[Asis-standards] FW: a few more votes

Mark H Needleman mneedlem at ufl.edu
Mon Dec 1 10:59:05 EST 2014

Im not sure if this made it so im resending it





I sent out a note over the weekend about a couple of ISO votes - I havent
received a copy so Im wondering if it got through - if anyone got it please
let me know


Also there are a few more votes coming up in NISO ( I think these will be
the last votes for 2014):


1)   Do you approve of a Proposed New Work Item: Development of Standards
for Alternative Metrics

This ballot is to approve a proposed new work item to create ANSI/NISO
standards covering definitions, calculation methodologies, improvement of
data quality, and use of persistent identifiers in alternative metrics.

Members have thirty (30) days to vote on the work item. Your vote options
are: Yes (approve the project), No (do not approve the project), or Abstain
(from voting). Comments are required for No votes. If you would like to
nominate someone to participate on the Working Groups (if the project is
approved), please provide a name and contact information in your comments.
NISO Working Group participation is not limited to NISO members.

This proposal is to develop commonly used definitions and guidelines for
appropriate collection and reporting of data in the general area of
alternative assessment metrics, so that organizations who wish to utilize
these metrics can adequately understand them and ensure their consistent
application and meaning across the community. As detailed in the attached
NISO Work Item document, Phase I of a NISO initiative gathered much input
from relevant stakeholder groups as to what areas of alternative metrics
would benefit most from standards-related developments. Phase II of the
Project, to begin in late 2014, will advance the particular action items
listed in the Work Item through the creation of several NISO working groups
to develop standards covering these areas. 

Following Draft Standard review and subsequent NISO Voting Member ballot, if
approved, a Maintenance Agency or Standing Committee will be appointed for
future review and maintenance of the Standard(s).

The proposal was approved by the Business Information Topic Committee on
October 14, 2014, and is now being sent to the NISO voting membership for
agreement to begin a new work project and to elicit expressions of interest
in participating in the work.

In order for this item to be approved so that a Working Group can be formed
to pursue this work, a minimum of 10% of NISO's Voting Members must express
interest in this new work item. All those who express interest will be added
to the Standards for Altmetrics Voting Pool. Members can join the Voting
Pool at any time up until the final ballot at the end of the project.


Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 12/7 


 Review of ANSI/NISO Z39.50-2003 (R2009), Information Retrieval: Application
Service Definition & Protocol Specification


This ballot is for the periodic review of the published standard ANSI/NISO
Z39.50-2003 (R2009), Information Retrieval: Application Service Definition &
Protocol Specification. This standard was last reviewed and reaffirmed in

In accordance with NISO procedures, all review ballots are accompanied by a
recommendation from the responsible leadership committee. Both the
maintenance agency (Library of Congress) and NISO's Discovery to Delivery
Topic Committee recommend a vote to CONVERT TO STABLIZED MAINTENANCE.

Stabilized maintenance removes a standard from the requirement for five-year
periodic reviews. It is used for standards that address mature technology or
practices and are not likely to require a revision. 

The Z39.50 protocol is still supported by many systems, however, the
protocol is being overtaken by web-based technologies such as the OASIS
Search/Retrieve via URL standard and the newer indexed discovery services.
Thus it is not expected that further developments will be made with Z39.50,
but the standard needs to be retained for the foreseeable future for use
with existing implementations and for reference purposes.

As a member of the voting pool, you are required to vote on this ballot (one
vote per organization). Please cast your ballot with one of the following
voting options:

YES - Approve the conversion to Stabilized Maintenance (comments optional)

NO - Do not approve conversion to Stabilized Maintenance (comments required)

ABSTAIN from voting (comments are required since members of the voting pool
volunteered to join, so an abstention vote requires explanation) 


Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 12/17


3)  Review of ANSI/NISO Z39.89-2003 (R2009), The U.S. National Z39.50
Profile for Library Applications


This ballot is for the periodic review of the published standard ANSI/NISO
Z39.89-2003 (R2009), The U.S. National Z39.50 Profile for Library
Applications. This standard was last reviewed and reaffirmed in 2009.

In accordance with NISO procedures, all review ballots are accompanied by a
recommendation from the responsible leadership committee. Both the
maintenance agency (Library of Congress) and NISO's Discovery to Delivery
Topic Committee recommend a vote of CONVERT TO STABLIZED MAINTENANCE.

Stabilized maintenance removes a standard from the requirement for five-year
periodic reviews. It is used for standards that address mature technology or
practices and are not likely to require a revision. 

Z39.89 is a US profile of the Z39.50 standard. The Z39.50 protocol is still
supported by many systems, however, the protocol is being overtaken by newer
web-based technologies such as the OASIS Search/Retrieve via URL standard
and the newer indexed discovery services. Thus it is not expected that
further developments will be made with Z39.50, but the standard needs to be
retained for the foreseeable future for use with existing implementations
and for reference purposes.The base Z39.50 protocol standard has also been
recommended for stabilized maintenance.

As a member of the voting pool, you are required to vote on this ballot (one
vote per organization). Please cast your ballot with one of the following
voting options:

YES - Approve the conversion to Stabilized Maintenance (comments optional)

NO - Do not approve conversion to Stabilized Maintenance (comments required)

ABSTAIN from voting (comments are required since members of the voting pool
volunteered to join, so an abstention vote requires explanation) 


Comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by 12/17


I have attached all relevant documents to this note. My recommendation would
be that we vote Yes on all 3 items. However since I was involved with the
developent of both Z39.50 and Z39.89 I don't think it is appropriate for me
to make the judgement call on those 2 (or even #1) and would prefer to hear
recommendations from others on the committee






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