[Brazil-asist] Fwd: IASSIST registration is open

Guilherme Ataíde guilhermeataide at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 14:20:31 EDT 2017

Apologize for eventual duplicates



*IASSIST 2017 registration is open! The early bird registration deadline is
April 23, 2017.*
The 43rd annual gathering for the International Association for Social
Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST) will be held at the
University of Kansas, in Lawrence, Kansas, May 23-26, 2017. This year’s
theme is “Data in the Middle: The common language of research”.
Historically the focus of IASSIST has been on research in the social
sciences but we encourage anyone supporting research and data activities to
join us regardless of the domain.

The conference program and the link to registration is on the conference
web site: http://www.iassist2017.org/

In addition to three days of conference sessions, there are a variety of
workshops being offered as well: http://www.iassist2017.o

Registration for the KU Housing (dormitory) option is through the
conference registration site. Reservations for the hotels are with each
hotel. Note that most of the hotels are not able to process the conference
code through their web sites. Reserving a room by telephone will allow you
to get the conference rate. All housing information is at

The full program, including workshops, posters, and sessions, is available
at http://www.iassist2017.org/program/



Guilherme A. Dias
Bolsista de Produtividade do CNPq
ASIS&T Brazilian Chapter member
"Veritas filia temporis"
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