[Asis-standards] FW: NISO Newsline March 2012
Richard Hill
rhill at asis.org
Wed Mar 7 16:32:27 EST 2012
Richard Hill
ASIS&T Executive Director
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD 20910
FAX: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900
rhill at asis.org
From: newsline at list.niso.org [mailto:newsline at list.niso.org] On Behalf Of
Cynthia Hodgson
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 4:21 PM
To: newsline at list.niso.org
Subject: NISO Newsline March 2012
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Headshot of NISO Managing Director, Todd Carpenter
March 2012
Identifying people and things is an inherently difficult activity. The first
challenge is to distinguish that this one thing or person is different from
all others. The second thing we often want to do is to define and describe
those distinguishing characteristics. Frequently, once those exercises are
done, we often want to classify those people or entities into different
groups. Of course, the world isn't easily distinguishable and the process is
complicated by lack of agreement on the distinguishing characteristics,
close similarity between things or people, or even intentional clouding of
reality, such as in the use of pseudonyms. Often with people, there are many
similarities, such as duplicate names, vocations, or interests that make
separation difficult. With institutions, it can sometimes be hard to tell
where one ends and another begins and then to describe the overlapping
entities that populate our world. Further complicating this is the need for
privacy and the concerns about how widely to share this information, some of
which the people or entities aren't necessarily keen on sharing.
There are several projects that have been undertaken in our community to
address these challenges. The most prominent of these is the Open Researcher
<http://about.orcid.org/> & Contributor ID (ORCID) project, which has grown
rapidly since its organization in late 2009. ORCID is now a non-profit
corporation, which recently announced more
<http://about.orcid.org/content/organizations> than 300 organizations have
agreed to participate and support the ORCID principles
<http://about.orcid.org/principles> . That organization has made tremendous
progress toward establishing a system for scholarly identity based on
individually asserted information.
The Coalition for Networked <http://www.cni.org/> Information (CNI) just
announced it would be hosting a workshop on
<http://www.cni.org/news/cni-workshop-scholarly-id/> Scholarly Identity,
just following its own
project-briefings-presentations/> spring meeting in Baltimore. As described
in its announcement, "the purpose of this workshop is to understand and
coordinate developments in historically independent spheres that involve the
management of authorial identity, publication histories, and other parts of
academic." There are a variety of issues and initiatives underway in our
community and NISO has been engaged in a few. We look forward to this
discussion and to the work of CNI to help support the coordination so
desperately needed on this topic.
Related to this, the International <http://www.isni.org/> Standard Name
Identifier (ISNI) standard (ISO 27729) is expected to be published later
this month. ISNI is designed to aggregate and unambiguously identify the
public identities of parties involved in content creation. A consortium of
library organizations and a variety of rights and media organizations are
leading this initiative. Building on the VIAF project <http://viaf.org/>
and existing repositories of rights data, the ISNI system has already
gathered information on several million names of contributors, authors, and
content creators.
Following the publication of the ISNI, the Institutional Identifier (I²)
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/i2> project within NISO will also release
its final report that will recommend the use of the
<http://www.isni.org/docs/I2-ISNI-Overview.pdf> ISNI system as the basis
for institutional identification. Coordination between the I² working group
and the ISNI International Agency led to an extension of the ISNI metadata
structure to include the metadata elements that I² developed for describing
institutions. Discussions are underway toward identifying one or more
Registration Agencies to be appointed by the ISNI International Agency for
assignment and maintenance of institutional information.
There is potential opportunity of tying these different registries together
to provide open linked data that will support discovery and integration of
information. However, the extended applications of these systems will
require subsequent conversations and agreements. Where we need to focus
attention now is getting the infrastructure of the ORCID and ISNI systems up
and running and promoting participation. The next several months will be
exciting indeed as we can begin to savor the fruits of several years work.
