[Asis-standards] FW: NISO Newsline April 2012
Richard Hill
rhill at asis.org
Wed Apr 4 15:22:35 EDT 2012
Richard Hill
ASIS&T Executive Director
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD 20910
FAX: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900
rhill at asis.org
From: newsline at list.niso.org [mailto:newsline at list.niso.org] On Behalf Of
Cynthia Hodgson
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 3:03 PM
To: newsline at list.niso.org
Subject: NISO Newsline April 2012
If you have any difficulty viewing this newsletter in e-mail,
you can read it online at:
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Data Citation Forum
Headshot of NISO Managing Director, Todd Carpenter
April 2012
We all like wrapping things upespecially when projects have taken a long
time and have required a lot of work to bring things to completion. The
challenge with standards development is that more often than not, things are
never really finished. As technology changes, as our environment changes,
things move on. Life is constantly evolving and we deal with most things in
life by adapting and growing in order to succeed. NISO took this perspective
to heart several years ago and has focused a tremendous amount of attention
onto the issue of post- publication adoption, follow-up and training.
Anyone monitoring NISO's work will recognize the change. Looking at the
active working groups <http://www.niso.org/workrooms/#active> , you will
notice that there are an increasing number of standing committees and
maintenance groups, managed by NISO, even for projects that were "completed"
and published several years ago, such as SUSHI
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/sushi> , NCIP
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/ncip> , and Z39.7
<http://www.niso.org/dictionary> . In addition, work on ESPReSSO
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/sso> , KBART
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/kbart> , and SERU
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/seru> hasn't wrapped up, simply because
those recommended practices were published. ESPReSSO is focused on promotion
and adoption, and both KBART and SERU are expanding their recommendations to
address related issues.
Another example of a group that had published its work, but continued to
engage and react to activities taking place outside of NISO, is the Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) in U.S. Libraries project. That group
published its first Recommended Practice (RP) back in early 2008.
Subsequently, in 2011, a new international ISO standard on RFID in libraries
was published. Key members of the NISO group worked on the international
committee and before the ISO standard was published, had already started the
NISO group on revising the U.S. recommendations. I'm pleased to announce
that the revised RP on RFID in U.S. Libraries (NISO RP-6-2012)
<http://www.niso.org/publications/rp/rp-6-2012> has been published as a
U.S. profile of the international specification and hopefully will support
greater adoption of RFID systems in libraries.
Training is another critical element of standards adoption and NISO
continues its schedule of terrific educational events. We have six more
events scheduled for April through June. I hope you'll be able to join us
for at least one of these programs. In particular, those of you attending
the ALA Annual conference in Anaheim this June should be sure to add the 6th
Annual NISO/BISG Changing Standards Landscape Forum. This free event will
take place Friday, June 22nd at 12:00 Pacific time.
We are looking forward to more projects passing the milestones of
publication in the next few months. In addition, we're planning the launch
of several new initiatives, which we'll be announcing soon. I encourage you
to get involved with NISO as we move on down the road.
Todd Carpenters Signature
Todd Carpenter
Managing Director
NISO Reports
* April Webinar: What to Expect When You're Expecting a
Platform Change: Perspectives from a Publisher and a Librarian
* NISO/DCMI Webinar: Schema.org and Linked Data:
Complementary Approaches to Publishing Data
* May Two-Part Webinar: Understanding Critical Elements of
E-books: Acquiring, Sharing, and Preserving
* NISO Publishes Revised Recommended Practice for RFID in
U.S. Libraries
* Information Standards Quarterly Annual Review Issue Now
* New on the NISO Website
New Specs & Standards
* ARMA International, Call for Participation for Two New
* Draft Release 1 of the COUNTER Code of Practice for Usage
* ISO 27729:2012, Information and documentation
International standard name identifier (ISNI)
* ISO/IEC 29167-1:2012 Information technology Automatic
identification and data capture techniques Part 1: Air interface for
security services and file management for RFID architecture
Media Stories
* PDA and Inter-library Loan
* The Library Cloud Pros and Cons
* What is Linked Open Data?
