[Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO nisovoting] Groups - Ballot opened: "NISO Board of Directors Directors Election (2013-2016)"
Betty Landesman
blandesman at ubalt.edu
Wed May 8 12:37:57 EDT 2013
I don't know anyone either. I agree with Dorothy's recommendations, plus I would add Ms. Usdin because of the specialty in markup and DTD's (a direction NISO is working in).
Betty Landesman
Head of Technical Services and Content Management
Langsdale Library
University of Baltimore
1420 Maryland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-837-4204
Fax: 410-838-4330
E-mail: blandesman at ubalt.edu
-----Original Message-----
From: asis-standards-bounces at asis.org [mailto:asis-standards-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of McGarry, Dorothy
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 12:16 PM
To: 'Mark Needleman'; Asist Standards Committee
Subject: Re: [Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO nisovoting] Groups - Ballot opened: "NISO Board of Directors Directors Election (2013-2016)"
I don't know any of the people. However, I think it would be useful to have the AIP person because of the need for, and use of, standards in science and technology, and it would probably be useful to have a librarian on the Board also (I don't know the current composition and whether there are already several librarians on the Board).
-----Original Message-----
From: asis-standards-bounces at asis.org [mailto:asis-standards-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of Mark Needleman
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 9:11 AM
To: Asist Standards Committee
Subject: [Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO nisovoting] Groups - Ballot opened: "NISO Board of Directors Directors Election (2013-2016)"
Any preferences for 3 out of the 4 people below?
Sent from Mark Needleman's iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
> From: <admin at list.niso.org>
> Date: May 8, 2013, 12:08:11 PM EDT
> To: mneedlem at ufl.edu
> Subject: [NISO nisovoting] Groups - Ballot opened: "NISO Board of Directors Directors Election (2013-2016)"
> "NISO Board of Directors Directors Election (2013-2016)" has opened.
> Ballot Title: NISO Board of Directors Directors Election (2013-2016)
> Question
> Vote for up to 3 of the identified individuals for Director of the NISO Board of Directors for the 2013-2016 term
> Description
> This is part two of a two-part official 2013 ballot for the NISO Board of Directors. This part is a ballot for the position of Director for the 2013-2016 term.
> Pursuant to NISO's Bylaws, the Nominations Committee has nominated the following candidates to stand for election as Directors on the NISO Board of Directors for the 2013-2016 term. You may vote for up to three people. A brief biographical sketch follows each nominee's name; these are listed in alphabetical order.
> This is an official 6-week ballot and will end on June 19, 2013.
> Marian Hollingsworth, Director of Publisher Relations, Thomson Reuters.
> Marian Hollingsworth is Director of Publisher Relations for Thomson Reuters. She oversees the acquisition of all scholarly content for selection and indexing in Web of Science, including a recent focus on e-books.
> Prior to joining Thomson Reuters in 2000, Marian was Assistant Director at the National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS), a global membership organization for content and technology providers. Her career also includes over 20 years of management experience in academic, special and public libraries. She holds a BS from Temple University and an MS from the College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University.
> Evan Owens, Chief Information Officer at AIP Publishing, LLC
> Evan Owens has been involved in publishing technologies since early 90s, including serving as US technical representative for ISO 12083, on the NLM DTD advisory panel, and NISO JATS. He has served on the NISO Architecture Committee, the CrossRef technical working group, the CrossRef board of directors, and the British Library external technical advisory panel. He began his career in publishing at The University of Chicago Press where he led the transition from paper-based to SGML-based electronic publishing. In 2003 he became CTO of Portico (a unit of ITHAKA), where he led the design and implementation of a pioneering digital preservation archive. In 2010 he joined the American Institute of Physics as CIO of the publishing division, now AIP Publishing, LLC.
> B. Tommie Usdin, President, Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
> B. Tommie Usdin is President of Mulberry Technologies, Inc., a consultancy specializing in XML and SGML. Ms. Usdin has been working with SGML since 1985 and has been a supporter of XML since 1996. She chairs IDEAlliance’s Extreme Markup Language® conferences and was co-editor of Markup Languages: Theory & Practice published by the MIT Press. Ms. Usdin has developed DTDs, Schemas, and XML/SGML application frameworks for applications in government and industry. Projects includ reference materials in medicine, science, engineering, and law; semiconductor documentation; historical and archival materials. Distribution formats have included print books, magazines, and journals, and both web- and media-based electronic publications. You can read more about Tommie at http://www.mulberrytech.com/people/usdin/
> Xuemao Wang, Dean and University Librarian, University of Cincinnati
> Xuemao Wang was named Dean and University Librarian of the University of Cincinnati (UC) Libraries as of August 31, 2012. He is responsible for providing strategic leadership and operational oversight for the entire UC Libraries system. With a 30-year career spanning the public, library consortium, and academic library world, Wang came to the University of Cincinnati from Emory University, where he was the Associate Vice Provost of University Libraries since 2009. He was responsible for overseeing the libraries' day-to-day operations with direct supervision of Content and Services Divisions, as well as the administrative and business offices. Prior to that appointment, he was the Head of Library Systems at Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries, with responsibilities for supporting university-wide enterprise library systems.
> Wang also served as Director of Information Technology for the Metropolitan New York Library Council, Manager of Internet Services for Queens Borough Public Library, and Head of the Information Service Department for a Chinese academic institution in China. In addition to serving as Chair of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Knowledge Management section, he has worked to strengthen ties between American and Chinese libraries. His educational background includes graduate degrees from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania (MLS), University of South Carolina (MLIS), and Hofstra University, New York (MBA).
> Closing Date: Wednesday, 19 June 2013 @ 11:59 pm EDT
> Vote
> Marian Hollingsworth
> Evan Owens
> B. Tommie Usdin
> Xuemao Wang
> Group: NISO Voting Members
> Date Opened: Wednesday, 8 May 2013 @ 8:00 am EDT
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