Todd Carpenters Signature
Todd Carpenter
Managing Director
NISO Reports
* March Two-Part Webinar: Understanding Critical Elements of
* April Webinar: What to Expect When You're Expecting a
Platform Change: Perspectives from a Publisher and a Librarian
* NISO/DCMI Webinar: Schema.org and Linked Data: Complementary
Approaches to Publishing Data
* Standards Development Workshops on E-Book Annotation Sharing
and Social Reading: Final Grant Report
* New on the NISO Website
New Specs & Standards
* Three NISO Standards Reaffirmed
* IDPF Ad Hoc Group, EPUB 3 Fixed-Layout Documents, Working
Group Draft
* EDItEUR, ONIX for Books 3.0 revision 1
* ISBD Review Group and ISBD/XML Study Group, ISBD namespaces
* ISO 16363:2012, Space data and information transfer systems
-- Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories
* NFAIS, Code of Practice: Discovery Services, Draft for
Public Comment
Media Stories
* Why Microdata, Not RDF, Will Power the Semantic Web
* Advanced Search in Retreat
* Libraries Receiving a Shrinking Piece of the University Pie
* The Beauty of the Printed Book
NISO Reports
March Two-Part Webinar: Understanding Critical Elements of E-books
NISO is holding a two-part webinar in March on Understanding Critical
Elements of E- books. Each part is independent; you can register for either
one or both. Get a 25% discount if you register for both parts.
A critical element of the e-book marketplace is a common file structure that
is agreed upon between content creators and the supply chain, and works with
multiple reader technologies. In Part 1, Putting Electronic Books into a
Package, to be held on March 14, 2012, learn about the newly released EPUB 3
specification and the W3C HTML 5 specification, which EPUB 3 builds on, and
how these standards can be used to create rich, cross-platform e-books.
Part 1 topics and speakers:
* EPUB 3 Overview, Evolution, and Benefits Bill Kasdorf, Vice President,
Apex Content Solutions; Metadata Subgroup Lead, IDPF EPUB 3 Working Group
* Adding Interactivity to E-books with HTML5 Sanders Kleinfeld, Publishing
Technologies Specialist, O'Reilly Media
With more and more publications being issued in electronic format, how do
users find what is available? In Part 2 of the webinar, Find That E-bookor
Not: How Metadata Matters, learn what metadata is crucial for making e-books
discoverable and about the key standards used in the metadata supply chain
to ensure the discovery and delivery of the titles users will want to buy
and read.
Part 2 topics and speakers:
* Metadata: Without You I'm Nothing (Metadata Quality and its Importance in
E-Book Discovery Laura Dawson, Communications Chief, Firebrand
* ISTC, ISBN, and E-book Assignment Pat Payton, Senior Director, Publisher
Relations and Content Development, Bowker
* ONIX for E-books Graham Bell, Chief Data Architect at EDItEUR
Both webinars are held from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Registration is
per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00 p.m. Eastern on March
14, 2012 for Part 1 and March 21, 2012 for Part 2. Discounts are available
for NISO and NASIG members and students. All registrants to both parts
receive a 25% discount. Can't make it on the webinar date/time? Register now
and gain access to the recorded archive for one year.
Visit the event webpages to register and for more information: Part 1:
Putting <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/nisowebinars/ebooks_epub3/%20>
Electronic Books into a Package; Part 2: Find
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/nisowebinars/ebooks_metadata/> That
E-bookor Not: How Metadata Matters
April Webinar: What to Expect When You're Expecting a Platform Change:
Perspectives from a Publisher and a Librarian
In recent months, information providers have released a range of
modifications to many abstracting and full text journal platforms. Whether
an update to its look and feel or a radical restructuring of its search,
browse, and full text features, any successful change to a familiar
interface requires communication, tolerance, and understanding among the
affected information provider, publisher(s), and library customers.
Join NISO on April 11, 2012 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Eastern for the webinar
What to Expect When You're Expecting a Platform Change, where a publisher
and a librarian will share their own experiences with determining
priorities, learning lessons, and improving practices related to changed and
changing information platforms.
Topics and Speakers
* Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway: How to Manage a Platform Migration
Gillian Howcroft (Director, E-Projects, Taylor & Francis)
The journal industry has invested a huge amount ($3.2+ Billion) since 2000
in digitization initiatives and many publishers launched new platforms in
2006/7 and again in 2010/11. How can we keep up with rapidly evolving web
technologies and achieve this in an interoperable fashion keeping disruption
to a minimum for the librarian and their users? Howcroft shares her
experiences in moving interfaces ahead.