* The Ins and Outs of Evaluating Web-Scale Discovery
* Other Stories of Interest
NISO Reports
April Webinar: What to Expect When You're Expecting a Platform Change:
Perspectives from a Publisher and a Librarian
In recent months, information providers have released a range of
modifications to many abstracting and full text journal platforms. Whether
an update to its look and feel or a radical restructuring of its search,
browse, and full text features, any successful change to a familiar
interface requires communication, tolerance, and understanding among the
affected information provider, publisher(s), and library customer.
Join NISO on April 11, 2012 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Eastern for the webinar
What to Expect When You're Expecting a Platform Change, where a publisher
and a librarian will share their own experiences with determining
priorities, learning lessons, and improving practices related to changed and
changing information platforms.
Topics and Speakers
* Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway: How to Manage a Platform Migration
Gillian Howcroft (Director, E-Projects, Taylor & Francis)
* Dream a Little Dream: A Librarian Envisions the Ideal Platform
Migration Kelly Smith (Interim Coordinator of Collection Services, Eastern
Kentucky University Libraries)
To register and for more information, visit the event
> webpage.
NISO/DCMI Webinar: Schema.org and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to
Publishing Data
NISO and DCMI will hold their second of four 2012 webinars on Schema.org and
Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Publishing Data on April 25, 2012
from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Eastern time.
Schema.org <http://www.schema.org> , a collaboration of the Google, Yahoo!,
and Bing search engines, provides a way to include structured data in Web
pages. The Schema.org initiative has emerged as a focal point for publishers
of structured data in Web pages, especially but not exclusively in the
commercial sector. This webinar will explore how the publication methods of
Schema.org relate to the methods used to publish Linked Data.
Speakers are Dan Brickley, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, and Thomas Baker,
Chief Information Officer of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
Get a package deal; purchase three NISO/DCMI webinars, get the fourth
webinar free. (The first webinar from February will be provided in a
recorded version.)
To register and for more information, visit the event webpage
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/linked_data/> .
May Two-Part Webinar: Understanding Critical Elements of E-books: Acquiring,
Sharing, and Preserving
In May, NISO will continue its series of webinars on Understanding Critical
Elements of E- books with a two-part webinar focused on the issues of
Acquiring, Sharing, and Preserving E-books. Each part is independent; you
can register for either one or both. Get a 25% discount if you register for
both parts.
In Part 1, Can I Access the World? Involving Users in E-book Acquisition and
Sharing, you will hear from two librarians and a publisher on their
experiences with using patron-drive acquisitions.
Part 1 Topics and Speakers:
* Patron Driven Acquisitions: Essentials and Options Robert Johnson,
Clinical Services Librarian, University of Southern California Norris
Medical Library
* Patron Driven Acquisitions: Lessons Learned and Still Learning Beth
Bernhardt, Electronic Resources Librarian and Christine Fischer, Head of
Acquisitions, University of North Carolina Greensboro
* The Publisher's Experience with Patron-Driven Acquisitions Lenny
Allen, Director, Institutional Accounts, Oxford University Press
In Part 2, Heritage Lost? Ensuring the Preservation of E-books, learn how
HathiTrust and Portico are working with their partners to preserve e-books
and what challenges they have encountered.
Part 2 Topics and Speakers:
* HathiTrust: We're Preserving the Past, What About the Present? Jeremy
York, HathiTrust Project Librarian, University of Michigan
* Portico's E-Book Preservation Service Sheila Morrissey, Senior
Research Developer, Portico
For more information and to register, visit the event webpage
aring/> .
