[Asis-standards] FW: NISO Newsline July 2012
Richard Hill
rhill at asis.org
Thu Jul 12 09:24:01 EDT 2012
Richard Hill
ASIS&T Executive Director
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD 20910
FAX: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900
rhill at asis.org
From: newsline at list.niso.org [mailto:newsline at list.niso.org] On Behalf Of
Cynthia Hodgson
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 5:52 PM
To: newsline at list.niso.org
Subject: NISO Newsline July 2012
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Headshot of NISO Managing Director, Todd Carpenter
July 2012
Just prior to the ALA Annual conference, NISO announced that its membership
decided to launch a new initiative to develop recommended practices for the
0cbc590> Acquisition (DDA) of Monographs. A DDA project requires a number of
implementation decisions, procedures, and business processes to work
effectively. NISO's goal with this initiative is to draw together the
community experience in the various pilots and tests of demand-driven
acquisitions that have been undertaken and publicly described. More
information about the project and the working group that NISO is standing up
is available by contacting
<mailto:nisohq at niso.org?subject=Interested%20in%20more%20information%20about
%20the%20new%20DDA%20project> the NISO office.
For the publishing community, the variety of DDA initiatives could be as
much of a boon as a threat, presuming that they are prepared for the new
discovery environment. As Joe
<http://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/author/jesposito/> Esposito wrote in his
patron-driven-acquisitions-pda/> Kitchen post on patron driven acquisitions,
the ability of publishers to succeed in a demand-driven environment is
dependent on the publisher's ability "to create high-quality and extensive
metadata and see that it gets distributed to discovery services." The only
way to discover a book online is via the metadata publishers distribute. As
library patrons and book purchasers increasingly move to online discovery
and book-buying or borrowing, publishers and libraries need to deeply
integrate such metadata support into their work. There are a number of
industry initiatives underway to improve the quality of metadata streams,
including the 2009 report that NISO produced with the support of OCLC on the
wWhitePaper.pdf> metadata workflow, the NISO/UKSG KBART initiative
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/kbart> , and the BISG
metadata quality certification project among others.
While many of us (myself included) are enjoying a much-needed summer break,
the fall isn't too far away with its associated pickup in activity. Not long
after the end of summer, NISO will be hosting two in-person meetings, where
I hope many of you will be able to join us. The first meeting will be held
in Denver during September on Managing
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/tracking_it_back_to_the_source/> and
Citing Research Data, and the second will be in Boston in October on the
E-book <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ebooks/> Renaissance. More
information about both programs is on the NISO website
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/> . We hope that many of you can join
us for at least one of these two events. We'll also be picking up the NISO
educational programs in August after a summer break, with two webinars (see
stories below).
We are also pleased to welcome three new NISO members this month: the
University of Michigan Library, Florida Atlantic University, and Cornell
University Library. Several other libraries are expected to join in the near
future. Part of the impetus for the influx of Library Standards Alliance
members has been the new benefits NISO is providing. Earlier this spring,
the NISO Board of Directors expanded the LSA membership benefits to include
all 14 of NISO's 2012 <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/nisowebinars/>
educational webinars. This is an excellent, cost-effective opportunity for
institutions to provide training to their staffs. More information about
joining NISO <http://www.niso.org/about/join/> as a voting or LSA member is
available on the NISO website.
Finally, later this month, NISO will be moving our offices to a new location
in Baltimore. (See the banner above.) We are excited about the move, but as
with any move it will include some disruption-hopefully minimal. We'll be
closing the office from July 25-27 to make the transition. Please make note
of the new physical mailing address; our phone, fax and electronic contact
information will be unchanged.
For now it is back to the lake for my family and me. I hope that all of you
have an opportunity to break away from work this summer and enjoy some time
with friends and family.
Todd Carpenter's Signature
Todd Carpenter
Managing Director
NISO Reports
* NISO Voting Members Elect New Vice Chair and <> Directors to Lead
the Organization in 2012-2013
* NISO Launches Two New Initiatives: <> Standardization of SIP and
Recommended Practices for DDA of Monographs
* NISO August Webinar: Content on the Go: Mobile <> Access to
* NISO/DCMI August Webinar: Metadata for Managing <> Scientific
Research Data
* NISO Forum: Tracking It Back to the Source: <> Managing and Citing
Research Data
* NISO Forum: The E-Book Renaissance, Part II: <> Challenges and
* PIE-J Draft Recommended Practice Comment Deadline <> Extended
* New on the NISO Website <>
New Specs & Standards
* Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, DCMI Metadata <> Terms Published
with RDFa Markup
* ISO 13008:2012, Information and documentation <> - Digital records
conversion and migration process
* ISO 14289-1:2012, Document management applications <> - Electronic
document file format enhancement for accessibility - Part 1: Use of ISO
32000-1 (PDF/UA-1)
* ISO/IEC 29160:2012, Information technology <> - Radio frequency
identification for item management - RFID Emblem
* W3C Working Draft, PROV-AQ: Provenance Access and <> Query
Media Stories
* Data Citation Initiatives and Issues <>
* The Problem of Discovery for Patron-driven <> Acquisitions (PDA)
* EPUB for Archival Preservation <>
* Experimenting in the App Lab: Exploring Mobile <> Content Models
NISO Reports
NISO Voting Members Elect New Vice Chair and Directors to Lead the
Organization in 2012-2013
The membership of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has
elected new leadership for the 2012-2013 term that begins on July 1, 2012.
