[Asis-standards] NISO votes- Part 2
Mark Needleman
needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 23 12:45:37 EDT 2016
Here are the rest of the upcoming votes - sorry for the short notice on some of these - the due dates sort of slipped by me
1) ISO/CD 20247, Information and documentation -- International library item identifier (ILII)
Do you agree to the circulation of the draft as a DIS?
The purpose of this ballot is to get a consensus of the circulation of the draft as a DIS?
This international standard specifies the International Library Item Identifier which is used for the unique identification of items held by a library and related organization. Library and related organization here refers to an organization under the scope of ISO 15511 Information and documentation — International standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL). Items here refer to materials identified and managed by a concerned organization and processed for services. Digital objects which the organization holds only access rights (e.g., Electronic journals) are excluded from the definition of items in this context.
The purpose of this identifier is to provide uniform representation of the library item in a system which is used among libraries or in a system which interacts with other systems. Examples of such system(s) include interlibrary loan and shared print agreements.
Your voting options are:
Yes - approve the circulation of the draft as a DIS
Yes with comments - approve the circulation of the draft as a DIS but have comments (comments required)
No - do not approve of the circulation of the draft as a DIS (comments are required and should be substantive)
We abstain from voting
Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by July 7, 2016
2) Approval of Proposed New Work Item: Recommended Practice for Enhancing KBART for Automated Exchange of Title Lists and Library Holdings
Do you approve of a Proposed New Work Item: Recommended Practice for Enhancing KBART for Automated Exchange of Title Lists and Library Holdings
This ballot is to approve a proposed new work item on the development of a Recommended Practice for Enhancing KBART for Automated Exchange of Title Lists and Library Holdings.
Members have thirty (30) days to vote on the work item. Your vote options are: Yes (approve the project), No (do not approve the project), or Abstain (from voting). Comments are required for No votes. If you would like to nominate someone to participate on the Working Group (if the project is approved), please provide a name and contact information in your comments. NISO Working Group participation is not limited to NISO members.
KBART (Knowledge Bases and Related Tools) was initially developed to improve OpenURL linking by providing a consistent message format for exchanging title lists/package contents between publishers & content providers and knowledge base vendors.
This group will update and extend the KBART Phase II recommended practice to support individual library holdings of electronic products and to automate the request and retrieval of KBART reports for title lists and library holdings.
The proposal was approved by the Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee on May 23, 2016, and is now being sent to the NISO voting membership for agreement to begin a new work project and to elicit expressions of interest in participating in the work.
In order for this item to be approved so that a Working Group can be formed to pursue this work, a minimum of 10% of NISO's Voting Members must express interest in this new work item
Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by July 14, 2016
3) Approval of Proposed New Work Item: Recommended Practice on E-Book Bibliographic Metadata Requirements in the Sale, Publication, Discovery, Delivery, and Preservation Supply Chain
Do you approve of a Proposed New Work Item: Recommended Practice on E-Book Bibliographic Metadata Requirements in the Sale, Publication, Discovery, Delivery, and Preservation Supply Chain
This ballot is to approve a proposed new work item on the development of a Recommended Practice on E-Book Bibliographic Metadata Requirements in the Sale, Publication, Discovery, Delivery, and Preservation Supply Chain
Members have thirty (30) days to vote on the work item. Your vote options are: Yes (approve the project), No (do not approve theproject), or Abstain (from voting). Comments are required for No votes. If you would like to nominate someone to participate on the Working Group (if the project is approved), please provide a name and contact information in your comments. NISO Working Group participation is not limited to NISO members.
The e-book publication space is still young, with publishing models and content models evolving day-to-day. Publishers, libraries, aggregators, preservation agencies, collection management systems and discovery services are working through the complexity of selling and buying e-books, making information about e-books available to end users, making the actual books available to end users, and preserving them. One particularly difficult area for many members of this supply chain is receiving and working with quality e-book metadata.
This working group will describe the minimal metadata requirements necessary to describe e-books in order to support sales, discovery, delivery, deaccessioning, and preservation. It will identify the most effective and efficient way for metadata to be moved through the entire supply chain, and address several practical issues in metadata sharing across stakeholders. This working group will focus on descriptive metadata and identifiers for e-books (including monographic series) and will not address the encoding and transmission of rights information.
The proposal was approved by the Content and Collections Management Topic Committee on May 20, 2016, and is now being sent to the NISO voting membership for agreement to begin a new work project and to elicit expressions of interest in participating in the work.
In order for this item to be approved so that a Working Group can be formed to pursue this work, a minimum of 10% of NISO's Voting Members must express interest in this new work item
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