NISO Publishes Revised Recommended Practice for RFID in U.S. Libraries
NISO's newest recommended practice is RFID in U.S. Libraries (NISO RP-
6-2012), a revision of the 2008 Recommended Practice that provides a set of
practices and procedures to ensure interoperability among U.S. RFID
implementations in libraries.
Since the publication of the original Recommended Practice, the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published in 2011 a
three-part international standard (ISO 28560) on RFID in Libraries defining
the data model and the encoding of data on RFID tags for item management in
libraries. The international standard offers two different encoding options
and many optional data elements; RFID in U.S. Libraries (NISO-RP-6-2012)
recommends a common subset of the data elements to be placed on library tags
in the U.S., as well as selecting the preferred encoding and formatting of
that data.
Adoption of this Recommended Practice will ensure that U.S. libraries can
procure tags and equipment from different vendors, merge collections
containing different manufacturers' tags, and, for the purposes of
interlibrary loan, read the tags on items belonging to other libraries.
Libraries that have been holding back on implementation now have the
standard approach they need to protect their investments in RFID.
The Recommended Practice is available for free download from the NISO RFID
Working Group's <http://www.niso.org/workrooms/rfid/> webpage.
Information Standards Quarterly Annual Review Issue Now Available
The latest issue of NISO's Information Standards Quarterly (ISQ) magazine is
now available in open access in PDF from the NISO website. This issue of ISQ
provides the annual review of 2011 accomplishments of NISO and of the ISO
TC46 committee. Also included is the annual reference listing of NISO's
standards, recommended practices, and technical reports.
The standard spotlight in this issue is the new ISO thesaurus standard (ISO
25964-1). Authors Stella G. Dextre Clarke and Marcia Lei Zeng, who were the
chair and U.S. representative, respectively, on the working group that
developed the standard discuss in this article not only this new standard,
but also the evolution and history of thesaurus standards development.
Rounding out the issue are a NISO Report on the new Web Resource
Synchronization project and several noteworthy news reports on recent
standards and recommended practices.
Both the entire issue and individual articles may be freely downloaded
<http://www.niso.org/publications/isq/2012/v24no1> from the NISO website.
New on the NISO Website
* Physical Delivery of Library Resources review of new recommended
practice, recording
ev=education> of open teleconference (March 12, 2012)
* EPUB3: Putting Electronic Books into a Package webinar
ev=education> slides and event
* Find That E-bookor Not: How Metadata Matters webinar
ev=education> slides and event
> Q&A
* Report
rt_SR_ISO_832-1994.pdf> of voting for systematic review of ISO 832:1994,
Information and documentation Bibliographic description and references
Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms
* Report
rt_SR_ISO_15707-2001.pdf> of voting systematic review of ISO 15707:2001,
Information and documentation International Standard Musical Work Code
browsing_platform.pdf> Launches Online Browsing Platform
rce_multiplier_for_ICT_innovation.pdf> JTC1 (Information Technology Joint
Technical Committee) Brochure: The force multiplier for ICT innovation
New Specs & Standards
ARMA International,
<http://www.arma.org/standards/development/standardsprogress.cfm> Call for
Participation for Two New Projects
ARMA International Standards/Best Practices is recruiting volunteer
participants for two new technical report publication projects: Developing
Electronic File Structures and Procedures and Issues for Managing Electronic
Messages as Records (a revision of TR 02-2007).To learn more and to complete
an online application to join one of these project teams, visit the ARMA
International Standards
Development Program Projects In Progress webpage and select the project of
interest. Recruitment for these two newest project teams closes April 30,
<http://www.projectcounter.org/usage_factor.html> Draft Release 1 of the
COUNTER Code of Practice for Usage Factors
The overall aim of the Usage Factor project is to explore how online journal
usage statistics might form the basis of a new measure of journal impact and
quality, the Usage Factor (UF). The Draft Release
<http://www.projectcounter.org/documents/Draft_UF_R1.pdf> 1 of the COUNTER
Code of Practice for Usage Factors, is one of the most significant outcomes
to-date of the Usage Factor project, and is an important part of the final
Stage of the project, which will take Usage Factor forward to full
implementation. The draft will be available for comment on the COUNTER
website until September 30, 2012. Comments should be sent to Peter Shepherd
<mailto:pshepherd at projectCounter.org> , COUNTER Director.