* Dream a Little Dream: A Librarian Envisions the Ideal Platform Migration
Kelly Smith (Interim Coordinator of Collection Services, Eastern Kentucky
University Libraries)
Librarians spend a great deal of time working with electronic resource
platforms and helping their users navigate them. What can publishers do to
mitigate the interruptions of a migration and maximize the potential time
savings, increased usage, and improved user experience that can result from
improving a platform? Smith shares lessons learned during previous
migrations to help librarians and vendors determine priorities and improve
practices related to changing information platforms.
Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00 p.m.
Eastern on April 11, 2012. Discounts are available for NISO and NASIG
members and students. Register now and gain access to the recorded archive
for one year. To register and for more information, visit the event
> webpage.
NISO/DCMI Webinar: Schema.org and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to
Publishing Data
NISO and DCMI will hold their second of four 2012 webinars on Schema.org and
Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Publishing Data on April 25, 2012
from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Eastern time.
Schema.org <http://schema.org/> , a collaboration of the Google, Yahoo!, and
Bing search engines, provides a way to include structured data in Web pages.
Since its introduction in June 2011, the Schema.org vocabulary has grown to
cover descriptive terms for content such as movies, music, organizations, TV
shows, products, locations, news items, and job listings. The goal of
Schema.org is "to improve the display of search results, making it easier
for people to find the right web pages." The Schema.org initiative has
emerged as a focal point for publishers of structured data in Web pages,
especially but not exclusively in the commercial sector.
This webinar will explore how the publication methods of Schema.org relate
to the methods used to publish Linked Data. Must data providers commit to
one or the other, or can the two approaches exist side-by-side, even
reinforcing each other?
* Dan Brickley is best known for his work on Web standards in the W3C
community, where he helped create the Semantic Web project and many of its
defining technologies. Dan is currently working on outreach activities
related to the Schema.org initiative. Previous work included six years on
the W3C technical staff, establishing ILRT's Semantic Web group at the
University of Bristol, and more recently at Joost, an Internet TV start-up,
and at the Vrije University Amsterdam. He has been involved with resource
discovery metadata since 1994 when he published the first HTML Philosophy
guide on the Web, and has been exploring distributed, collaborative
approaches to "finding stuff" ever since.
* Thomas Baker, Chief Information Officer of the Dublin Core Metadata
Initiative, has recently co-chaired the W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working
Group and the W3C Incubator Group on Library Linked Data.
Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00 pm
Eastern on April 11, 2012. Discounts are available for NISO and DCMI members
and students. Register now and gain access to the recorded archive for one
year. To register and for more information, visit the event webpage
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/linked_data/> .
Get a package deal: Purchase three NISO/DCMI webinars, get the fourth
webinar free. (The first webinar from February will be provided in a
recorded version. Click on the link on the NISO/DCMI webinar webpage
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/> .
Standards Development Workshops on E-Book Annotation Sharing and Social
Reading: Final Grant Report
In June 2011, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awarded the National
Information Standards Organization (NISO) a grant of $48,500 to fund the
project Standards Development Workshops on E-Book Annotation Sharing and
Social Reading. The goal of this project was to organize two meetings to
discuss the current state of annotation of digital books on a variety of
platforms. The first of the two meetings was held in Frankfurt, Germany,
prior to the start of the Frankfurt Book Fair, and the second was held in
San Francisco, California, prior to the start of the Books In Browsers
Meeting hosted by the Internet Archive. Both meetings were held in October
2011 on the 10th and 26th respectively.
The meetings were tremendously successful in terms of advancing the
conversations about community needs for annotation. The conversation in
Frankfurt focused more on the policy, goals, and business issues surrounding
e-book annotation. The meeting in San Francisco focused more concretely on
the technical infrastructure and syntax needs of a standard for annotation
Among the outcomes for the meetings were: an increased awareness of the need
for a standard for locating reference points in digital texts as well as a
structure for sharing those annotations across reading systems. A NISO
working group to develop these structures as a U.S. national standard was
approved by the NISO voting members and is currently being formed. Anyone
interested in joining the working group should contact Nettie Lagace
<mailto:nlagace at niso.org> .
The narrative
inal_report_public.pdf> of the final grant report to the Mellon Foundation,
including minutes of each workshop, is available from the NISO website.