Barbara Preece, Dean of the Library California State University, San Marcos,
who previously served as Vice Chair, will become Chair of NISO for the 2012-
13 term. Heather Reid, Director of Data Systems at the Copyright Clearance
Center (CCC) and a NISO Board Director at the time of the election, has been
elected to serve as Vice Chair of the NISO Board of Directors and will
transition into the chairmanship in the 2013-14 term.
Elected as Directors for the Board are: Janice L. Fleming, Director of
Business and Planning for PsycINFO, American Psychological Association;
Mairead Martin, Senior Director of Digital Library Technologies,
Pennsylvania State University; Patricia A. Steele, Dean, University of
Maryland Libraries; Tyler Walters, Dean, University Libraries, Virginia
Tech; and Keith Webster, VP and Director, Academic Relations and Strategy ,
John Wiley and Sons.
Bruce Heterick, Vice President, Outreach & Participation Services, JSTOR and
Portico, who is currently serving as NISO's Chair, will serve the next term
in the role as Past Chair. Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera Incorporated, will
continue to serve as NISO's Treasurer, a position he has held since 2011.
Todd Carpenter, NISO Executive Director also serves Ex Officio on the Board
as Secretary.
The full
4c02066> press release is available on the NISO website.
NISO Launches Two New Initiatives: Standardization of SIP and Recommended
Practices for DDA of Monographs
NISO voting members have approved two new initiatives for the organization.
The first project is to formalize the 3M Standard Interchange Protocol (SIP)
as an American National Standard. Introduced in 1993, the SIP protocol
provides a mechanism for Integrated Library Systems (ILS) applications and
self-service devices to communicate seamlessly to perform self-service
transactions. This protocol quickly became a de facto standard around the
world, and remains the primary protocol to integrate ILS and self-service
devices. Since the protocol's inception, 3M has continued to produce updated
versions of it-most recently version 3.0 in late 2011. A NISO Working Group
will now shepherd SIP 3.0 through the standardization process of becoming an
American National Standard. There is close connection between SIP and NISO's
Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP) standard. With both standards
approved and maintained within NISO, there is an opportunity for the two
standards' working groups to clarify the structural differences and to
provide the community direction on the appropriateness for each standard
within a given context. This will be one of the tasks of both the new
working group and the NCIP Maintenance Agency moving forward. View the SIP
D_Ballot.doc> project proposal for more information.
The second project is to develop recommended practices for the Demand-Driven
Acquisition (DDA) of Monographs. Many libraries have embraced DDA (also
referred to as patron-driven acquisition) to present many more titles to
their patrons for potential use and purchase than would ever be feasible
under the traditional purchase model. If implemented correctly, DDA can make
it possible to purchase only what is needed, allowing libraries to spend the
same amount of money as they previously spent on monographs, but with a
higher rate of use. However, this model requires libraries to develop and
implement new procedures for adding titles to a "consideration pool", for
keeping unowned titles available for purchase for some future period, often
years after publication, for providing discovery methods of titles in the
pool, establishing rules on when a title gets purchased or only temporarily
leased, and how potential titles are discovered, and for handling of
multiple formats of a title. The new NISO initiative will develop
recommendations to address these issues, hopefully with a single set of
practices that will cover both electronic and print formats. The project
0for%20Voting%20Member%20Approval.pdf> proposal is available for download
from the NISO website.
Working group formation for both initiatives is underway. Interested
participants should contact Nettie <mailto:nlagace at niso.org> Lagace. For
those interested in following the projects, e-mail interest group lists have
been established. For information on how to join either list, visit the NISO
Public <http://www.niso.org/lists/> E-mail Lists webpage.
NISO August Webinar: Content on the Go: Mobile Access to E-Resources
The wide availability of ever-improving mobile hardware, software, and
connectivity continue to affect the experience of information seekers, and
to place new demands and opportunities on libraries and information
providers. How can libraries and publishers provide effective new interfaces
for collections to help a user base continually on the move?
Join NISO on August 8, 2012 from 1:00-2:30 p.m. (EDT) for the webinar
Content on the Go: Mobile Access to E-Resources where speakers will explore
many of the pressing questions about libraries' interaction with and
promotion of mobile technologies.
Topics and speakers are:
* Challenges to Consider: Developing Mobile Access to Digital
Collections - Carmen Mitchell, Institutional Repository Librarian,
California State University San Marcos
* E-books On the Go: How a University Library Experimented with E-book
Readers - Eleanor Cook, Assistant Director for Collections & Technical
Services, East Carolina University
* Publisher E-content Platforms Go Mobile - Susan Dunavan, Manager of
Solution Architecture, Atypon Systems
Registration is per site (access for one computer). Discounts are available
for NISO and NASIG members and students. Can't make it on the webinar
date/time? Register now and gain access to the recorded archive for one
Visit the event
es/> webpage to register and for more information.
NISO/DCMI August Webinar: Metadata for Managing Scientific Research Data
NISO and the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) will be holding the
third of their joint webinars on August 22, 2012 from 1:00-2:30 p.m. EDT on
the topic of Metadata for Managing Scientific Research Data.
The past few years have seen increased attention to national and
international policies for data archiving and sharing. Chief motivators
include the proliferation of digital data and a growing interest in research
data and supplemental information as part of the framework for scholarly
communication. Key objectives include not only preservation of scientific
research data, but also making data accessible to verify research findings
and support the reuse and repurposing of data.
