[Chapters-l] New Chapter Award

Wallace, Amy Amy.Wallace at csuci.edu
Thu Mar 2 14:16:46 EST 2006

Hi All

I am pleased to announce that the ASIST Board passed a new award that
will honor innovations by chapters that have a positive impact on future
operations, collaborations, or communications within the chapter, of
other chapters, or of other units within ASIS&T.  Chapter leaders please
consider submitting nominations for this award.  The deadline is July
10.  The details of the award are listed below, and will be posted to
the website.



The Chapter Innovation Award was established in 2006.  It is
administered by the Chapter Assembly. 

1. Nature of the Award

1.1 The award shall consist of a certificate to be presented to the
Chapter Chair and all Chapter members who were key contributors to the
innovation. The award shall be presented by the Chapter Assembly
Director during the Chapter Assembly Meeting at the ASIS&T Annual

2. Purpose of the Award

2.1 The purpose of the award is to recognize innovation by a Chapter
during the previous year (July-June) that will have a positive impact on
future operations, collaborations, or communications within the chapter,
of other chapters, or of other units within ASIS&T.  

3. Eligibility

3.1 Any type of innovation by one or more chapters is eligible.  A
chapter is eligible to receive the award in consecutive years.

4. Administration

4.1 The Chapter Innovation Award is sponsored by the Society-at-Large
and is administered by the Chapter Assembly. 

5. Nominations

5.1 Nominations shall be solicited by mail from the Chapter Chairs by
the Chapter Assembly Director. 

5.2 Nominations can be made by any ASIS&T member. The members of the
Chapter Assembly Advisory Committee (in their role as individual Chapter
liaisons) shall also be responsible for soliciting nominations from
Chapter officers. Advisors themselves may also submit nominations.
Request for nominations shall be publicized in the Bulletin of the
American Society for Information Science and Technology, and the Chapter

5.3 Nominations shall be submitted electronically to the Chapter
Assembly through ASIS&T HQ by July 10.  They should address the
relevance, significance, and quality of the innovation, as well as
unique features and particular benefits to the Chapter, other chapters,
or other units in ASIS&T with supporting documentation, when possible.
Nomination packages should be simple and concise; the intent of the
award is to recognize the event and not to burden the nominator and the
Jury with paperwork. 

5.4 Each nomination for the Chapter Innovation Award shall consist of: 

(a) A nominating letter which contains a 250-word description of the
innovation which is being nominated; 

(b) The name, address, phone number, and Chapter of the person who is
submitting the nomination; 

(c) No more than one letter of support.

(d) No more than two other supporting documents; 

(e) A 50-word citation which may be used for publicity, if the
innovation is chosen to receive the award. 

6. Jury Committee

6.1 Either the Chapter Assembly Director or Chapter Assembly Deputy
Director, and Chapter Advisors shall serve as the Jury for this award,
with the Chapter Assembly Director or Chapter Assembly Deputy Director
serving as Jury Chair. 

6.2 Members of the Jury may serve a second term if, at that time, they
serve the Chapter Assembly as Director, Deputy, or Advisor. 

6.3 If a Jury member has been nominated for this award, the Jury Chair
shall appoint another ASIS&T member to serve on the Jury in place of the

7. Selection of the Awardee

7.1 The criteria by which Chapter innovation shall be evaluated include:

(a) Creativity and originality 

(b) Benefits to Chapter's members; 

(b) Benefits to chapter operations, collaborations, and communications

(d) Benefit to other chapters and ASIS&T units operations,
collaborations, and communications

(e) Overall ability for the innovation to serve as a model for Chapter
leadership, other chapters, and/or other ASIS&T units. 

7.2 The Jury shall make their decision based upon the documentation
submitted. Each member of the Jury shall have one vote for each
nominated chapter as in 7.3.

7.3 Each Juror ranks all eligible nominations based on the evaluation
criteria. Each criterion has a maximum value of 20 points, with the
maximum number of points each nomination could receive being 100. 

7.4 The Jury Chair totals the points from all jurors, and the winner is
the Chapter innovation with the highest average score. To receive the
award, a Chapter innovation must have an average score of 80 points or

7.5 If two or more Chapters receive identical scores, the Jury shall
decide if more than one award should be given. If necessary, run-off
votes may be taken or the Jury Chair may convene a conference call to
resolve the decision. 

7.6 If there are no appropriate candidates, the award need not be given
in a particular year. 

7.7 The Jury Chair shall communicate the Jury's decision to the ASIS&T
President, the Chair of the Awards and Honors Committee, the ASIS&T
Executive Director, and the recipients of the award prior to the annual
meeting. Prior notification will allow the recipients to be present to
accept their awards. 

7.8 The Jury Chair shall provide a 50-250 word abstract, stating why the
award was given. This abstract will be used to publicize the award.
Material for this abstract can be taken from the voting rationales
provided by the members of the Jury. 

7.9 The Jury Chair shall submit the nomination packets and the results
of Jury deliberations to ASIS&T Headquarters, after selection of the
awardees has been completed.  

8. Presentation of the Award

8.1 The award shall be presented to the winners by the Chapter Assembly
Director during the Chapter Assembly Meeting at the ASIS&T Annual

9. Publicity

9.1 The award shall be publicized through the Bulletin of the American
Society for Information Science, the Chapter Notes, and in the winning
Chapter's publications. In addition, press releases will be sent to the
winners' employers and local newspapers and other people/agencies
suggested by the winners. Publicity is the responsibility of ASIS&T

10. Deadlines

10.1 ASIS&T Headquarters and the Jury Chair shall solicit nominations by
May 15. 

10.2 Nominations are due by July 10. 

10.3 ASIS&T Headquarters shall mail eligible nominations to each member
of the Jury by July 15. 

10.4 Jurors shall send their evaluations to the Jury Chair by August 10.

10.5 Selection shall be made and the ASIS&T President, the Chair of the
Awards and Honors Committee, the ASIS&T Executive Director, and the
award recipients shall be notified by 30 days prior to the ASIS&T annual



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