[Chapters-l] News from Chapter Assembly (at long last!)

beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu
Mon Feb 21 20:05:06 EST 2005

Greetings ASIS&T Chapter Leaders!

Having finally updated the ASIS&T Chapters web page with all the 
information we could gather about your chapter officers and also updating 
Chapters-L, l am sending you the minutes from the Chapter Assembly meeting 
in Providence, the notes from the Chapter Leaders Breakfast, and various 
other news of interest.

1.  Welcome to our new Deputy Chapter Assembly Director, Amy Wallace!  Amy 
was elected to the position last fall.  She is an experienced chapter 
leader and a powerful advocate for chapter concerns, so I encourage you to 
use her!  Her home chapter is LACASIS, email address: 
Amy.Wallace at csuci.edu  Both Amy and I are here to help you with any issues 
you may have and to be your voice on the ASIS&T Executive Board.

2.  Chapter Assembly Minutes and Breakfast Planning Meeting Notes attached 

I want to thank Steve Hardin for graciously accepting to take minutes at 
the Chapter Assembly meeting, after having been unexpectedly put on the 
spot.  I want to point out in particular the reports from various chapters 
that are found toward the end of the minutes under New Business, b. 
Brainstorming.  Read how: 

** the New Jersey chapter took advantage of a grant from the ASIS&T 
Chapter Development Fund;
** LACASIS is reaching out to diversify their board;
** the Potomac Valley Chapter put on sell-out events; and
** the European Chapter creatively sponsored two sessions in different 

The breakfast planning meeting was very productive.  We created a list of 
burning issues - problems that make our work for chapters frustrating and 
questions about how to re-energize and sustain chapter leadership.  I'm 
sure you'll recognize a number of the points listed as issues you have as 

But, we didn't just have a gripe session - there were many positive 
suggestions made for improving the information for chapters available on 
the website; for making it easier to share our experience and knowledge 
amongst ourselves; and for rewarding chapters' innovative programming and 

3. Chapter Advisors

I am very happy to announce that several past chapter advisors have agreed 
to serve as ASIS&T Chapter Advisors again this year. 

Linda McCann
E-mail: lmccann at usc.edu
Home Chapter: Los Angeles 
Assigned Chapters: Los Angeles, East Tennessee, Taipei, and Europe

Barbara Dunham
E-mail: dunham.51 at osu.edu
Home chapter: Central Ohio
Assigned Chapters: Northern Ohio, Central Ohio, Southern Ohio, and 

Patricia Flanagan
E-mail: patf at wpi.edu
Home Chapter: New England
Assigned Chapters: New England, Metropolitan New York, Florida, and 

We also have one new Chapter Advisor:

Deb Helman
E-mail: dhelman at engr.wisc.edu
Home Chapter: Wisconsin
Assigned Chapters: Arizona, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Chicago, and Michigan

Please note: we will soon post he name of the Chapter Advisor for the 
Pacific-Northwest,  Potomac Valley, New Jersey, and Delaware Valley 

Each advisor will serve as a liaison between their assigned chapters and 
ASIS&T, making contact with chapter chairs and/or representative on an 
as-needed basis to provide encouragement, support, and information; to 
identify issues or problems that should be shared with the Assembly 
Director; provide advice as requested; gather information about chapter 
officers and activities.  I will share the information I receive about 
your concerns with the ASIS&T Board of Directors and the other Chapter 
Advisors.  We will look for common themes and see what can be done.

4.  ASIS&T Chapter Development Fund and ASIS&T Project Fund

The ASIS&T Chapter Development Fund and the ASIS&T Project Fund still have 
some money available for chapters who wish to submit grant proposals for 
programs to strengthen their chapters beyond what local resources can 

The award guidelines are described in the ASIS&T Chapter Officers 
Handbook, Appendix N.  (see 
http://www.asis.org/AboutASIS/chofficermanual.pdf )  The Chapter 
Development Fund is a grant program, and the Project Fund is a loan 

To make it easier to apply for funds, I am attaching a sample proposal 
form. You can choose to use this form or create your own application 
format, but I strongly suggest you include the types of information listed 
in the sample proposal form.

I hope all is going well and please don't hesitate to contact me with any 


Beata Panagopoulos
ASIS&T Chapter Assembly Director

Kennedy School of Government Library
79 JFK Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
email: beata_panagopoulos at harvard.edu

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