Metadata figures prominently in these undertakings, and is critical for the
success of any data repositories or archiving initiative, hence the
increased attention to metadata for scientific data-specifically for
metadata standards development and interoperability, data curation and
metadata generation processes, data identifiers, name authority control (for
scientists), linked data, ontology and vocabulary work, and data citation
This joint NISO/DCMI webinar will provide an historical perspective and an
overview of current metadata practices for managing scientific data, with
examples drawn from operational repositories and community-driven data
science initiatives. It will discuss challenges and potential solutions for
metadata generation, identifiers, name authority control, linked data, and
data citation.
Speakers are:
* Jane Greenberg, professor at the School of Information and Library
Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and
director of the SILS Metadata Research Center, is well known for research
and writing on topics ranging from automatic metadata creation to metadata
best practices, ontology research, Semantic Web, data repositories,
thesauri, and scientific data curation.
* Thomas Baker, Chief Information Officer of the Dublin Core Metadata
Initiative, has recently co-chaired the W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working
Group and the W3C Incubator Group on Library Linked Data.
Registration is per site (access for one computer). Discounts are available
for NISO and DCMI members and for students. Can't make it on the live
webinar date/time? Registrants get access to the recorded version for one
year. For more information and to register, visit the event
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/scientific_data/> webpage.
NISO Forum: Tracking It Back to the Source: Managing and Citing Research
As data creation increases exponentially across nearly all scholarly
disciplines, new roles and requirements are rising to meet the challenges in
organization, identification, description, publication, discovery, citation,
preservation, and curation to allow these materials to realize their
potential in support of data-driven, often interdisciplinary research. Join
NISO on September 24 in Denver for the in-person forum Tracking it Back to
the Source: Managing and Citing Research Data and learn about several new
initiatives to improve community practice on data citation and data
Speakers and topics include:
* Opening Keynote - Allen Renear, Professor and Interim Dean, Graduate
School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at
* DataCite and EZID - Joan Starr, Manager, Strategic and Project
Planning and EZID Service Manager, California Digital Library and Jim
Mullins, Dean of Libraries, Purdue University
* Data Equivalence - Mark Parsons, Lead Project Manager, Senior
Associate Scientist, National Snow and Ice Data Center
* ResourceSync: the Large-Scale Synchronization of Web Resources -
Herbert Van de Sompel, Digital Library Researcher, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, and Co-chair of NISO's ResourceSync Working Group
* Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) - William (Bill)
Michener, Professor and Director of e-Science Initiatives for University
Libraries, University of New Mexico; DataONE Principal Investigator
* Data Attribution and Citation Practices - Micah Altman, Director of
Research and Head/Scientist, Program on Information Science for the MIT
Libraries, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The agenda, registration, and hotel information are available on the event
webpage. Get the early bird discount by registering by September 10, 2012.
NISO members and students receive a discounted rate.
NISO Forum: The E-Book Renaissance, Part II: Challenges and Opportunities
NISO will be following up on last year's acclaimed forum on The E-book
Renaissance with Part II on Challenges and Opportunities, a two-day forum in
Boston, MA on October 18-19, 2012.
E-books have existed in the library landscape for over a decade, but it is
only in the last few years that their use has shifted to finally become the
game-changer that all have anticipated for so long. Availability,
distribution, licensing, discoverability, current and future access, and
usage of e-books all require content providers and libraries to change many
of their existing processes and develop new ways to do business. Amidst this
confusion is a wealth of opportunities for new collaborations and
The NISO Forum, The E-Book Renaissance, Part II: Challenges and
Opportunities will probe the key issues surrounding e-books from a variety
of industry, library, scholarly, and consumer viewpoints. Participate in the
community discussion for advancing e-book development, distribution, and
Topic and speakers include:
* Keynote Presentation - Nick Montfort, Associate Professor of Digital
Media, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Panel discussion: Primary and Trade Publishers' E-book Initiatives -
Moderator: Brian O'Leary, Magellan Media Consultant Partners
* Library Perspectives
* Licensing, Access, and Related Issues - Chuck Hamaker, Associate
University Librarian for Collection Development & Electronic Resources,
University of North Carolina Charlotte
* Landscape Discussion - Suzanne M. Ward, Head, Collection Management,
Professor of Library Science, Purdue University Libraries
* What we Are Doing at My Library - Lynn Wiley, Head of Acquisitions,
University of Illinois
* NISO E-book Special Interest Group: New Initiative on Demand Driven
* Books in Browser: End User Tools - Speaker TBA
* Panel discussion: Aggregators and Platform Providers - Moderator:
Sue Polanka, Head of Reference & Instruction, Wright State University
* Accessibility in E-books - Speaker TBA
* Surveys: Patron Profiles - Ian Singer, Library Journal
* Devices: E-book Hardware - Speaker TBA
* Rights, Digital Management, and Piracy - Skott Klebe, Copyright
Clearance Center
* Digital Public Library of American (DPLA) - Speaker TBA
An early bird registration discount is available through October 5, 2012.
Additional discounts are available to NISO members and students. Visit the
event <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ebooks/> webpage for more
information and to register.
PIE-J Draft Recommended Practice Comment Deadline Extended
The deadline for comments on the draft recommended practice PIE-J:
Presentation & Identification of E-Journals (NISO RP-16-201x) has been
extended to July 18, 2012 to accommodate requests from some reviewers who
needed extra time.
This Recommended Practice was developed to provide guidance on the
presentation of e-journals-particularly in the areas of title presentation,
accurate use of ISSN, and citation practices-to publishers and platform
providers, as well as to solve some long-standing concerns of serials
The PIE-J draft Recommended Practice and an online commenting form are
available from the NISO PIE-J workroom
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/piej/> webpage.
