[Asis-l] Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2018 Conference
Brenda Sheridan
brenda.sheridan at rutgers.edu
Mon Oct 16 08:38:09 EDT 2017
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2018 Conference
Become a Sponsor
Join Rutgers University, ASIST, ISSN International Center, and the University of Copenhagen in sponsoring LIDA 2018, a biennial international conference bringing together students and scholars from across the globe to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities facing libraries in the digital age. This year's conference takes place in beautiful Zadar, Croatia, and is co-sponsored by Rutgers University, University of Zadar, and University of Osijek. We anticipate more than 150 faculty, students, researchers, and librarians will attend. Sponsorship opportunities include a number of benefits, such as:
* Complimentary registration
* Organization/company/university recognition at sponsored events
* Organization/company/university logo advertised online and at the conference
* Promotional material included in conference give-aways
* Presentation space for exhibition of products
* And more!
You can view the full list of sponsorship opportunities<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fozk.unizd.hr%2Flida%2Fcall_for_sponsors%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cbrenda.sheridan%40rutgers.edu%7C4872ea52942946ab41a008d51254158a%7Cb92d2b234d35447093ff69aca6632ffe%7C1%7C0%7C636435074700580400&sdata=TdZga2DpkQuiMRIKGiHSJc%2BY4XM%2FGoPpcKGXf%2BTb1Jc%3D&reserved=0> for more detailed information. If you are interested in sponsoring LIDA at one of these levels, or if you'd like to discuss a customized package, please contact conference co-directors Dr. Marie Radford, at mradford at comminfo.rutgers.edu<mailto:mradford at comminfo.rutgers.edu>, or Dr. Ross Todd, at rtodd at comminfo.rutgers.edu<mailto:rtodd at comminfo.rutgers.edu>.
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