New on the NISO Website
* Embracing the Cloud: Real Life Examples of Library Cloud Implementation
slides (February 8)
* ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review review of white paper, open
ev=education> teleconference recording (February 13)
* Taking Library Data from Here to There NISO/DCMI webinar
ev=education> slides (February 22)
New Specs & Standards
Three NISO Standards Reaffirmed
NISO Voting Members and ANSI have approved the reaffirmation of three NISO
* ANSI/NISO Z39.32-1996 (R2012), Information on
<http://www.niso.org/standards/z39-32-1996r2002/> Microfiche Headers
(reaffirmation of ANSI/NISO Z39.32-1996 (R2002))
* ANSI/NISO Z39.73-1994 (R2012), Single-Tier Steel Bracket
<http://www.niso.org/standards/z39-32-1996r2002/> Library Shelving
(reaffirmation of ANSI/NISO Z39.73- 1994 (R2001))
* ANSI/NISO Z39.74-1996 (R2012), Guides to Accompany
<http://www.niso.org/standards/z39-74-1996R2002/> MicroformSets
(reaffirmation of ANSI/NISO Z39.74-1996 (R2002))
IDPF Ad Hoc Group, <http://idpf.org/epub/fxl/> EPUB 3 Fixed-Layout
Documents, Working Group Draft
The EPUB 3.0 Specification is designed to allow content to adapt to the
user, but this principle doesn't work for all types of documents.
Fixed-layout documents give content creators greater control over
presentation, when a reflowable EPUB is not suitable for the content. This
draft defines a set of metadata properties to allow declarative expression
of intended rendering behaviors of fixed-layout documents in the context of
EDItEUR, <http://www.editeur.org/65/Announcement/> ONIX for Books 3.0
revision 1
The newly-released ONIX for Books 3.0 revision 1 is a minor update to ONIX
3.0 that introduces a handful of new and optional data elements to meet the
specialized needs of ONIX users in East Asia, and in multi-language supply
chains. However, it also adds a few elements that are likely to be of wider
benefit, and introduces a simplified way of dealing with reissues. Version
3.0.1 is entirely backward-compatible with 3.0, so any existing ONIX 3.0
data automatically meets the requirements of 3.0.1 - but 3.0.1 adds
flexibility and new capabilities, and EDItEUR recommends that ONIX 3.0
implementations be updated as soon as practicable to take advantage of the
updates. The ONIX 3.0 Implementation and Best Practice Guide has been
updated to take these updates into account. Release
<http://www.editeur.org/93/Release-3.0-Downloads/> 3.0 downloads.
ISBD Review Group and ISBD/XML Study Group,
<http://www.ifla.org/en/news/isbd-namespaces-published> ISBD namespaces
Namespaces for the consolidated edition of the International Standard
Bibliographic Description (ISBD) have been published in Resource Description
Framework (RDF), the basis of the Semantic Web. The ISBD element set
vocabulary includes RDF classes and properties corresponding to ISBD
elements. The ISBD namespaces are maintained and accessed using the Open
Metadata Registry <http://metadataregistry.org/> .
ISO 16363:2012,
mber=56510> Space data and information transfer systems Audit and
certification of trustworthy digital repositories
This new ISO standard defines a recommended practice for assessing the
trustworthiness of digital repositories. It is applicable to the entire
range of digital repositories. ISO 16363:2012 can be used as a basis for
review-of-draft> Code of Practice: Discovery Services, Draft for Public
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS) has
released a draft Discovery Service Code of Practice for review and comment
by March 16, 2012. NFAIS believes that discovery services have the potential
to provide ease of information discovery, access, and use, benefiting not
only its member organizations, but also the global community of information
seekers. However, the relative newness of these services has generated
questions and concerns among information providers and librarians as to how
these services meet expectations with regard to issues related to
traditional search and retrieval services; e.g. usage reports, ranking
algorithms, content coverage, updates, product identification, etc.
Accordingly, the NFAIS Code Development Task Force has developed this draft
document to assist those who choose to use this new distribution channel
through the provision of guidelines that will help avoid the disruption of
the delicate balance of interests involved.
