[Asis-standards] ISO vote

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 7 16:55:22 EDT 2017

I ju cast the following vote


 on ISO/FDIS 23081-1 (Ed 2) -    the TC 46/SC 11 draft standard Information and documentation -- Records management processes -- Metadata for records -- Part 1: Principle

Ill be sending out a note with a few more upcoming votes in a bit

-------------- next part --------------

   I ju cast the following vote

    on ISO/FDIS 23081-1 (Ed 2) -    the TC 46/SC 11 draft standard Information
   and documentation -- Records management processes -- Metadata for records --
   Part 1: Principle

   Ill be sending out a note with a few more upcoming votes in a bit


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