[Asis-standards] more votes
Mark Needleman
mneedlem at ufl.edu
Thu Feb 16 08:34:15 EST 2012
there are some more upcoming votes - i have attached the relevant
dcuemnts to this note
1) New Work Item Proposal for Revision of ISO 3602:1989, Documentation
-- Romanization of Japanese (kana script) - response needed by April 18th
I would recommend a YES vote - but people may have other ideas
2) ISO/FDIS (2nd) 27730, Information and documentation — International
standard collection identifier (ISCI) - response needed by March 20 - i
enclosed the proposed standard and some comments on it
3) ISO/CD 2789, Information and documentation -- International library
statistics - responses needed by March 17th
4) Systematic Review ISO/TR 21449:2004, Content Delivery and Rights
Management — Functional requirements for identifiers and descriptors for
use in the music, film, video, sound recording and publishing industries
- this is not due unti May so I need comments by May 20th - options are
Confirm, Revise, Withdraw, Abstain
5) ISO/DIS 25964-2, Information and documentation — Thesauri and
interoperability with other vocabularies — Part 2: Interoperability with
other vocabularies - response needed by April 25th
I have also attached FYI the 2011 ISO TC46 Annual Report
I apologize if i already sent any of these out - its hard to keep track
of things sometimes
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