[Chapters-l] Chapter Assembly Director's Report (from Chapter Assembly meeting in Charlotte)
beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu
beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu
Tue Nov 22 10:41:02 EST 2005
Below is the text of my report to Chapter Assembly, Sunday, Oct. 30, 2005
at the annual meeting in Charlotte. The minutes from the Chapter Assembly
meeting and notes from the Chapter Leaders Breakfast will be forthcoming.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
I would like to tell you about a few things that have been going on since
the last time we met in Providence, November 2004.
During the past year, the Board has been analyzing ASIS&T’s strengths and
weaknesses and developing a 5 year strategic plan. Briefly, the proposed
strategic plan includes the following goals:
** Internationalization: which means among other things, creating a
presence in South America, Europe, East Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
There is interest in forming chapters in these regions, however, there are
a few hurdles to overcome before this will be possible, such as the high
cost of membership. We are already making progress on this front. ASIS&T
sponsored an IA Summit this month in Brussels and it was so successful
that the organizers want to do it again in Europe.
** Focus on publications: expanding the number of publications ASIS&T
issues. We have been dreaming about an applications journal for a number
of years; we should publish an information architecture journal; and we
might be able to produce journals in different languages.
** Capitalizing on our intellectual property; and
** Development of programs that can “go on the road” to help chapters with
their programming.
The Board passed a motion to move funds that are now held in “Dormant
Chapters” for the Pittsburgh and Western Canada Chapter be moved to
general ASIS&T funds. The background for this is: when Chapters have no
activity or responsible officers for a period, ASIS&T HQ recovers the
funds from the bank and hold them in case the Chapter should revive. These
are on the balance sheet “held for dormant chapters.” There is little or
no likelihood that Pittsburgh or Western Canda will be reactivated; both
were inactive for quite some time prior to recovering the funds. The
impact of doing this is that the money will move from the liability side
of the balance sheet, making it an asset.
We are no longer listing Chicago and Pittsburgh on the ASIS&T Chapters web
page. This is not de-chartering, just not publicizing. It is a Board
action to move funds, but a Chapter Assembly recommendation to the Board
to deactivate chapters.
Candy Schwartz - Chapter Assembly Representative for Student Chapters,
Report 2004/2005
** All student chapter advisors and Web sites have been verified.
Considerable revisions were made to them.
** The annual student party in Charlotte, for students, will be held at an
undisclosed location and time – has had close to 50 students have rsvp’ed.
** 9 student chapters submitted reports (out of about 40), 7 in time to be
considered for the Outstanding Student Chapter of the Year. The award jury
completed its work in good time, and gave the award to the Univesity of
Washington and to Simmons (Candy recused herself from voting).
** The European student chapter petitioned successfully to become a
** The University of Arkansas Little Rock has requested that its chapter
be dissolved.
** The University of Alabama is being re-energized.
Finally, Candy surveyed students and has prepared a report and
recommendation to strengthen student participation in ASIS&T for the
Electronic submission through the START conferencing system continues to
have many more advantages over the old method of sending six paper copies
to Sandra Holder at Headquarters. However, one major drawback is that
Sandra kept track of which chapters were submitting nominations and she
would encourage chapters to submit when she them when she knew they
should. No one has stepped in to take over this role and consequently,
not enough Chapter leaders take the time to nominate their chapter or
their leaders for awards. As I went through all the announcements on
Chapters-L of the programs Chapter put on this past year, I was very
impressed with the fantastic learning and networking opportunities ASIS&T
chapters are making available to their communities. Examples of chapter
programming include the Wisconsin Chapter’s sponsorship of the talk
“What’s So International about International Librarianship?” by Peter
Johan Lor, Secretary General of IFLA, NORASIST’s program “To Blog or Not
to Blog, the regional meeting put together by Indiana, Michigan and
Chicago chapters called: “To Google or not to Google,” and PVC’s program:
>From Soup to Nuts: Blogs, Blogging and Greater Impacts to Information
Science.” Why not honor the hardworking members who have produced this
excellent programming by nominating the event, member, or chapter for an
award? We will put up on the website an example of an award nomination to
help you with your submissions. One tip I’ll offer right here is that you
have to answer all the questions on the questionnaire. The jury assigns
points to each answer given and if you do not provide n answer, guess
what? No points!
New awards guidelines, developed by the Awards and Honors Committee, were
approved by the Board. They detail procedures and requirements for the
establishment of new Society- and Unit-Level awards.
Amy Wallace developed guidelines for a proposed Chapter Innovation Award.
This idea came out of the Chapter Leaders’ planning breakfast in
Providence. They have been submitted to the Awards and Honors Committee
for approval.
Special recognition goes to the creators of the International Calendar of
Information Science Conferences, Caryn Anderson and Michel Menou. This
very impressive project was a collaborative venture of SIG III, the New
England Chapter and the European Chapter. It is the type of project that
might have received the Innovation award if it was already established.
Another idea that came out of the brainstorming / planning breakfast was
that of a speaker’s bureau. Although that proposal has not materialized,
President-Elect, Michael Leach is very interested in knowing how
interested chapters would be in having programs that could come to them,
the programs “on the road” idea. Chapters could also share their
successful programs with each other.
The online membership database is almost a reality. Once the web redesign
is up, a member will be able to login and change his or her own membership
data. Canned reports will also be available for chapter recruitment and
retention activities.
The ASIS&T Digital Library is up. Letters were mailed out to all members
explaing how to access it. Access is not straightforward. It is located
on the Wiley InterScience website. But once you find it, you’ll find The
Bulletin, The Proceedings, and 3 volumes of ARIST (not including the two
most recent years.)
Amy Wallace compiled and distributed a Chapters Best Practices document.
It is just a start, but has a lot of potential as a Wiki. We were waiting
for the new website to put this document as well as other useful ones up,
but perhaps we can simply provide a link to the Wiki on the web page.
The website redesign ran into serious obstacles this year. It is now back
on track and there will be usability testing of it at the conference.
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