[Asis-standards] new committee member

TIMOTHY DICKEY tdickey1 at kent.edu
Thu Sep 7 05:44:42 EDT 2017

Good morning, all,

Mark and I have a volunteer to add to the Committee membership, and please
join us in welcoming Ashleigh Minor!
Ashleigh received her MLIS from Kent State in 2016, focusing on digital
preservation and archives. She currently works in the Ohio State University
Libraries in the Special Collections Description and Access Program. Most
of her time there is spent writing and editing collection finding aids
following DACS standards. She also serves on the Board of Trustees for the
Dublin Historical Society and manages the [DCMI-tagged] archives there. She
has served on the board of the Central Ohio chapter of ASIS&T since 2014
and is running for chair in the upcoming election.
[Intro slightly edited.]

All best,

Timothy J. Dickey, Ph.D., MLIS.

tdickey1 at kent.edu
(614) 785-1632
-------------- next part --------------

   Good morning, all,
   Mark and I have a volunteer to add to the Committee membership, and please
   join us in welcoming Ashleigh Minor!
   Ashleigh received her MLIS from Kent State in 2016, focusing on digital
   preservation and archives. She currently works in the Ohio State University
   Libraries in the Special Collections Description and Access Program. Most of
   her  time  there  is spent writing and editing collection finding aids
   following DACS standards. She also serves on the Board of Trustees for the
   Dublin Historical Society and manages the [DCMI-tagged] archives there. She
   has served on the board of the Central Ohio chapter of ASIS&T since 2014 and
   is running for chair in the upcoming election.
   [Intro slightly edited.]
   All best,
   Timothy J. Dickey, Ph.D., MLIS.
   [1]tdickey1 at kent.edu
   (614) 785-1632


   1. mailto:tdickey1 at kent.edu

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