New on the NISO Website
* Making
s-with-usage-statistics> Better Decisions with Usage Statistics (NISO
webinar) presentation slides
* Recap
ev=education> of ISO TC46 Meeting in Berlin May 7-11, 2012 Open
Teleconference Recording
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ala2012/nisobisgforum/> Forum The
Changing Standards Landscape for E-Books presentation slides
* NISO <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/ala2012/nisoupdate/>
Standards Update at ALA presentation slides
* Preliminary
lts_SR_ISO_TR_21449.pdf> voting results for systematic review ISO/TR 21449,
Content Delivery and Rights Management - Functional requirements for
identifiers and descriptors for use in the music, film, video, sound
recording and publishing industries
* SUSHI <https://sites.google.com/site/sushiserverregistry/> Server
Registry - updates for BioOne
c794091> Begins Process of National Standardization of the 3M Standard
Interchange Protocol (SIP) [press release]
0cbc590> Launches New Initiative to Develop Recommended Practices for
Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) of Monographs [press release]
4c02066> Voting Members Elect New Vice Chair and Directors to Lead the
Organization in 2012-2013 [press release]
* NISO's
df> IOTA Initiative: Completeness Index and Improving Element Weights slides
from presentation by Oliver Pesch at ALA Annual 2012
* ResourceSync:
ronization> Web-based Resource Synchronization slides from presentation by
Simeon Warner at Open Repositories 2012
New Specs & Standards
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, DCMI
<http://dublincore.org/documents/2012/06/14/dcmi-terms/> Metadata Terms
Published with RDFa Markup
A maintenance release of DCMI Metadata Terms now includes HTML markup
describing all of its properties, classes, datatypes, and vocabulary
encoding schemes in machine-readable RDF in accordance with the new W3C RDFa
Lite 1.1 <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-lite/> specification. A Web page with
RDFa provides-in the same source document-both the human-readable text
rendered on-screen by browsers and the detailed machine-readable
representation needed by Semantic Web applications. All of the software and
<https://github.com/dublincore/website> data used to generate this
documentation is available from an open-source repository on GitHub.
ISO 13008:2012, Information
r=52326> and documentation - Digital records conversion and migration
Provides guidance for the conversion of records from one format to another
and the migration of records from one hardware or software configuration to
another. It contains applicable records management requirements, the
organizational and business framework for conducting the conversion and
migration process, technology planning issues, and monitoring/controls for
the process. This standard was derived from ANSI/ARMA 16-2007, The Digital
Records Conversion Process: Program Planning, Requirements, Procedures.
ISO 14289-1:2012, Document
r=54564> management applications - Electronic document file format
enhancement for accessibility - Part 1: Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF/UA-1)
Specifies how to use the Portable Document Format (PDF) ISO 32000-1:2008 to
produce electronic documents that are accessible to users with disabilities.
The accessibility of a document is dependent on the inclusion of a variety
of semantic information in a document such as (but not limited to) machine-
recoverable text presented in a declared language, logical structure of
content, and organization of that content in pages, sections, and
ISO/IEC 29160:2012, Information
<http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?csnumber=45239> technology - Radio
frequency identification for item management - RFID Emblem
Specifies the design and use of the RFID Emblem: an easily identified visual
guide that indicates the presence of radio frequency identification (RFID).
It does not address location of the RFID Emblem on a label. Specific
placement requirements are left to application standards developers. It also
specifies an RFID Index, a two-character code that provides specific
information about compliant tags and interrogators. Successful reading of
RFID tags requires knowledge of the frequency, protocol, and data structure
information provided by the RFID Index.
W3C Working Draft, PROV-AQ: Provenance
<http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-prov-aq-20120619/> Access and Query
This document specifies how to use standard Web protocols, including HTTP,
to obtain information about the provenance of resources on the Web. We
describe both simple access mechanisms for locating provenance information
associated with web pages or resources, and provenance query services for
more complex deployments. This is the second public working draft. The
changes focus on revising the provenance-service specification to provide
better guidance to developers as well as introducing better naming
conventions for the use of link headers in locating provenance. This is part
of the larger W3C Prov provenance
<http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/wiki/Main_Page> framework.
Media Stories
Data Citation Initiatives and Issues
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,
June/July 2012; by Matthew S. Mayernik
Although many researchers still provide textual references to their
supporting data, formal citation to an accessible data set is becoming more
common and expected. Many initiatives in various disciplines are underway to
formalize how data is cited. CODATA and the International Council for
Scientific and Technical Information created a task group on data citation
standard, which held a workshop in August 2011 and is preparing a
recommendations report. The NSF Directorate for Geosciences also held a
workshop in 2011 with a follow-up report that included recommendations for
data citation. DataCite has a rapidly growing database of registered DOIs
for datasets. Additional data citation guidelines were issue in 2011 by the
Federation for Earth Science Information Partners (U.S.) and the Digital
Curation Centre (U.K.). The underlying goal for these projects is to promote
the accessibility and re-use of data; but while many research communities
support that goal, they are less supportive of using a standard data
citation. Interest in citations has grown due to the development of
institutional repositories, existence of identifiers such as DOI that can be
used for datasets, and web-based linking technology. Both libraries and
publishers have a lot of expertise with digital collections including
identifiers and linking and can contribute their expertise to data
management. To effectively cite a dataset, a curation program to ensure the
archiving of that data must be in place. The American Geophysical Union, for
example, requires authors to only cite data sets if they are in stable
archives. Unfortunately, such archives are not yet in use for the bulk of
research data. Datasets also can be difficult to define and label, as they
can be a compilation of a number of different objects and have collaborative
authorship. Data citation is not part of the current culture of research
documentation; researchers need to be trained about when and how to cite
data. Tools need to be in place that will provide pre-formatted citations
that can be imported into citation management software. While much work
remains to be done, a robust data citation infrastructure is critical to
bringing visibility, accessibility, and usability of research data.
