[Asis-standards] reminders and new upcoming votes

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 15 14:09:34 EDT 2016


a reminder about 2 votes i sent out earlier
1) Approval of Proposed New Work Item: Flexible API Framework for E-Content in Libraries

comments needed by tomorrow 8/16

2) SHORT TURN AROUND BALLOT - Resolution by correspondence for WG3 project

comments need by 8/30

New upcoming votes (documents attached)

1) Systematic Review of ISO 3297:2007 Information and documentation -- International standard serial number (ISSN)

Do you recommend ISO 3297:2007 be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?

This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the standard ISO 3297:2007 - Information and documentation -- International standard serial number (ISSN)

This International Standard defines and promotes the use of a standard code (ISSN) for the unique identification of serials and other continuing resources. Each International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique identifier for a specific serial or other continuing resource in a defined medium. This International Standard also describes a mechanism, the “linking ISSN (ISSN-L),” that provides for collocation or linking among the different media versions of the same continuing resource.

ISSN are applicable to serials and to other continuing resources, whether past, present or to be published or produced in the foreseeable future, whatever the medium of publication or production.

Individual monographs, sound and video recordings, printed music publications, audiovisual works and musical works have their own numbering systems and are not specifically mentioned in this International Standard. Such items may carry an ISSN in addition to their own standard numbers when they are part of a continuing resource.

More detailed operational guidance is provided in the ISSN Manual available from the Registration Authority for this International Standard (see Clause 11). 

***If you are using this standard, please note that in your vote comments. If you are using a different standard/guideline for the intended purpose of this standard, please indicate which one in your comments.

The following questions should accompany your vote:
1. Has this International Standard been adopted or is it intended to be adopted in the future as a national standard or other publication?	
2.	Is the national publication identical to the International Standard or was it modified?	
3.	If this International Standard has not been nationally adopted, is it applied or used in your country without national adoption or are products/processes/services used in your country based on this standard?	
4.	Is this International Standard, or its national adoption, referenced in regulations in your country?	
5.	In case the committee decides to Revise/Amend, will/are you committed to participate actively in the development of the project? If you would like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact information in your comments, we are now also required to provide particular information when adding Experts to working groups: The Expert’s full name and e-mail address, a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following Stakeholder Categories:

Industry and Commerce
Academic and Research Bodies
Standards Application
Non-governmental Organization (NGO)

Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.

Your voting options are:

Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional]
Revise/Amend [comments required]
Withdraw [comments required]
Abstain due to lack of consensus (from voting) [comments optional]
Abstain due to lack of access to national expertise {from voting} [comments optional]

my personal opinion would be to confirm - but we should check the standard to see if a revision is warranted - if so does anyone want to (or know of someone) to be on the revision committee

Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 9/8

2) ISO/NP 15836-2 - Information and documentation -- The Dublin Core metadata element set -- Part 2: DCMI Properties and classes

Do you approve, disapprove or abstain on this NWIP?

This is a ISO TC46/SC4 NWIP on ISO/NP 15836-2 -Information and documentation -- The Dublin Core metadata element set -- Part 2: DCMI Properties and classes.

This International Standard will contain properties in the DCMI metadata terms namespace.

This International Standard establishes a standard for cross-domain resource description, known as the Dublin Core Metadata Terms. It includes all properties in the /terms/ namespace and classes published as DCMI recommendation in 2012 [DCMI-TERMS]. The following properties from the aforementioned document are excluded:

a) core elements published in Part 1 of this standard,
b) vocabulary encoding schemes
c) syntax encoding schemes
d) DCMI Type vocabulary
e) terms related to the DCMI Abstract Model

This International Standard does not limit what might be a resource. This International Standard does not provide implementation guidelines. However, the core elements, properties and classes are typically used in the context of an application profile which constrains or specifies their use in accordance with local or community-based requirements and policies.

***If you are using this standard, please note that in your vote comments. If you are using a different standard/guideline for the intended purpose of this standard, please indicate which one in your comments.

In case the committee approves, will/are you committed to participate actively in the development of the project? If you would like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact information in your comments, we are now also required to provide particular information when adding Experts to working groups: The Expert’s full name and e-mail address, a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following Stakeholder Categories:

Industry and Commerce
Academic and Research Bodies
Standards Application
Non-governmental Organization (NGO)

Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.