mber=44292> ISO 27729:2012, Information and documentation International
standard name identifier (ISNI)
ISO 27729 specifies the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) for
the identification of public identities of parties, i.e. the identities used
publicly by parties involved throughout the media content industries in the
creation, production, management, and content distribution chains. The ISNI
system uniquely identifies public identities across multiple fields of
creative activity and provides a tool for disambiguating public identities
that might otherwise be confused. For more information, visit the ISNI
website <http://www.isni.org/> .
mber=55847> ISO/IEC 29167-1:2012 Information technology Automatic
identification and data capture techniques Part 1: Air interface for
security services and file management for RFID architecture
ISO/IEC 29167-1 defines the architecture for security and file management
for the ISO/IEC 18000 air interface standards for radio frequency
identification (RFID) devices. It provides a common technical specification
for security and file management for RFID devices that can be used by ISO
committees developing RFID application standards. Both security and file
management are defined in alignment with existing air interfaces; ISO/IEC
29167-1 only covers extensions on security and file management beyond the
scope of the ISO/IEC 18000 air interfaces. ISO/IEC 29167-1 defines various
security features called security mechanisms that can be implemented by a
tag depending on the application. A tag can support one, a subset, or all of
the specified security mechanisms.
Media Stories
PDA and Inter-library Loan
The Scholarly Kitchen, March 13, 2012; by Joseph Esposito
An earlier post by the author to the LibLicense list predicted that
"interlibrary loan would disappear" but the author now believes that ILL
will still exist but in a different way. ILL works well for print books,
especially when they went out-of-print and the only way to get them was
through libraries or used book sellers. While the ILL end user may consider
the service free, there are significant costs in providing ILL, perhaps as
much as $25- $40 per item. Libraries are totally in control of this service
and publishers have no involvement and get no revenue from it. E-books
change this situation completely, especially since the "first sale doctrine
of copyright law" doesn't apply. Publishers want to retain control over
e-book distribution even from libraries and this is why the author expects
ILL to gradually go away. However, the use of patron-driven acquisition
(PDA) could be a mitigating factor. In the PDA scenario, when a library
patron requests an e-title that the library does not own, the patron can
"request" the title, which is delivered as a PDA "rental," usually
immediately, to the patron. The library is charged the "rental" fee, often
less than the former cost of print ILL, and, unlike the old ILL, the
publisher receives some payment. This scenario ought to attract publishers,
even though some still believe PDA cuts into book sales. In actuality, many
books will only be discovered through a library's participation in a PDA
program. This e-book PDA model "represent[s] significant changes to the
supply chain for books," both for publishers and libraries. (Link to Web
NISO Note: To learn more about PDA from both the librarian's and the
publisher's perspective, attend the NISO May 16 webinar, Can I Access the
World? Involving Users in E-book <> Acquisition and Sharing. NISO's
Business Information Topic Committee is currently reviewing a new work item
proposal to develop recommended practices related to Patron Driven
The Library Cloud Pros and Cons
The Digital Shift, March 5, 2012; by Edward M. Corrado and Heather Lea
Cloud computing for libraries means hosting the library's information
outside of the library's institution, with patron access through the
Internet. Marshall Breeding (Vanderbilt University) predicted in a Computers
in Libraries article (September 2011) that cloud-based platforms would
replace the existing integrated library system (ILS). While this offers some
benefits, it also has some drawbacks. Cloud pros include: greater system
efficiency; flexibility in balancing and scaling resource usage; potential
for services that provide new uses for existing data, e.g., the Ex Libris bX
recommender service; reduced need for IT expertise and staff; less expensive
options for general applications such as e-mail through Google mail; and
less downtime related to maintenance and upgrade activities. Cons for cloud
computing are: possibility of higher, rather than lower cost; little or no
control over when downtime for maintenance may occur; requirement for a
reliable and high-speed Internet connection; privacy and security issues
that while solvable must be evaluated and understood; and ownership rights
to the data. Libraries that use cloud services should have a Service Level
Agreement (SLA) in place that addresses how these issues will be handled.