(Link to Web Source
<http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Jun-12/JunJul12_MayernikDataCitation.html> )
NISO Note: To learn more about many of the data citation initiatives
mentioned in this article, attend NISO's September 24 forum in Denver,
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/tracking_it_back_to_the_source/> it
Back to the Source: Managing and Citing Research Data. The Digital Object
Identifier (DOI) is a NISO (Z39.84) and ISO (26324) standard. The
International DOI Foundation and the American Geophysical Union are NISO
voting members.
The Problem of Discovery for Patron-driven Acquisitions (PDA)
The Scholarly Kitchen, Jun 12, 2012; by Joseph Esposito
Book marketing by publishers is traditionally done just before and after
publication with promotional mailings and social media notices, publicity to
media, review copies, etc. As time goes on, marketing for the title slows
with some possible new promotions for such items as a paperback or movie
version. With patron-driven acquisition, however, purchases of titles can
occur over a much longer timeframe following publication and publishers need
to adapt to this new marketing challenge of how to interest library patrons
to request titles throughout this extended time. Finding a cost-effective
method for such marketing can be difficult, especially when most marketing
funds will be earmarked for new publications. To start with, available
titles have to be included in a PDA collection, well described, and easily
discovered. "Practical book discover for PDA, in other words, is largely a
matter of search-engine marketing..." Publisher and author blog posts will
bring attention to the title through web search engines that prompt the
searcher to request the item through the library's PDA program. Where
searches initiate in the library catalog, publishers need to be able to
influence what information is included, and more importantly, how the
discovery service will let a patron find the title. A test search for 1491
by Charles Mann, published by Random House, reveals thousand of holding
libraries in WorldCat, a brief description on the publisher's website, a
limited description in the Princeton University Library catalog, and the
most detailed description on Amazon. The University of Chicago Library has a
larger entry for the book than Princeton and credits Syndetics with the
provision of enriched metadata. Publishers need to actively work to improve
the metadata in library catalogs. The metadata currently provided to Bowker,
who redistributes it for a fee, should be made available to libraries for
free. Oxford University Press already provides free downloadable access to
metadata for all of its books. Improved metadata and discovery coupled with
PDA could allow publishers to offset any feared potential decrease in sales
from the PDA model.
(Link to Web Source
patron-driven-acquisitions-pda/> )
NISO Note: NISO members mentioned in this article: ProQuest, Serials
Solutions, EBSCO, OCLC, Ex Libris, Princeton University Library, University
of Chicago Library, and Bowker.
EPUB for Archival Preservation
Open Planets Foundation [blog], June 18 2012; by Johan van der Knijff
Although EPUB has been gaining popularity and interest as a publishing
format, little attention has been given to its potential use for archival
preservation. The Library of Congress has included some information on both
version 2 and 3 of EPUB in its Sustainability of Digital Formats website.
The National Library of the Netherlands/Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) decided
to conduct its own research on the issue and has published a report, EPUB
on18062012ExternalDistribution_0.pdf> for Archival Preservation. The report
discusses the EPUB format and functionality and describes the differences
between EPUB2 and EPUB3. Particular emphasis was placed on testing and
validating steps important to preservation processing, specifically, object
format identification and validation, and feature extraction. Tools that can
perform these functions with EPUB were evaluated including DROID, Fido, Unix
File utility, EpubCheck, and Epub-tools. Criteria used to determine
preservation suitability included ubiquity, support, and interoperability;
disclosure; documentation quality; stability; ease of identification,
validation, and feature extraction; intellectual property rights; technical
protection; transparency and complexity; external references; digital
signature authenticity; and re-usability. Although many strengths of EPUB
for preservation were noted, several concerns were identified such as
stability over time with respect to compatibility between versions, poor
support by existing characterization tools, potential use of DRM and/or
encryption that would limit extraction capability, allowable use of
incorporation by reference to externally stored content, allowable use of
media types outside the core list, and allowable use of JavaScript
resources. Final recommendations include the acceptance of EPUB 2 for
archival applications, with a number of restrictions, and future acceptance
of EPUB 3 when viewer support has improved. (Link to Web Source
ation> )
NISO Note: This above write-up includes information from the full
on18062012ExternalDistribution_0.pdf> report that was not included in the
blog article. Library of Congress is a NISO voting member.
Experimenting in the App Lab: Exploring Mobile Content Models
EContent, June 18, 2012; by Eileen Mullan
The ubiquity of mobile devices has presented new challenges to the
publishing industry, which was already struggling with the move from print
to digital. But the popularity and functionality of mobile apps offers new
opportunities for publishers to both distribute content and to create
brand-centric innovations. Apps also offer new models for monetizing content
on a platform where users are used to paying for everything they do,
contrasted with online web content where users have more of an expectation
of free. ABI Research found that the in-app payments model (as compared to
pay-per download, subscription, and in-app advertising) generated the
highest revenue and predicts an overall growth of $37.5 billion in 2016
(over 2011) for the combined models. Base-level apps typically range from
$500 to $10,000 to develop. Apps that are storefronts to the publisher's
content are commonly used by publishers and some even "upsell" to other apps
that provide additional uses for content. Many publishers have been using
the subscription model, especially for magazines, through the Apple store,
even though Apple takes a 30% cut. And the freemium model of allowing free
trials prior to purchasing subscriptions has seen some success. Print
magazine subscribers are often given free digital access, using easy mobile
device authentication as the leverage to add value to print.