Media Stories
Why Microdata, Not RDF, Will Power the Semantic Web
The Digital Shift, February 28, 2012 By Roy Tennant
The author declared the Resource Description Framework (RDF) dead on arrival
twelve years ago and while more RDF data is available today, no killer app
for it has appeared yet. One implementation of it, RDFa, was designed to
embed metadata in a webpage. But microdata is a simpler method specifically
for webpage embedding and a number of organizations (Google, Microsoft, and
Yahoo!) have shown their support for microdata by launching Schema.org.
Microdata offers a number of benefits for the semantic web including: a
clear incentive to use it today (e.g. Google is using it to improve
searching); it is being included for free in some content management
systems; big Internet companies are supporting it (and ignoring RDF); and
it's simple. RDFa vs. microdata is reminiscent of SGML and XML. SGML
struggled for acceptance, particularly due to its complexity. XML was
simpler to use and more limited in scope and sounded the death of SGML.(Link
to Web Source
crodata-not-rdf-will-power-the-semantic-web/> )
NISO Note: Learn more about schema.org at NISO and DCMI's joint April 25
webinar <> . For a more in-depth discussion of microdata and schema.org, see
<http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/6400> "HTML5 Microdata and Schema.org"
by Jason Ronallo in the Feb. 3, 2012 issue of Code4Lib
Advanced Search in Retreat
Online, Vol. 36 No. 2 - Mar./Apr. 2012; by Greg R. Notess
While librarians tend to prefer search forms that offer advanced features
such as Boolean and field searching, most searchers prefer a single, simple
search box. Even the advanced search link next to the basic box may be
disappearing. Google is experimenting with a variety of search interface
designs in recent months, with no link at all to advanced search from their
current homepage. Instead it appears as an option on the results page after
a basic search has been performed. Specialized Google searches, such as
images and blogs, offer advanced search as a drop-down from the "gear" icon.
Groups and Scholar retain the advanced link by the search box. Even when
selecting advanced searching from these different areas, the capabilities
vary depending on what may be relevant, e.g. color for an image search.
Post-searching filtering and limiting options seem to be replacing some
advanced pre-searching, while other features are only available through
advanced search. Google News has a small drop-down triangle in the basic
search box that pops up the advanced search form on the same pagealthough
it is missing some of the former options, such as date sorting that now must
be done post-search. Other Google applications, such as Gmail and Google
Docs, offer advanced search functions but don't use that label for them.
Trends similar to Google's are appearing in other search engines such as
Hulu with no advanced search link until after the initial query. Twitter
added advanced search after it acquired Summize but has moved its location
around several times since then. Several search engines offer advanced
features but avoid using that name, while others have eliminated advanced
features or only offer post-search filters. "As search engines explore
alternative approaches to offering advanced search opportunities, this
option is likely to be only a minor focus of any search company since few
searchers use advanced features." (Link to Web Source
.shtml> )
Libraries Receiving a Shrinking Piece of the University Pie Scholarly
Kitchen, February 15, 2012; by Phil Davis
Since 1984, academic research library expenditures in both the U.S. and
Canada have dropped from 3.7% of the university's total spending to slightly
under 2% in 2009, as reported by the Association of Research Libraries. The
descent is noted in both public and private institutions. While some
attribute the trend to administrators placing less value on the library, the
author notes that the 1980s actually saw libraries improving in usage with
microcomputer training, Internet access, and e-journals, initially offered
via CDs on library computers. These changes occurred at the same time the
downward spending trend began and the descent may better reflect a problem
in universities controlling their spending in general. Ronald G. Ehrenberg
describes in Tuition Rising: Why College Costs So Much groups with the own
agendas spending outside the central budget control as well as rising
faculty salaries without any mandatory retirement as major contributors to
the problem. Librarians have somewhat more flexibility in controlling costs
as "it is much easier to cancel a serial than it is to layoff a tenured
faculty member or the coach of the football team." Other cost controls that
libraries have implemented include bundled and consortial purchasing,
outsourcing services, using more student labor, and reducing staff.
University libraries have done significant centralization of branches and
services. While one can argue whether these changes improve service for the
library patrons, Frederick Taylor, the leader of the industrial efficiency
movement, would be proud. (Link to Web Source
ersity-pie/> )
NISO Note: ARL is a NISO voting member.
