[Asis-standards] upcoming votes
Mark Needleman
MNeedleman at flvc.org
Tue Jan 6 07:36:12 EST 2015
a couple of upcoming votes (relevant documents attached)
1) Approval of Proposed Work Item, Bibliographic Roadmap Projects
This ballot is to approve a proposed new work item to create ANSI/NISO standards covering vocabularies: policies on use and reuse, recommendations on documentation, and requirements on preservation.
A number of potential work items were identified during the course of the NISO Bibliographic Roadmap Project [http://www.niso.org/apps/group_public/document.php?document_id=13327&wg_abbrev=ccm]. This document proposes establishing three Working Groups to consider different areas for further exploration: Vocabulary Use & Reuse; Vocabulary Documentation; and Vocabulary Preservation, in order to better support exchange and interoperability of bibliographic data.
Following Draft Standard review and subsequent NISO Voting Member ballot, if approved, a Maintenance Agency or Standing Committee will be appointed for future review and maintenance of the Standard(s).
The proposal was approved by the Content and Collections Management Topic Committee on November 14, 2014, and is now being sent to the NISO voting membership for agreement to begin a new work project and to elicit expressions of interest in participating in the work.
In order for this item to be approved so that a Working Group can be formed to pursue this work, a minimum of 10% of NISO's Voting Members must express interest in this new work item. All those who express interest will be added to the Standards for Bibliographic Data Exchange Voting Pool. Members can join the Voting Pool at any time up until the final ballot at the end of the project.
Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 1/22/2015
I would think some folks might be interested in this and also interesting in serving on the working group if this project is approved
2) Call for Experts to revise the WARC standard (ISO 28500)
This is a ballot to identify one or more US experts to work on the revision of the standard ISO 28500, Information and documentation -- WARC file format. The WARC (Web ARChive) file format offers a convention for concatenating multiple resource records (data objects), each consisting of a set of simple text headers and an arbitrary data block into one long file. In the systematic review of this standard last year, the TC46/SC4 members (including the US) voted to revise this standard.
The Call for Experts document is available for download from the ballot webpage and the announcement email. As noted in that document, "An ideal nominee should have practical experience in Web harvesting and the use of WARC."
If you would like to nominate an expert, please include the individual's name and full contact information in the comments of your vote. Please be sure the named individual has agreed to work on this project prior to nominating him/her.
Your voting options are:
YES - I have an expert to nominate (comments required - name and contact info of nominee)
NO - I do not have an expert to nominate
ABSTAIN from voting
If anyone is interested in serving on this committee ler me know by 1/25
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