This outstanding event brought together members and non-members of ASIS&T together, and it served to promote the entire society throughout Europe.  Students, faculty, and industry experts presented on a variety of relevant topics, including knowledge organization, information retrieval, social media, digital cultural heritage, and technology applications. Additionally, organizers were able to get industry sponsors to help with expenses for student attendees.  The European Chapter is to be most highly commended for the dedication and drive needed to produce a two-day workshop of this caliber and merits the award for 2011 Chapter Event of the Year.

Chapter Innovation of the Year

New England Chapter - "All Things e-Readers"

The New England Chapter of ASIS&T (NEASIST) is awarded the 2011 Chapter Innovation of the Year award for their meet-up, "All Things e-Readers."  Participants gathered to share their experiences of reading on Kindle, iPads, Nooks, smart phones, and other devices, and they shared ideas on how to negotiate licenses, catalog books on Kindle, and manage patron expectation for using devices and accessing material.  As librarians struggle to develop e-content policies and deal with an assortment of issues surrounding e-reading, the New England chapter provided a way for participants to test available technologies and discuss implications and ideas for implementation in their diverse organizations.  This inventive gathering merits the award of the 2011 Chapter Innovation of the Year Award to NEASIST.

Chapter Member of the Year
Sarah Buchanan - Los Angeles Chapter
Sarah Buchanan of the Los Angeles Chapter of ASIS&T (LACASIST) is awarded the 2011 Chapter Member of the Year award.  It is clear from the nominating letters that Sarah has done a significant amount of work to keep the chapter active and running. Sarah's commitment to the history of ASIS&T and LACASIST and her continued involvement as a board member is evident.  Sarah has contributed not only as a committed chapter secretary, but she also planned programs and developing LACASIST's milestone 50th Anniversary celebration, completing an oral history project with Dr. Robert Hayes that will be published, as well as a website devoted to the "History of LACASIST."  For this work, Sarah Buchanan is awarded the 2011 Chapter Member of the Year award.

(No award was given for Chapter Publication of the Year.)

Hope to see you all in New Orleans at the Chapter Assembly Meeting!

Remlee Green

Deputy Director, Chapter Assembly

Remlee Green
User Experience Librarian
MIT Libraries
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