[Asist-announce] Call for 2014 Volunteers, JASIST TOC, vol 64 # 8

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Tue Jul 16 09:31:05 EDT 2013


>From Harry Bruce, President-elect

Dear Colleagues,

 ASIS&T has many different volunteer positions that need to be filled in 

October to accomplish important work for ASIS&T in the coming year. 

Members at all stages of their careers (including students) are encouraged

respond to this call for volunteers to serve on committees and award juries.

You can learn about the various committees and award juries at: 

http://www.asis.org/volunteer.html. To volunteer, please fill out and 

submit the online form at http://www.asis.org/volunteerform.html  by 

October 1, 2013. 


 I look forward to working with you to advance ASIS&T 

initiatives and programs over the coming year. Thank you in advance for 



Harry Bruce, President-elect

_ _ _ _ 


Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology

© 2013 ASIS&T 


Volume 64, Issue 8 Pages 1523 - 1757, August 2013



The evolving indicator space (iSpace) (pages 1523–1525) 

Blaise Cronin 



Evolving academic library specialties (pages 1526–1542) 

Andrew M. Cox and Sheila Corrall 




Mixed-methods approach to measuring user experience in online news
interactions (pages 1543–1556) Heather L. O'Brien and Mahria Lebow 


Real-time user interest modeling for real-time ranking (pages 1557–1576) 

Xiaozhong Liu and Howard Turtle 


Image and multimedia resources in an academic environment: A qualitative
study of students' experiences and literacy practices (pages 1577–1589) 

Krystyna K. Matusiak 


Undergraduates' personal academic information management and the
consideration of time and task-urgency (pages 1590–1607) Diane Mizrachi and
Marcia J. Bates 


Topic-based sentiment analysis for the social web: The role of mood and
issue-related words (pages 1608–1617) Mike Thelwall and Kevan Buckley 


An emotion-based model of negation, intensifiers, and modality for polarity
and intensity classification (pages 1618–1633) Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz
and Laura Plaza 


Stay on the Wikipedia task: When task-related disagreements slip into
personal and procedural conflicts (pages 1634–1648) Ofer Arazy, Lisa Yeo and
Oded Nov 


Multilevel-statistical reformulation of citation-based university rankings:
The Leiden ranking 2011/2012 (pages 1649–1658) Lutz Bornmann, Rüdiger Mutz
and Hans-Dieter Daniel 


The use of different information and communication technologies to support
knowledge sharing in organizations: From e-mail to micro-blogging (pages
1659–1670) Y. Connie Yuan, Xuan Zhao, Qinying Liao and Changyan Chi 


The roles of bridging and bonding in social media communities (pages

Qilin Cao, Yong Lu, Dayong Dong, Zongming Tang and Yongqiang Li 


Revisiting ontologies: A necessary clarification (pages 1682–1693) 

Mauricio Barcellos Almeida 


Information-based mitigation of intimate partner violence (pages 1694–1706) 

Ron Houston and Lynn Westbrook 


Answering academic questions for education by recommending cyberlearning
resources (pages 1707–1722) Xiaozhong Liu and Han Jia 


“It's stuff that speaks to me”: Exploring the characteristics of digital
possessions (pages 1723–1734) Amber L. Cushing 


Emotion, information, and cognition, and some possible consequences for
library and information science (pages 1735–1750) Torkild Thellefsen, Martin
Thellefsen and Bent Sørensen 



Sixty years of citation analysis studies in the humanities (1951–2010)
(pages 1751–1755) Jordi Ardanuy 



Does aggressiveness in evaluation improve the quality of scientific
research? (page 1756) Teresa Garnatje and Joan Vallès 



A random walk on an ontology: Using thesaurus structure for automatic
subject indexing 64(7) 2013, 1330–1344 (page 1757) 

This article corrects: A random walk on an ontology: Using thesaurus
structure for automatic subject indexing.  Vol. 64, Issue 7, 1330–1344,
Article first published online: 22 MAY 2013




Richard Hill

ASIS&T Executive Director

1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510

Silver Spring, MD 20910

FAX: (301) 495-0810

Voice: (301) 495-0900

rhill at asis.org


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