The Beauty of the Printed Book New York Times, February 12, 2012; by Alice
The printed book is a prime example of effectiveness with its compact
packaging, portability, and beauty of type and design. The University of
Amsterdam's new exhibit, "The Printed Book: A Visual History," illustrates
this with selections from its special collections showing book design
ranging from a 1471 Latin text to a compilation of postcards from a mother
to her daughter. The timing of the exhibit is especially compelling in light
of the rising trend of e-books. Some publishers are resisting the e-book,
though, including art publisher Steidl who feels it is incorrect to call
such digital texts "books." Nonetheless, even Steidl expects the e-book
trend to continue. They're convenient, environmentally responsible, and
readers can immediately look up words or check facts while within the book.
But where e-books have definitely fallen short is in designat least so far.
New capabilities for multimedia may be changing that. Nature Publishing is
introducing a series of e-textbooks with interactive visualizations and
videos. Moonbot Studios, whose founder previously worked at Pixar, has
created a children's book with "shimmering" images and interactive games.
(Link to Web Source
e%20Beauty%20of%20the%20Printed%20Book&st=cse> )
About NISO Newsline
ISSN 1559-2774
NISO's free monthly e-newsletter reports on the latest NISO news, highlights
new specifications and standards of interest including calls for public
review and comment, abstracts significant media stories on topics of
interest to the NISO community, and links to news releases of NISO member
Newsline is distributed via e-mail to subscribers on the first Wednesday of
the month and is posted to the NISO website.
<http://www.niso.org/publications/newsline/> Newsline Archive »
March 12
Physical Delivery of <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/telecon/>
Library Resources Recommended Practice
Open Teleconference Call
NISO Two-Part Webinar: Understanding Critical Elements of E- books
March 14
Part <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/nisowebinars/ebooks_epub3/> 1:
EPUB3: Putting Electronic Books into a Package
March 21
Part <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/nisowebinars/ebooks_metadata/>
2: Find That E- bookor Not: How Metadata Matters
April 9
Open Discovery <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/telecon/> Initiative
Open Teleconference Call
April 11
> to Expect When You're Expecting a Platform Change: Perspectives from a
Publisher and a Librarian
NISO Webinar
April 25
Schema.org and <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/linked_data/>
Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Publishing Data
NISO/DCMI Joint Webinar
Other Events of Interest
March 21-23
Computers in Libraries <http://www.infotoday.com/cil2012/>
Washington, D.C.
April 2-4
ER <http://www.electroniclibrarian.com/conference-info> &L Conference
Austin, TX
April 19-21
on=Conference_Detail&ConfID_W=285&> Society for Indexing Annual Conference
San Diego, CA
April 26
Bibliographic Metadata Task Group Inaugural Meeting
British Library,London
News from NISO Members:
Events & Education
pen-access-to-be-showcas.shtml> Advancements in Open Access to Be Showcased
at SPARC Meeting
AIIM March 15 <http://www.aiim.org/events/webinars/20120315-webinar>
Webinar: How to Build a World-Class Records Management System with
SharePoint Records Center
ARL Membership to <http://www.arl.org/events/currentmm/index.shtml> Convene
May 1-4 in Chicago
New eCourse Will <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9426> Show
How to Use WebDewey and Apply DDC
David Weinberger, <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9457>
Groundbreaking Internet Philosopher and Cluetrain Co-Author, at ALA Annual
Information Resources
A Special Report on <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9425>
Privatizing Libraries
ucts_id=24> ASIS&T Publication: Introduction to Information Science and
LibQUAL+® <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/LibQUALRecording28feb12.shtml>
Webcast Recording Now Available
Videos of ARL Code of Best Practices <http://www.youtube.com/arladmin> in
Fair Use Talks at UCLA
Library <http://www.arl.org/stats/annualsurveys/eg/index.shtml>
Expenditures as % of University Expenditures Continue to Fall; Canadian Data
Now Included
Consumers Drive More Sales and More Dollars through Apps and Online
Retailers, says BISG Study
extbooks-and-at-lower-prices-says-new-research-from-bisg.php> Want More
