[Carolinas_asist] South Carolina Program: Carolinas_asist: 2013

Deborah Swain swainham at msn.com
Thu Sep 19 13:50:21 EDT 2013

Greetings again,For colleagues and friends in South Carolina, it is my pleasure to also invite you to another event on September 27.  Special thanks to Susan Rathbun-Grubb for organizing launch of ASIST 2013-14 at the University of SC.  Details below. Event: 3D Printing Technologies: A Talk and Demonstration 

Date/Time: Friday, September 27, 2013 – 2:30pm-4:00pm

Location: second floor of  IT-ology, 1301 Gervais St., 
Columbia, SC 29208

Speaker: John H. Gerdes, PhD, Associate Professor, University 
of South Carolina, integrated Information Technology 

Please RSVP to Susan Rathbun-Grubb (srathbun at mailbox.sc.edu) so that we can be sure to accommodate 
everyone who wants to attend.

 Regards again,  Dr. Deborah Swain (NC Central University), Treasurer, cc: ASIST
From: swainham at msn.com
To: carolinas_asist at mail.asis.org; shoffner at renci.org; jhertel at uncc.edu; dswain at nccu.edu
CC: rhill at asis.org; wildemuth at unc.edu
Subject: RENCI Program Sept 27: Carolinas_asist: 2013
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:24:50 -0400

You are cordially invited by the ASIST Carolinas
Chapter  and NCCU “Friends of MIS” for a
program of speakers and lunch at the RENCI  (Renaissance Computing Institute) in
Chapel Hill, NC on September 27, 2013.
The title of the program is: "Using Big Data: Challenges and the Role of
Information Science." Speakers representing various research and
analytical tools at the RENCI will present. The program begins at
11:00am, includes lunch, and ends at 1:00pm.

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