[Asis-standards] just cast some ISO votes
Mark Needleman
mneedlem at ufl.edu
Thu Aug 30 12:13:37 EDT 2012
I just cast votes on those ISO Systematic Review Documents - If I missed
some comments or misrepresented someone's opinion let me know ( an my
1) Voted WITHDRAW on Systematic Review of ISO 5122:1979, Documentation
-- Abstract sheets in serial publications with the following comments:
We have questions about the continued relevance of this standard.
However if the decision is to maintain it, it should be revised to
update some of the references to recently emergent and updated standards
Comments provided by Baden Hughes
2) Voted REVISE on Systematic Review of ISO 7144:1986, Documentation --
Presentation of theses and similar documents - with the following comments:
There are now a predominance of electronic theses which have obvious
modality an other documentation/description elements that are not
represented in the current version of the standard
Comments provide by Baden Hughes
3) Voted REVISE on Systematic Review of ISO 7275:1985, Documentation --
Presentation of title information of series - with the following comments:
Some portions of the document, specifically sections 3.3 and 4.1 could
be reworded to make things clearer, less confusing and less ambiguous.
Also the references should be updates to more recently emergent and
updates standards
Comments provided by Baden Hughes and Dorothy McGarry
4) Voted WITHDRAW on Systematic Review of ISO 18:1981, Documentation --
Contents list of periodicals - with the following comments:
We have questions about the continued relevance of this standard
Commments provided by Baden Hughes
5) Voted REVISE on Systematic Review of ISO 1086:1991, Information and
documentation -- Title leaves of books - with the following comments
Section 5.5 does not mention editors but only sponsors and/or organizers
of conferences. Editors are quite important for Identification and retrieval
Also some of the references need to be updated to more recently emergent
and updated standards
Comments provided by Dorothy McGarry and Baden Hughes
6) Voted CONFIRM on Systematic Review of ISO 15924:2004, Information and
documentation -- Codes for the representation of names of scripts
7) Voted ABSTAIN on Systematic Review of ISO 5123:1984, Documentation --
Headers for microfiche of monographs and serials
8) Voted ABSTAIN on Systematic Review of ISO 215:1986, Documentation --
Presentation of contributions to periodicals and other serials
9) Voted REVISE on Systematic Review of ISO 2384:1977, Documentation --
Presentation of translations - with the following comments
A number of related standards referred to in this standard have been
updated significantly and this should be reflected in 2384.
Also there are significant developments in the presentation of
translations in the electronic publishing age that were not specifically
considered in the current version of the standard
Comments provided by Baden Hughes
10) Voted ABSTAIN on Systematic Review of ISO 7220:1996, Information and
documentation -- Presentation of catalogues of standards
11) Voted CONFIRM on Systematic Review of ISO 6357:1985, Documentation
-- Spine titles on books and other publications
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