Value from Textbooks and at Lower Prices, says New Research from BISG
Addendum <http://www.ebrary.com/corp/newspdf/ebrary_Survey_Social_Media.pdf>
to ebrary's 2011 Global Student E-book Survey: Social Media for Research:
Not Quite There
Accessible EPUB 3: Best <http://www.daisy.org/daisy-news#newsitem1074>
Practices for Creating Universally Usable Content Available for Free
IEEE Identifies <http://www.ieee.org/about/news/2012/22feb_2012.html>
Continued Obstacles Toward the Global Adoption of Cloud Computing
arch> Index Data's Sebastian Hammer on Federated Search
New Additions to <http://www.minitex.umn.edu/40th/Slideshow/> "Minitex Then
and Now" Slideshow
Here! New SAA Book for Lone Arrangers: Succeeding in a Small Repository
Awards & Grants
LibQUAL+® Awards <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/LibQUALGrants27feb12.shtml>
In-Kind Grants to Three Libraries for 2012 Survey
ses/press_2012/press-release-12-02-23.html> Clearance Center Named to
KMWorld's 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management
ectronic-product/> World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean Honored
with PROSE Award Recognized as Best New Social Sciences Electronic Product
JHU Press Books <http://www.press.jhu.edu/news/index.html#PROSE_Awards>
Recognized for Excellence
OCLC Research <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201212.htm> and
ALISE Name Recipients of 2012 Library and Information Science Research
OCLC <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201210.htm> WorldShare
Management Services recognized as 'Outstanding Service of the Year' with
TechColumbus Innovation Award
GPO's Plant <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news14.pdf> Attains
Global Certification for Excellence in Graphic Arts
Product and Project Announcements
The <http://www.proquest.com/en-US/aboutus/pressroom/12/20120202.shtml>
Wait Is Over: ProQuest Invites Librarians to Experience Vogue Archive
Booklist Adds <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9452> Popular
Backlist-Focused Blog Shelf Renewal to Growing List
Welcomes Five Titles to ATLASerials® (ATLAS®)
k-the-next-librarian-superheroes/> Looks to Unmask the Next Librarian
ses/press_2012/press-release-12-02-21.html> Clearance Center Announces
OnCopyright Education Certificate Program
ses/press_2012/press-release-12-02-06.html> Clearance Center Introduces
Motion Picture License in Partnership with the Motion Picture Licensing
CLIR and <http://www.clir.org/about/news/pressrelease/AnvilAcademic> NITLE
to Launch Academic Publishing Program
Completes Transfer of Licensed Databases to EBSCO Publishing
Publishing Makes Major Improvements to Company Information in Business
Source Complete
Discovery Service To Include Metadata from Bridgeman Education
Publishing and Isabel Healthcare to Provide Integrated Access to Content in
Isabel and DynaMed
<http://www2.ebsco.com/EN-US/NEWSCENTER/Pages/ViewArticle.aspx?QSID=532> on
Demand Metadata Accessible via EBSCO Discovery Service
Publishing Releases MEDLINE Complete the Largest Full-Text Collection for
Biomedical Research Available
ha38453dlnu6o523pja6> "Going Global" New Book from Emerald Explores the
Future of Higher Education
Emerald Strengthens <http://www.emeraldinsight.com/about/news/?id=3861> its
Portfolio with 8 New Titles in 2012
%7D> Libris Primo Central Index to Include Cairn.info Content
HighWire <http://highwire.stanford.edu/PR/BoneJoint_HighWire.pdf> Fosters
Publishers' Innovation in their Specialty Field
New <http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/ieeelibr/issues/2012-02-15/>
eLearning Content from IEEE
The <http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/ieeelibr/issues/2012-02-15/1.html>
Next-Generation IEEE Research Article is Here
Innovative Expands <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=521>
ArticleReach Direct's E-Delivery Options
Innovative Partners with <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=519>
Relais to Provide Streamlined Resource-Sharing Workflow
Get Free, Read-Online Access to Content on <http://about.jstor.org/rr>
JSTOR through Register & Read (Beta)
JSTOR <http://about.jstor.org/content-collections/journals/arts-sciences-x>
Announces Arts & Sciences X
Adds 44 Titles to Journal Publishing Program in 2012
Announces the Launch of WILEY LEARNING INSTITUTE
<http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/PressRelease/pressReleaseId-102637.html> to
Expand Publishing Relationship with the British Educational Research
Announces New Publishing Venture with CFA Institute
