[Chapters-l] Leadership development program at ASIST Annual Meeting in Long Beach

Penny O'Connor pjo at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 29 19:48:07 EDT 2003

Chapter and SIG leaders,
Please encourage your officers and future leaders to attend the free leadership development session an the annual meeting in Long Beach. We have an excellent panel of speakers ready to share their skills. Thanks in advance for posting this announcement to your Chapter and SIG lists.

Penny O'Connor
ASIST Leadership Development Chair
penny.oconnor at computer.org
Assistant Head, Science and Technology
Cleveland Public Library
(216)623-2932 at work
(216)676-4859 at home
4534 Grayton Road
Cleveland OH 44135-2324


"Show Me the Money"
 Sunday, October 19, 2003 at 3:30 p.m.

 This program offers tools and tips for chapter and SIG leaders who want to
 learn how to incorporate the money element into their projects. What can
 you do when you need financial support for programs, workshops or
 scholarships? What formula will maximize money resources and deliver value to your
 members? Find out how to attract sponsors.  Explore the best ways to approach
 a potential sponsor, and what types of programs or workshops or
 scholarships might appeal to potential sponsors.

 Marjorie M.K. Hlava brings her ideas as President, Chairman, and founder
 of Access Innovations, Inc. Shahla Bahavar and Amy Wallace will share some of
 the Los Angeles Chapter's proven formulas of success. Denise Bedford will
 offer practical SIG and organizational experience.

 Plan to attend this program with questions and experiences to share with 
 the speakers and with others attending.

 ASIST 2003 Leadership Development Program
 "Show Me the Money"


 Shahla Bahavar
 LACASIS Sponsorship Coordinator & Membership Recruitment and Welcome
 Information Services Coordinator
 Leavey Library, University of Southern California
 bahavar at usc.edu

 Denise Bedford
 SIG CR Chair 2003
 Thesaurus Manager and Senior Information Officer
 World Bank Group
 Associate Faculty Member, Catholic University of America School of Library
 and Informaiton Science, Washington DC
 dbedford at worldbank.org

 Marjorie M.K. Hlava
 Past ASIST President, who left ASIST with a $70,000 surplus in the treasury,
 Watson Davis Award Winner 1996.
 President, Access Innovations, Inc.
 fax 505-256-1080
 mhlava at accessinn.com

 Amy Wallace
 LACASIS Chapter Co-Chair
 amy.wallace at csuci.edu

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