The University of Washington Health Services Library implemented a
cloud-based web-conferencing application only to see it sold to another
company and then discontinued. Wake Forest University moved their ILS to the
cloud along with its website and discovery layer. They found that it "had
similar costs but offered operational benefits." [Article includes sidebar
"What's in the Cloud?"] (Link to Web Source
cons/> )
NISO Note: NISO members mentioned in this article are: Ex Libris, OCLC,
Serials Solutions, EBSCO, and 3M.
What is Linked Open Data?
Europeana Press Release, February 16, 2012
To support the use of linked data in the information community, Europeana
has published data for 2.4 million objects under a Creative Commons CC0
license. To further aid in understanding linked data, an animation was
developed to explain what linked data is and why it's good for both users
and data providers. Europeana's business strategy is based on the making
their data openly available so it can be used "to develop innovative
applications for smartphones and tablets and to create new web services and
portals." National libraries in Europe are also supporting and publishing
linked open data. See the recently launched Bibliothèque Nationale de France
linked data site. The Library Linked Data Incubator Group of the W3C is co-
chaired by Europeana's Anotine Isaac. An open data agreement is included the
contract that organizations sign when they provide metadata to Europeana.
The agreement goes into effect on July 1, 2012 making everything in their
system Open Data. [Included in the release are links to various open data
websites and a list of the institutions that provide CC0 metadata to
Europeana.] (Link to Web Source <http://e2.ma/message/r5c0/v8prwb> )
NISO Note: NISO and DCMI's webinar series in 2012 discuss various aspects of
linked data. Subscribe to the whole series and get one webinar free. (The
first webinar from February will be provided in a recorded version.) For
more information visit the webinar series webpage
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/> .
The Ins and Outs of Evaluating Web-Scale Discovery Services
Computers in Libraries, 32(3), April 2012; by Athena Hoeppner
Libraries are increasingly replacing federated search systems with a single
index search and single ranked results list culled from a wide diversity of
resources. Such web- scale discovery services (WSD) is what the author
investigated to implement at the University of Central Florida. Key concepts
in WSD include: a single central processed index of the harvested metadata
and the discovery layer comprising the search technology and the user
interface. Some vendors offer both the index and discovery layer components,
but often the two components can come from different vendors and be
combined. The four major vendors/products reviewed were: EBSCO's Discovery
Service, Ex Libris's Primo Central Index, Serials Solutions' Summon, and
OCLC's WorldCat Local. A central index typically contains some or all of:
library cataloging data (e.g. MARC records); citation metadata and full text
from open access publications or databases; publisher metadata and full-text
licensed materials (licensed by the WSD vendor, the library, or both). What
metadata from which resources is in which WSD central index varies greatly
from one vendor or service to another and one library to another depending
on different license agreements. Different vendors may also include
different subsets of metadata from the same original resource. Features of
the discovery layer, that vary somewhat from one vendor to another, are: the
ability to brand the interface with the library's information; standard
basic search features such as keywords, truncation, phrase, and Boolean;
advanced searching such as limiters and facets; Web 2.0 features such as
tagging and integration with social media sites; enhancement of results.