7bbfcf41d1ba1c02b2f3b6031370> of Journals with Complete Run in MUSE Grows
Library of Congress and <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-024.html>
French Archive INA Exchange Cinema and TV Treasures
National <http://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2012/nr12-70.html>
Archives Announces Web Site for Free 1940 Census Release Online on April 2,
2012: 1940census.archives.gov
NLM Attains Millionth <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/millionth_mhlp.html>
Page Milestone for the Medical Heritage Library
Relais <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201217.htm>
International Partners with OCLC to share Data and Services from the OCLC
WorldShare Platform
OCLC earns ISO <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201216.htm>
Information Security Management Certification
OCLC and <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201215.htm>
Bibliotheek.nl to Include Complete Collections of Dutch Public Libraries in
Shared Cataloguing System
OCLC Announces <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201214.htm>
New Agreements with Publishers around the World, Adds More Content and
Collections to WorldCat Local
OCLC Adds <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201213.htm> 500,000
Records to WorldCat from China Academic Library and Information System
introduces CaseMap 10 with Full-Text Search and Bulk Importing
2230> Introduces Expert Discovery Application for SciVerse Hub
hLeadershipEd.sp> Begins Publishing Journal of Research on Leadership
evices.sp> Journals Available Via Mobile Devices
SAGE Launches Search for <http://libraryvalue.wordpress.com/about/>
Outstanding Library-Academic Partnerships in Higher Education
hes-Research-in-View> Reuters Partners with Ohio State University to
Develop and Launch Campus-Wide Platform for Managing and Measuring Scholarly
GPO's Federal <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news09.pdf>
Digital System Achieves Record Number of Visits
GPO Reports <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news13.pdf> Record
Visits to Budget App
ices.aspx> Launches Business Cloud Services to Manage Mobile Devices
Organization Changes
ARMA International
<http://www.arma.org/news/index.cfm?NewsID=985&Type=Industry> Board of
Directors for 2012 Announced
mes-new-board-members.php> Industry Study Group Welcomes New Board Members
<http://www.proquest.com/en-US/aboutus/pressroom/12/20120227.shtml> Mary
Sauer-Games Elected to NFAIS Board
ses/press_2012/press-release-12-02-13.html> Clearance Center Hires Roy S.
Kaufman as Managing Director of New Ventures
Library Technology <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=522> &
Services Leader Innovative Interfaces Announces Strategic Investment from
Huntsman Gay Global Capital and JMI Equity
Karen Keninger Appointed <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-038.html>
Director of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically
Elected.aspx> Executive Director, Kate Nevins, Elected to Serve as ALA
Endowment Trustee
Archivist <http://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2012/nr12-80.html>
of the United States Appoints New Director of Presidential Libraries
nan-appointment.aspx> Brennan Appointed Non-Executive Director of Reed
am-cory-to-lead-global-market-expansion> Solutions® Appoints Pam Cory to
Lead Global Market Expansion
Acting Public <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news15.pdf>
Printer Names New Members to Depository Library Council
Policy & Legislation
ALA calls on Random <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9560>
House to Reconsider Major Ebook Price Increase
"Finally, an Easy-ish Question," ARL Policy Notes Blog on Authors Guild v.
ARL Joins 89 <http://www.arl.org/pp/access/accessfunded/rwa.shtml>
Institutions & Organizations in Letter Opposing Research Works Act
ARL Joins <http://www.arl.org/bm~doc/oawg-senate-frpaa-14feb2012.pdf> Nine
Organizations in Supporting Federal Research Public Access Act (FRPAA)
Copyright Community Name Worst IP Offenders In Special 301 Recommendations
to U.S. Trade Rep
ics-for-archivists-approves-two-new-roundtables> Council Adopts Revised
Code of Ethics for Archivists, Approves Two New Roundtables
NARA Calls for Comments on <http://govrecordmanagement.ideascale.com/>
Managing Government Records
Copyright © 2012 National Information Standards Organization
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Phone: 866.957.1593 Fax: 410.685.5278
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