Microtransactions (paying for incremental content in small monetary
amounts), though not yet widely in use, are a potential game-changer,
especially in a mobile environment and fits well with the publishing trend
to smaller e-singles. Instead of creating an app, publishers could release
an API to their content that third parties can use to create apps and charge
the app developer a content re-use fee. 2012 may become the year when
user-generated content takes off, especially as do-it-yourself app-building
tools become more available and the cost of entry to become a publisher and
app developer decreases. Publishers must include mobile and apps in their
digital strategy to keep pace with this growing market, push the mobile
interface and experience to their web content and users, and consider
integrating their apps with social media sites. (Link to Web Source
App-Lab-Exploring-Mobile-Content-Models-82912.htm> )
NISO Note: Attend NISO's August webinar, Content
es/> on the Go: Mobile Access to E-Resources, to hear real-life examples of
how libraries are making content more accessible to mobile users.
About NISO Newsline
ISSN 1559-2774
NISO's free monthly e-newsletter reports on the latest NISO news, highlights
new specifications and standards of interest including calls for public
review and comment, abstracts significant media stories on topics of
interest to the NISO community, and links to news releases of NISO member
Newsline is distributed via e-mail to subscribers on the first Wednesday of
the month and is posted to the NISO website.
Newsline Archive <http://www.niso.org/publications/newsline/> >
<http://www.library.cornell.edu> Welcome Cornell
<http://www.fau.edu/library/> Welcome FAU
<http://www.lib.umich.edu/> Welcome UMich
August 8
es/> on the Go: Mobile Access to E-Resources
NISO Webinar
August 22
Metadata <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/scientific_data/> for
Managing Scientific Research Data
September 10
KBART (Knowledge Base <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/telecon/> And
Related Tools) Update
NISO Open Teleconference
September 12
Critical Elements of E-books: The Social Reading Experience of Sharing
Bookmarks and Annotations
NISO Webinar
September 24
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/tracking_it_back_to_the_source/> it
Back to the Source: Managing and Citing Research Data
NISO Forum
Denver, CO
September 26
and Delivery: Innovations and Challenges
NISO Webinar
Other Events of Interest
July 15-18
Special Libraries <http://sla2012.sla.org/> Association Annual Conference
Chicago, IL
August 6-11
Society of <http://www2.archivists.org/conference> American Archivists
Annual Meeting
San Diego, CA
August 11-17
78th IFLA <http://conference.ifla.org/ifla78/> General Conference and
Helsinki, Finland
September 3-7
DC 2012: <http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/dc-2012>
Metadata for Meeting Global Challenges
DCMI International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
News from NISO Members:
Events & Education
Library <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/lac-20june12.shtml> Assessment
Conference 2012 Registration Now Open-Deadline August 25
CK22> about Metadata for Digital Collections with New Classes from LYRASIS
Digital and Preservation Services
Information Resources
New AIIM Book <http://www.aiim.org/About/News/OccupyIT-eBook> Proclaims the
End of IT Autocracy, Rallies Information Managers to Occupy IT
Special <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/rli279-prepub-21june12.shtml>
Collections and Archives in the Digital Age: ARL Releases Pre-Pub of RLI 279
Membership Meeting May 2012 in Chicago: Session Audio Now Online
ARL <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/statistics-webcast-13june12.shtml>
StatisticsR Webcast Recording Now Available
-cliff-lynch-speaks-with-uvas-james-hilton/> Conversations Podcast Features
UVa's James Hilton on Digital Preservation Network
tion-of-book-product-metadata-now-available.php> Report on Use and
Modification of Book Product Metadata Now Available
Market Shows Steady Title Growth in 2011 Fueled Largely by Self-Publishing
search-landscape-for-the-humanities-and-social-sciences> Does "Big Data"
Change the Research Landscape for the Humanities and Social Sciences? New
Report Provides First Public Appraisal of Digging into Data Challenge
Publishing <http://highwire.stanford.edu/PR/AAVLD_CaseStudy_2.pdf> with
SAGE on the HighWire Platform: Case Study of the Journal of Veterinary
Diagnostic Investigation
focusplus_2012/isofocusplus_2012-06.htm> Focus Magazine Reports DOI Now an
ISO Standard
ating_technology_trends_from_fads/> System Cited as "A Powerful System
Architecture That Can Be Applied to a Variety of Situations"
sElusiveGoal.sp> Library Value Remains Elusive Goal: LISU report
Commissioned by SAGE Uncovers Examples of Best Practice from International
Library Community
Scholarly iQ's <http://www.scholarlyiq.com/news.aspx> Presentation at SSP's
2012 Annual Conference: "What's the Use of Social Media?" - Recording Now
-group> Sought for SAA Glossary Working Group
Health <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news30.pdf> Care Law
Available on GPO's Federal Digital System
Awards & Grants
The DAISY Consortium <http://www.daisy.org/news#newsitem1138> Receives Dr.