Some considerations for choosing a vendor would include existing vendor
relationships and pricing. Since each WDS solution is customized for the
library, viewing another implementation may not show the availability of all
features. [Article includes a list and links to example library WSD
implementations.] (Link to Web Source
.shtml> )
NISO Note: NISO's new Open Discovery Initiative (ODI) is developing
recommendations for dealing with some of the issues mentioned in this
article. Follow the ODI project from their workroom webpage
<http://www.niso.org/workrooms/odi/> or by signing up for the ODI interest
<http://www.niso.org/lists/opendiscovery/> group list. The following NISO
members are mentioned in this article: American Library Association, EBSCO,
Ex Libris, Serials Solutions, OCLC, Cengage Learning, American Psychological
Association, ProQuest, JSTOR, Thomson Reuters, University of Georgia,
Northwestern University, Oregon State University, University of Michigan,
and the University of Arizona.
Other Stories of Interest
The following are some additional stories that have appeared in the last
month that we can't cover in detail, but which may be of interest to
Newsline readers.
* Construction
<http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01616846.2012.654734> Zones on
the Library Road to the Future. Public Library Quarterly, 31(1): 21-47,
2012; by Carl Grant
* Google
_source=wc&utm_medium=en> Begins to Scale Back Its Scanning of Books From
University Libraries. The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 9, 2012; by
Jennifer Howard
* E-journal
chiving-whether-how-who-which-where-and-when/> Preservation and Archiving:
Whether, How, Who, Which, Where, and When? The Scholarly Kitchen, March 7,
2012; by Rick Anderson
* Expanding
09.asp> Options for Ebooks. Information Today NewsBreaks, April 2, 2012; by
Paula J. Hane
* The ISO 25964 <http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-12/AprMay12_Will.pdf>
Data Model for the Structure of an Information Retrieval Thesaurus. Bulletin
of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 38(4),
April/May 2012; by Leonard Will
* Librarians
shers-at-aap-conference/> Reach Out to Publishers at AAP Conference. The
Digital Shift, March 14, 2012; by Meredith Schwartz
* An <http://chronicle.com/article/Hot-Type-An-Open-Letter-to/131397/>
Open Letter to Academic Publishers About Open Access. The Chronicle of
Higher Education, April 1, 2012; by Jennifer Howard
* Publishing:
ionary-future/> The Revolution. The New York Review of Books, March 11,
2012; by Jason Epstein
About NISO Newsline
ISSN 1559-2774
NISO's free monthly e-newsletter reports on the latest NISO news, highlights
new specifications and standards of interest including calls for public
review and comment, abstracts significant media stories on topics of
interest to the NISO community, and links to news releases of NISO member
Newsline is distributed via e-mail to subscribers on the first Wednesday of
the month and is posted to the NISO website.
<http://www.niso.org/publications/newsline/> Newsline Archive »
April 9
Open Discovery <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/telecon/> Initiative
Open Teleconference Call
April 11
> to Expect When You're Expecting a Platform Change
NISO Webinar
April 25
Schema.org and <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/linked_data/>
Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Publishing Data
NISO/DCMI Joint Webinar
May 14
IOTA: OpenURL Quality <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/telecon/>
NISO Open Teleconference
May Two-Part Webinar: Understanding Critical Elements of E-books: Acquiring,
Sharing, and Preserving (NISO Webinar)
May 16
aring/> 1: Can I Access the World? Involving Users in E-book Acquisition
and Sharing
May 23
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/nisowebinars/ebooks_preservation/> 2:
Heritage Lost? Ensuring the Preservation of E-books
Other Events of Interest
April 19-21
on=Conference_Detail&ConfID_W=285&> Society for Indexing Annual Conference
San Diego, CA
May 3
BISG's Making Information Pay <http://www.bisg.org/mip/>
New York, NY
May 18-23
Medical Library Association Annual <http://www.mlanet.org/am/am2012/>
Seattle, WA
May 30 - June 1
ion=Conference_Detail&ConfID_W=221&Time=-1612708828> of Scholarly
Publishers (SSP) Annual Meeting
Arlington, VA
News from NISO Members:
Events & Education
National Library <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9870> Week:
You Belong @ Your Library
New eCourse: Learn <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9823> to
Build a Website with Joomla!