Your voting options are:

Approve [comments optional] [option to nominate an experts with the information note above]
Disapprove [comments required]
Abstain due to lack of consensus (from voting) [comments optional]
Abstain due to lack of access to national expert input {from voting} [comments optional]

Personal opinion - I’m not sure this is well defined - but if it decided to forward with this does anyone want to be (or know of someone) for the working group

Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 9/8

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   a reminder about 2 votes i sent out earlier

  1) Approval of Proposed New Work Item: Flexible API Framework for E-Content
  in Libraries

   comments needed by tomorrow 8/16

2) SHORT TURN AROUND BALLOT - Resolution by correspondence for WG3 project

   comments need by 8/30
   New upcoming votes (documents attached)

1) Systematic Review of ISO 3297:2007 Information and documentation --
International standard serial number (ISSN)

   Do you recommend ISO 3297:2007 be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn?
   This is a ballot for the five-year systematic review of the standard ISO
   3297:2007 - Information and documentation -- International standard serial
   number (ISSN)
   This International Standard defines and promotes the use of a standard code
   (ISSN)  for  the unique identification of serials and other continuing
   resources. Each International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique
   identifier for a specific serial or other continuing resource in a defined
   medium. This International Standard also describes a mechanism, the “linking
   ISSN (ISSN-L),” that provides for collocation or linking among the different
   media versions of the same continuing resource.
   ISSN are applicable to serials and to other continuing resources, whether
   past, present or to be published or produced in the foreseeable future,
   whatever the medium of publication or production.
   Individual  monographs,  sound  and  video  recordings,  printed music
   publications, audiovisual works and musical works have their own numbering
   systems and are not specifically mentioned in this International Standard.
   Such items may carry an ISSN in addition to their own standard numbers when
   they are part of a continuing resource.
   More detailed operational guidance is provided in the ISSN Manual available
   from the Registration Authority for this International Standard (see Clause
   ***If you are using this standard, please note that in your vote comments.
   If you are using a different standard/guideline for the intended purpose of
   this standard, please indicate which one in your comments.
   The following questions should accompany your vote:
   1. Has this International Standard been adopted or is it intended to be
   adopted in the future as a national standard or other publication?
   2. Is the national publication identical to the International Standard or
   was it modified?
   3. If this International Standard has not been nationally adopted, is it
   applied  or  used  in  your  country  without national adoption or are
   products/processes/services used in your country based on this standard?
   4. Is this International Standard, or its national adoption, referenced in
   regulations in your country?
   5. In case the committee decides to Revise/Amend, will/are you committed to
   participate actively in the development of the project? If you would like to
   nominate someone, please include the name and contact information in your
   comments, we are now also required to provide particular information when
   adding Experts to working groups: The Expert’s full name and e-mail address,
   a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following Stakeholder
   Industry and Commerce
   Academic and Research Bodies
   Standards Application
   Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
   Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.
   Your voting options are:
   Confirm (as is or with only editorial corrections) [comments optional]
   Revise/Amend [comments required]
   Withdraw [comments required]
   Abstain due to lack of consensus (from voting) [comments optional]
   Abstain due to lack of access to national expertise {from voting} [comments
   my personal opinion would be to confirm - but we should check the standard
   to see if a revision is warranted - if so does anyone want to (or know of
   someone) to be on the revision committee
   Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 9/8

2) ISO/NP 15836-2 - Information and documentation -- The Dublin Core metadata
element set -- Part 2: DCMI Properties and classes

   Do you approve, disapprove or abstain on this NWIP?
   This is a ISO TC46/SC4 NWIP on ISO/NP 15836-2 -Information and documentation
   -- The Dublin Core metadata element set -- Part 2: DCMI Properties and
   This International Standard will contain properties in the DCMI metadata
   terms namespace.
   This International Standard establishes a standard for cross-domain resource
   description,  known as the Dublin Core Metadata Terms. It includes all
   properties  in  the  /terms/  namespace  and classes published as DCMI
   recommendation in 2012 [DCMI-TERMS]. The following properties from the
   aforementioned document are excluded:
   a) core elements published in Part 1 of this standard,
   b) vocabulary encoding schemes
   c) syntax encoding schemes
   d) DCMI Type vocabulary
   e) terms related to the DCMI Abstract Model
   This International Standard does not limit what might be a resource. This
   International Standard does not provide implementation guidelines. However,
   the core elements, properties and classes are typically used in the context
   of  an  application profile which constrains or specifies their use in
   accordance with local or community-based requirements and policies.
   ***If you are using this standard, please note that in your vote comments.
   If you are using a different standard/guideline for the intended purpose of
   this standard, please indicate which one in your comments.
   In  case the committee approves, will/are you committed to participate
   actively in the development of the project? If you would like to nominate
   someone, please include the name and contact information in your comments,
   we are now also required to provide particular information when adding
   Experts to working groups: The Expert’s full name and e-mail address, a
   salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following Stakeholder
   Industry and Commerce
   Academic and Research Bodies
   Standards Application
   Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
   Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.
   Your voting options are:
   Approve  [comments  optional]  [option to nominate an experts with the
   information note above]
   Disapprove [comments required]
   Abstain due to lack of consensus (from voting) [comments optional]
   Abstain  due  to lack of access to national expert input {from voting}
   [comments optional]
   Personal opinion - I’m not sure this is well defined - but if it decided to
   forward  with this does anyone want to be (or know of someone) for the
   working group
   Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 9/8
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