[Carolinas_asist] officers needed!

Cassidy R. Sugimoto csugimoto at unc.edu
Thu Apr 30 11:40:24 EDT 2009

Dear cc:asis&t members:

It's election time!

First, I would like to thank all of the 2008-2009 cc:asis&t officers: Mike
Brown (program committee chair), Sarah Carrier (secretary), Hugh Cayless
(past-chair), Laura Christopherson (program committee), Lori Eakin
(treasurer), Diane Neal (record holder), Jason Neal (program committee),
Cassidy Sugimoto (chair), and Jim Tuttle (vice-chair).  This board was
extremely dedicated and energetic and I am very proud of the five events we
hosted this year (introduction to immersive technologies at RENCI,
generational differences in the workplace lecture, wine tasting, panel on
the future of reference, and an introduction to content management systems

We are now seeking nominations and volunteers for 2009-2010.  Please email
me at csugimoto at unc.edu if you would like to be considered or would like to
nominate someone for one of our elected positions (vice-chair, secretary,
record holder, treasurer).  Details about the formal positions can be found
here:  http://www.asis.org/AboutASIS/chofficermanual.pdf  Please also email
if you are interested in getting involved on one of our committees (program
committee or publications committee).

I look forward to another fabulous year with cc:asis&t!  Feel free to email
me with any questions you may have about getting invovled.

Cassidy R. Sugimoto
Chair, cc:asis&t

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