What is WordPress <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9824> and
What Can It Do for Your Library? Learn All About It in New Workshop
Public Library <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9825>
Association Conference Draws Thousands to Philadelphia
LITA Preconferences <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9787> at
ALA Annual Conference
Start planning <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9786>
now2012 ALA Annual Conference Preliminary Program Is Here!
Authority Work and <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9755> RDA
Subject of ALCTS Preconference
LITA Web Course: <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9620>
Getting Started with GIS
Save the Dates: Joint Conference on Digital <http://www.jcdl2012.info/>
Libraries, June 10-14, 2012
r-platform-new-york-time-zone-7> Learn How to Get the Most from the JSTOR
Dates and Hotel <http://www.lbibinders.org/2012-fall-conference> Confirmed
for 2012 HBI/LBI Fall Conference
Information Resources
New Report Outlines <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9922>
Power of Disconnecting in Knowledge Economy
ALA President Molly <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9826>
Raphael Releases Report on E-Book Talks with E-Book Distributors
ALA Editions Update <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9679> to
Disaster Response and Planning for Libraries
Library Publishing Services: Strategies <http://wp.sparc.arl.org/lps/> for
Success: Final Research Report, from SPARC
SPARC's <http://www.arl.org/sparc/media/blog/SPARC_OA_Meeting_Success.shtml>
First Open Access Meeting a Success; Presenter Slides Online
-ithaka-s-r-chemistry-project> Report Released on Ithaka S+R Chemistry
Library of Congress <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-063.html> Acquires
Lee Strasberg Collection
Awards & Grants
Clifford Lynch <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9912> Named
2012 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award Winner
Queens Memory <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9753> Project
Receives ALCTS Collaboration Citation
CLIR/DLF Announce Data <http://www.clir.org/fellowships/datacuration>
Curation Fellowships
Publishing and NoveList Introduce LibraryAware and the LibraryAware
Community Award
ibraryJournal.sp> Reference and CQ Press Titles Honored by Library Journal
Crowned Independent Publisher's Guild Academic and Professional Publisher of
the Year 2012
f-sirsidynix-developer-community> Celebrates 10-year Anniversary of
SirsiDynix Developer Community
Thomson <http://thomsonreuters.com/content/press_room/corporate/653151>
Reuters Named One of Ethisphere's 2012 "World's Most Ethical Companies" for
Fourth Successive Year
Product & Project Announcements
nces%20Integration%20with%20Polaris%20ILS.docx> Cloud Library Announces
Integration with Polaris ILS
ASCE Announces All-New Civil Engineering <http://www.asce.org/CEMagApp/>
Magazine App for Mobile Devices
ProQuest <http://www.proquest.com/en-US/aboutus/pressroom/12/20120322.shtml>
Picks Up Where the Census Bureau Left Off: The Statistical Abstract of the
United States Will Be Back This Year
University to Contribute to ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database
Merges Brands to Focus Growth on Global Research
Releases Results of Global eBook Research
Announces New Strategic Approach to E-book Acquisition
library-experience-with-gateways/> Aims to Transform the Online Library
Experience with Gateways
ness-people/> Launches DemographicsNow: Business & People
ses/press_2012/press-release-12-03-13.html> of American University Presses
Partners with Copyright Clearance Center
Convert e-Publications from One <http://www.daisy.org/news#newsitem1089>
Format to Another: DAISY Pipeline 2 Version 1.2 Now Available
Discovery Service Expands German Content with WTI - Frankfurt Agreement
New <http://www2.ebsco.com/EN-US/NEWSCENTER/Pages/ViewArticle.aspx?QSID=547>
Agreement Adds Britannica to Growing List of Content Providers for EBSCO
Discovery Service
Publishing and QUOSA Agreement Creates New EBSCOhost Premium Channel in
QUOSA System
Health Content Now Available from EBSCO Publishing's ExPub Databases
Publishing Extends Partnership with Accessible Archives Inc.