Jacob Bolotin Award for Making Reading Accessible to the Blind
<http://www2.ebsco.com/EN-US/NEWSCENTER/Pages/ViewArticle.aspx?QSID=581> and
Library Journal Announce The LibraryAware Community Award
OCLC <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201243.htm> Receives
IMLS Grant for Initiative to Ensure Public Library Participation in Our
Digital Future
Innovative <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201242.htm>
Librarians Receive Awards Sponsored by OCLC
OCLC <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201237.htm> Named Among
Computerworld's Best Places to Work in Information Technology
OCLC <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201233.htm> named among
Best Employers in Ohio for fourth consecutive year
GPO'S <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news27.pdf> Federal
Digital System Achieves Milestone - Website Experiences 200 Million
Product & Project Announcements
3M <http://3m-ssd.implex.net/documents/3M Donates Standard Interchange
Protocol %28SIP%29 to NISO.pdf> Donates Standard Interchange Protocol (SIP)
to National Standards Organization (NISO)
t-nypl-bpl/> 3M Test Ebook Pilot at NYPL, BPL
Impact <http://www.aip.org/press_release/aip_impact_factors_2011.html>
Factor Increases for AIP Journals
AIP's <http://www.aip.org/press_release/stakeholder_collaboration.html>
Response to the Finch Report: Accessibility, Sustainability, Excellence: How
to Expand Access to Research Publications
New <http://www.aip.org/aip/aipmatters/archive/2012/7_9_12.html#prcm>
Searching Capabilities for AIP Online Oral Histories
20> Announces Development of eContent Discovery Platform
18> VERSO Library Management Platform Integrates with TALKINGtech's i-tiva
14> Announces SmartPay Online Payment Integration with its VERSO Library
Management Platform
Announces New Corporate Subscription Databases in Employee Development and
Human Resources (PDF)
ebrary <http://www.ebrary.com/corp/newspdf/ebrary_extended_access.pdf>
Announces Extended AccessT
ebrary <http://www.ebrary.com/corp/newspdf/ebrary_android.pdf> Announces
New Android App
<http://www.ebrary.com/corp/newspdf/ebrary_customer_diversification.pdf> of
ebrary Customers Diversify E-book Acquisition Models for the Highest Return
on Investment (PDF)
<http://www.proquest.com/en-US/aboutus/pressroom/12/20120622a.shtml> and
CALIS Unlock Global Access to Chinese Dissertations
<http://www.proquest.com/en-US/aboutus/pressroom/12/20120622.shtml> Releases
Digital NAACP Content Ahead of Schedule
Becomes First ISNI Registration Agency in the US
<http://www.bowker.com/en-US/aboutus/press_room/2012/pr_06212012.shtml> In
Print and RCL Go Mobile with Bowker StacksT
ing-inspiring-and-iconic-resources-to-library-audience/> and National
Geographic to Bring Inspiring and Iconic Resources to Library Audience
th-new-online-education-program-for-public-library-patrons-2/> Supports
Lifelong Learning with New Online Education Program for Public Library
ZedVal Version <http://www.daisy.org/daisy-news#newsitem1123> 2.1, the
Validator for DAISY Content Has Been Released
Publishing and SirsiDynix Sign Partnership Agreement to Enhance Discovery
for Mutual Customers
Publishing and NoveList Launch LibraryAware Marketing Resource with Visual
Content from Getty Images
<http://www2.ebsco.com/EN-US/NEWSCENTER/Pages/ViewArticle.aspx?QSID=583> and
EBSCO Develop Partnership to Offer Interoperability of Services for
Libraries and Increased Options for Discovery
Publishing and Innovative Interfaces Expand Partnership with EBSCO Discovery
Service and Encore
Publishing Releases Community College eBook Collection
from the American Psychological Association Soon To Be Available via
Publishing Adds Video to Corporate Learning Product Suite
Publishing Releases Three New Medical E-book Collections
EBSCO Discovery Service API Makes It Easier for Libraries to Create a Custom
Discovery Solution
%7D> Publishers and Aggregators to Provide Content for the Ex Libris Primo
Central Index of Scholarly e Resources
%7D> Libris Primo Central Index to Include GBV Consortium Metadata
%7D> Libris Releases Primo 4.0
IEEE <http://www.ieee.org/about/news/2012/20june_2012.html> Technology
Navigator Provides Access to Thousands of IEEE Technical Resources
Japan Link Center <http://www.doi.org/announce.html#JLC> Appointed as New
DOI Registration Agency in Japan
IDF Expands Chinese <http://www.doi.org/announce.html#ISTIC> DOI
Registration Agency Activities
<http://about.jstor.org/news-events/news/books-jstor-launching-november> at
JSTOR Launching in November
Extends Open Access Option to Over 80% of Journals
Acquires Higher Education Publisher Harlan Davidson Inc.
