[Asis-standards] Upcoming votes

Mark Needleman-UF mneedlem at ufl.edu
Mon Feb 3 12:35:30 EST 2014



There are 8 upcoming votes over the next 30  days - ill be sending them to
you in groups over the next week or so - I don't want to overwhelm you with
all of them at once


The 1st group:


1)  Proposed New Work Item: Standardization of U.S. Profile of ISO 3166


This proposal is to transition the GENC Standard from a U.S. Government
standard for country codes to a U.S. National standard for country codes.
The GENC Standard is a 'profile' of the ISO 3166 Standard. This would
include defining a process for the creation and ongoing maintenance of said
standard to address the requirements of all stakeholders, including industry
and academic users. Adoption of such a profile will ease technical
communications between industry and the federal government in the
transmission of country-related data. 

Following Draft Standard review and subsequent NISO Voting Member ballot, if
approved, a Maintenance Agency or Standing Committee will be appointed for
future review and maintenance of the Standard.

The proposal was approved by the Business Information Topic Committee on
December 24, 2013, and is now being sent to the NISO voting membership for
agreement to begin a new work project and to elicit expressions of interest
in participating in the work.

In order for this item to be approved so that a Working Group can be formed
to pursue this work, a minimum of 10% of NISO's Voting Members must express
interest in this new work item. All those who express interest will be added
to the U.S. Profile of ISO 3166 Voting Pool. Members can join the Voting
Pool at any time up until the final ballot at the end of the project. 


I believe I already sent out the upcoming documents - but if anyone needs a
copy let em know


Comments and recommendation for a vote due 2/4 (my personal recommendation
would be to vote YES but others may disagree)


2)  ISO/DTS 28560-4, Information and documentation - RFID in libraries -
Part 4: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962 in
an RFID tag with partitioned memory

This part of ISO 28560 defines encoding rules for those libraries that
choose to use UHF RFID technology operating at 860 MHz to 960 MHz, with the
interrogators (readers) set to conform to local radio regulations that
specify only part of this spectrum. The UHF tags can function efficiently in
any of the radio regulated regions. This part of ISO 28560 uses encoding
rules that are specified in ISO/IEC 15962, as does ISO 28560-2. Some of the
encoding rules are different because of the nature of the different RFID
technology, but a number of rules are similar if not identical.

This document is being issued in the Technical Specification series of
publications as a "prospective standard for provisional application" in the
field of RFID for libraries using UHF technology, because there is an urgent
need for guidance on how standards in this field should be used to meet an
identified need. A review of this Technical Specification will be carried
out not later than 3 years after its publication with the options of:
extension for another 3 years; conversion into an International Standard; or

Because technical specifications do not have as many draft approval levels
as standards, if this draft receives sufficient approval and doesn't require
any substantive changes (as a result of comments), it could proceed directly
to publication.

A copy of the draft specification is available from the ballot webpage or
the link in the announcement e-mail.

Your voting options are:
Yes - Approve to proceed to publication (substantive or editorial comments
are optional, but a Yes vote with substantive comments indicates you still
approve even if the substantive changes are not made)
No - Do not approve (substantive comments required)
Abstain from voting (comments optional)

Document attached - comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 2/13


More coming later







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