Publishing Releases First eBook Subscription Offering eBook Academic
Subscription Collection
%7D> Libris Primo Central Index to Cover More Informit Content
%7D> Libris Announces the Release of bX Hot Articles
%7D> Libris and Bibliotheca Collaborate to Provide World-Class RFID
Solutions to Libraries
%7D> Libris Adds New bX Services Based on Scholarly Usage Data
HighWire Launches <http://highwire.stanford.edu/PR/1000thMobileSite.pdf>
its 1000th Mobile Website
ccess-to-australia-and-new-zealand-journal-of-audiology> Now Providing
Access to "Australian and New Zealand Journal of Audiology" Content for Your
National <http://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2012/nr12-99.html>
Archives Releases 1940 Census
NLM <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/gale_cengage_collaboration.html> Completes
Mass-Digitization Projects with Gale/Cengage Learning
CIPE Italian <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201221.htm>
University Consortium to Add 11 Million Records to WorldCat
to_power_dow_jones_indexes> Reuters Selected to Power Dow Jones Indexes' US
Index Data Business
lary_healthcare_reform> Reuters Publishes "Vocabulary of Healthcare Reform"
to Demystify Alphabet Soup of PPACA Acronyms and Buzz Words
on-survey> Reuters Launches Academic Reputation Survey for 2012
Latest <http://thomsonreuters.com/content/press_room/legal/556134> Version
of Thomson Reuters ProView eReader Platform Launches Globally
Organization Changes
Kathy Rosa is new <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9947> ALA
Office for Research and Statistics Director
Acquired Structurae, a Leading Online Structural and Civil Engineering
<http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/PressRelease/pressReleaseId-102770.html> to
Divest Selected Publishing Assets: Strategic Realignment of Resources Will
Address Marketplace Changes, Accelerate Wiley's Digital Transformation, and
Drive Long-Term Growth
Mark Sweeney Appointed LC <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-056.html>
Director of Preservation
Gene Oliver <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201223.htm>
Promoted to Vice President, OCLC Global Systems and Information Technology
OCLC Opens New <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201222.htm>
Data Center in Sydney, Australia
Appoints Ryoji Fukada as Chairman Swets Japan
Policy & Legislation
Virtual Library <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9874>
Legislative Day on April 24 Encourages Library Advocates to Contact Congress
from Home
"Finally, an Easy-ish Question," ARL Policy Notes Blog on Authors Guild v.
HathiTrust (Mar. 5, '12)
Customer Announcements
Hall University Chooses EBSCO Discovery Service
University in New Zealand Opts for EBSCO Discovery Service
University in Poland Selects EBSCO Discovery Service from EBSCO Publishing
%7D> Migrates to the Ex Libris Cloud by Upgrading to AlephPlus
%7D> Library of Russia Selects Ex Libris Aleph
Academic Libraries in <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=527>
Scotland Partner for New Cost Effectiveness and Shared Services: Three
Institutions to Share Millennium ILS
The PrairieCat <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=526> Consortium
(IL) Selects the Sierra Services Platform and Encore
400 Public Libraries Taking <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=525>
the Next Step with Sierra
Arlington Public Library <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=524>
(VA) Debuts Digital Archive
Universidad Europea de <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=523>
Madrid (UEM) Goes Live with Complete Discovery and Management Solution from
San Juan <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/201219.htm> Island
Library, Union County Public Library among latest to join OCLC WorldShare
Management Services community
Copyright © 2012 National Information Standards Organization
One North Charles Street, Suite 1905, Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 866.957.1593 Fax: 410.685.5278
E-mail: <mailto:nisohq at niso.org> nisohq at niso.org
Newsline editor: <mailto:chodgson at niso.org> Cynthia Hodgson
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