[Carolinas_asist] Upcoming Seminar: The Curation of Social Media as a Public Asset
Lorraine Richards
lorraine.richards at unc.edu
Tue Dec 21 12:41:04 EST 2010
The School of Information and Library Science (SILS) and School of
Government (SOG) at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC-CH)
will hold a day-long seminar called “The Curation of Social Media as a
Public Asset” on January 21, 2011 from 9:00-4:30 in the Pleasant’s Family
Room of Wilson Library on the UNC-CH campus. Continental breakfast will be
served from 8 am until 9 am in the seminar room and a boxed lunch will be
included as well. The seminar will include talks by esteemed professionals
in public records management as well as an interactive session related to
strategies for engaging in the curation of social media as a public asset.
*Online registration for the symposium is available at
. *
* *
Speakers will contribute insights based on extensive experience in a variety
of professional contexts. They include:
· Martha Anderson, Director of Program Management, National Digital
Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP), Library of
· Ken Thibodeau, Director of the Center for Advanced Systems and
Technologies, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
· Marvin Pinkert, Director of the Center for the National Archives
Experience, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
· Arian D. Ravanbakhsh, Electronic Records Policy Analyst, Office of
Modern Records Programs, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
· Kelly Eubank, Electronic Records Archivist, Department of Cultural
Resources, North Carolina State Archives
· William Polk, Deputy General Counsel, Office of the Governor,
State of North Carolina
· Anne Klinefelter, Associate Professor and Director of the Law
Library, School of Law, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
· Christopher (Cal) Lee, Assistant Professor, School of Information
and Library Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
· Javier Velasco-Martin, Doctoral Student and expert on Self
Disclosure Over Social Media, School of Information and Library Science,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
· Other possible speakers to be announced
Topics for the day will include The Library of Congress’ Twitter
Acquisition, NARA’s and the State of North Carolina’s social media policies,
legal issues related to curating social media as a public asset, and topics
surrounding self-disclosure and strategic policy for public records social
media. A session will occur to allow seminar registrants to discuss their
questions, concerns, and ideas regarding the curation of social media as a
public asset with the speakers.
Archivists, records managers, librarians and other information professionals
are often directly charged with ensuring that public information is
accessible and meaningful over time. More and more frequently, however,
they do so in environments in which public and private information are
mutually entangled in the bounds of distributed, online social
networks. Public
officials and public servants also must increasingly make and enact
decisions related to sharing public information via these networked forums;
they must be able to develop strategies and policies that ensure that public
records are properly maintained while simultaneously managing the risks
associated with the intermingling of public and private information that
often occurs on social networks. To do this, these information
professionals must be equipped to engage in curatorial policy and processes
and to understand the history, principles, processes and methods of public
administration and archives and records management alike.
*Regarding ESOPI-21:*
* *
The seminar is part of Educating Stewards of Public Information in the 21st
Century (ESOPI-21), which is a three-year collaboration between SILS and the
SOG at UNC-CH, sponsored by the Institute for Museum and Library Services
(IMLS). ESOPI-21 is based on the belief that the stewardship of public
information is a fundamental responsibility of a democratic society. Public
information (e.g. agency records, government publications, datasets) serves
as evidence of governmental activities, decisions, and responsibilities at
the local, county, state, and federal levels. Providing appropriate access
to public information promotes accountability, rights of citizens, effective
administration of policy, and social memory.
ESOPI-21 is developing educational and professional engagement opportunities
to prepare for the stewardship of public information and the integration of
policy with information technology solutions and workflows. It is funding
graduate-level Fellows, who pursuing dual degrees at SILS and the SOG, and
providing internships for the Fellows at the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA), North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources,
Archives and Records Section (NC-ARS), UNC-CH’s University Archives, and
UNC-CH’s Environmental Finance Center. The project builds on the work and
accomplishments of the DigCCurr I & II (Digital Curation Curriculum)
projects, which were also funded by the IMLS. ESOPI-21 is also benefiting
from the extensive knowledge of experts who compose its Advisory
Board. Further
information can be found at http://ils.unc.edu/esopi21/index.html.
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