Creates New Role to Lead Open Access
<http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/PressRelease/pressReleaseId-103972.html> and
Blackboard Launch Combined Digital Learning Integration
New Logo <http://www.press.jhu.edu/news/index.html#MUSE_Logo> for Project
Seven <http://e2.ma/webview/5h04/3cbd46c9aed79f8d5eb80280b9685e59> New
Publishers to Contribute to UPCC Book Collections on Project MUSE
Library of <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-127.html> Congress
Announces New Services at ALA Conference: CIP for E-Books and Advanced
Bindery Library Exchange Software
Library of <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-104.html> Congress Acquires
Carl Sagan Papers
Joe Smith <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-117.html> Donates Recorded
Interviews with Music's Who's Who to Library of Congress
Library of <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-125.html> Congress to
Acquire 4,000 California Images by Carol M. Highsmith
National <http://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2012/nr12-136.html>
Archives at Atlanta Opens Ellis Island Immigration Exhibit July 21
NARA's <http://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2012/nr12-132.html>
George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum Launches New Website
NLM <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/digital_oral_history_additions.html> Adds
Five New Collections to Digital Oral History Holdings
OCLC <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201241.htm> Announces
New Agreements with Publishers Around the World, Adding High-Quality Content
to WorldCat Local
OCLC <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201240.htm> and EBSCO
Develop Partnership to Offer Interoperability of Services for Libraries and
Increased Options for Discovery
OCLC <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201238.htm> Adds Linked
Data to WorldCat.org
Library Systems Demonstrates Continued Strong Growth; Introduces New
Features, New Partnerships, New Staff at ALA Annual
Comprise <http://www.polarislibrary.com/news-events/Comprise.html>
Technologies and Polaris Library Systems Partner to Provide Polaris Hosted
Libraries with a PCI Compliant Online Payment Solution
Ringgold <http://www.ringgold.com/pages/pr_120529_isni.html> Becomes the
First Contracted ISNI Registration Agency for Institutions
Library.sp> Releases SAGE Knowledge platform for eBook delivery - Unlimited
Simultaneous Usage of SAGE eBooks
rolina.sp> Partners with University of North Carolina Greensboro on SAGE
ioEngineerMed.sp> Expands Open Access Publishing Portfolio into Engineering
And Medicine
-new-catalog-record-display-and-consortia-catal> Solutions Introduces New
Catalog Record Display and Consortia Catalog Support
ting-intota> Solutions' Development Partners Now Testing Intota Web-Scale
Management Solution
arians-become-more-efficient> Solutions Helps Librarians Become More
inese-language-content-with-apabi-technology-co> SolutionsR SummonR
Discovery Service Expands Chinese Language Content with Beijing Apabi
Technology Co., Ltd.
Latest <http://thomsonreuters.com/content/press_room/legal/691750> Version
of Thomson Reuters ProView eReader Platform Announced
Thomson <http://thomsonreuters.com/content/press_room/science/688332>
Reuters Announces New 2011 Journal Citation Reports
Thomson <http://thomsonreuters.com/content/press_room/science/686112>
Reuters Unveils Data Citation Index for Discovering Global Data Sets
Thomson <http://thomsonreuters.com/content/press_room/legal/682327> Reuters
Delivers Efficient Enterprise Access to Industry Standards with Enhanced
Techstreet Subscriptions
acquisition.aspx> Expands Electronic Discovery Services Offerings with
Acquisition of Lateral Data
erlibrary-loan-requests.aspx> BookCentre Supports OCLC's Effort to Make
Information Easily Accessible
ment-Education-Markets.aspx> Distributes Xerox BookCentre into Government,
Education Markets
VTLS Virtua Adds Floating <http://www.vtls.com/node/123> Collections
Announcing MozGo, the New <http://www.vtls.com/node/114> Multi-Platform
Library Mobile App from VTLS
Organization Changes
Robert Dizard <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-128.html> Jr. Appointed
Deputy Librarian of Congress
Jay <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201239.htm> Jordan Will
Continue as President and CEO of OCLC
-tradition> of American Archivists Seeks New Publications Editor
hivist-reviews-portal> of American Archivists invites applications for the
brand-new position of Coordinator of The American Archivist Reviews Portal
Policy & Legislation
ALA <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=10953> President
Responds to Forbes.com Post that Library and Information Science is Among
the Worst Master's Degrees
Library <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=10937> Copyright
Alliance: Kirtsaeng Case Threatens Library Lending
ARL Joins <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/kirtsaeng-3july12.shtml> Library
Groups in Support of Lending Rights
ilter=6&news_year_filter=2012&id=61653611-420D-A290-7F6A-5BA99CF94721> CEO
To Tout "Transformed" Music Business To Congressional Panel Reviewing
"Future of Audio"
Customer Announcements
ses/press_2012/press-release-12-06-05.html> 100 Academic Institutions Adopt
Copyright Clearance Center's Get It Now
%7D> Consortium in Switzerland Selects Ex Libris Primo
%7D> Mason University Selects Ex Libris Primo
%7D> Primo Community Exceeds 1000 Sites as the University of Hawaii System
Selects Ex Libris Discovery and Delivery Solutions
%7D> Library of Queensland Selects Ex Libris Alma
eLife <http://highwire.stanford.edu/PR/eLife_HighWire.pdf> selects HighWire
to Build and Host Anticipated New Open-Access Journal
Innovative's <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=537> Decision
Center Sees Early Adoption by Twenty Libraries
Wisconsin <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=536> Valley Library
Service (WI) Selects the Sierra Services Platform
arger-to-preserve-e-journals-and-e-books-with-portico> to Preserve
E-Journals and E-Books with Portico
niversity-of-oklahoma-to-preserve-world-literature-today-with-portico> of
Oklahoma to Preserve World Literature Today with Portico
Journal of Negro Education to Preserve its E-journal with Portico
erspectives-of-new-music-inc-to-preserve-its-e-journal-with-portico> of New
Music, Inc. to Preserve its E-journal with Portico
rustees-of-boston-university-to-preserve-arion-with-portico> of Boston
University to Preserve Arion with Portico
Libraries <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201236.htm> in
Australia Begin Pilots of OCLC WorldShare Management Services
Copyright C 2012 National Information Standards Organization
One North Charles Street, Suite 1905, Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 866.957.1593 Fax: 410.685.5278
E-mail: nisohq at niso.org
Newsline editor: Cynthia Hodgson <mailto:chodgson at niso.org>
For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from Newsline,
ISSN 1559-2774, please access www.copyright.com or contact Copyright
Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923,
978.750.8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses
and registration for a variety of users.
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