[Asis-l] CFP--> SPECIAL ISSUE OF EDUCATION FOR INFORMATION, Non-textual pedagogies: Learning beyond words. Deadline EXTENSION

IBEKWE SANJUAN Fidelia fidelia.IBEKWE-SANJUAN at univ-amu.fr
Thu May 3 14:21:48 EDT 2018

  If you are considering submitting a paper to this special issue of Education for Information, you now have a little more time to get it done. We are extending the due date to May 31, 2018.

NOTE: Please be sure to strip your paper of contact details for the blind review.

Please help spread the word.

CALL FOR PAPERS. A SPECIAL ISSUE OF EDUCATION FOR INFORMATION ON Non-textual pedagogies: Learning beyond words

In recent years, researchers and practitioners in the information and communication disciplines have begun to recognize forms of knowledge that go beyond the textual. Concomitantly, new approaches and methodologies to pedagogy have emerged, such as embodied, arts-informed, design thinking, practice-led, experience-based and productive teaching and learning. As such, there is an opportunity to continue incorporating these developments into education for the information professions. Building on the 2016 special issue of Education for Information on innovative pedagogies in LIS (volume 32, issue 1), we invite broad-ranging considerations of questions around educating future information professionals beyond the use of texts. With this in mind, Education for Information is seeking articles for a special issue on Non-Textual Pedagogies to be published in fall/winter 2018.
We welcome both conceptual and empirical papers (approximately 6,000 words) as well as shorter discussions of pedagogical innovations and applied practice (approximately 1,500 words). Submissions should be original works not previously published nor undergoing review for publication in another journal at the time of submission.

The scope of this special issue includes:
Explorations of pedagogies that go beyond traditional textual and verbal approaches in information studies and other fields (including but not limited to embodied, arts-informed, design thinking, practice-led, experience-based, productive teaching and more)
Perspectives of teachers, learners, administration, staff, practitioners and more from anywhere in the world
Techniques and research on using modalities beyond the visual to teach information studies content
Theoretical and methodological approaches to pedagogy and curriculum design that are underrepresented in the information studies literature
Discussions of institutional support and student reception of such pedagogical approaches
Evidence of the effects of non-textual pedagogical approaches after graduation
Reflections on the impact and effectiveness of nontraditional pedagogies
Thoughtful use of new technologies for non-textual teaching and learning
Uses of “old” technologies, both innovative and tried-and-true, for non-textual teaching and learning
Intersections between course content and other department/institution offerings (reading groups, research centers, seminar series, organizations, institutes and more)

This special issue is co-edited by Kiersten F. Latham (Kent State University, USA) and Tim Gorichanaz (Drexel University, USA). Questions, comments and inquiries can be directed to either Kiersten (kflatham at kent.edu) or Tim (gorichanaz at drexel.edu).

Style guidelines for Education for Information are available here:


Submissions are due May 31 2018. They can be submitted via email to either Kiersten (kflatham at kent.edu) or Tim (gorichanaz at drexel.edu. Submissions will be blind peer-reviewed.

Founded in 1983, Education for information (EFI) is a quarterly refereed academic journal publishing research articles on issues related to the teaching and learning of information scientists and professionals for an information society. EFI welcomes a broad perspective on issues related to pedagogy and learning in the information and communication disciplines (ICD) such as Library and Information Science, Communication and Media studies, Journalism, Archival studies, Museum studies, Psychology, Cognitive science and Digital Humanities.
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Fidelia Ibekwe
School of Journalism & Communication, Aix-Marseille University
Editor in Chief of Education for Information
Homepage: http://fidelia1@free.fr

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