[Asis-l] Apply for ASIS&T SIG USE Innovation Award (Due date extended!)
Sue Yeon Syn
syn at cua.edu
Wed Jul 12 01:39:48 EDT 2017
Dear Colleagues,
We hope you will consider applying for the SIG USE Innovation Award. The
purpose of this award is to recognize innovative human information behavior
work of any formats including papers, videos, demos, and other works that
are accepted by the ASIS&T conference.
The award winners will receive a Certificate and a check for $200 at the
SIG USE symposium to be held at the upcoming ASIST Annual Meeting in
Washington, DC.
The application package should include a cover letter and a copy of the
work to be considered. Detailed information for application can be found
from https://siguse.wordpress.com/innovationaward/
Applications for the SIG USE EInnovation Award is due *August 1, 2017* (*Notice
the extended due date!*). Applications can be forwarded to both of the SIG
USE Awards Co-Chairs: Sue Yeon Syn (syn at cua.edu) and Sanghee Oh (
sangee.oh at cnu.ac.kr).
Sue Yeon Syn and Sanghee Oh
SIG USE Awards Co-chairs
*Sue Yeon Syn, Ph.D.*
*Assistant Professor*
*Department of Library and Information Science*
*Catholic University of America*
*620 Michigan Ave. N.E.*
*Washington, D.C. 20064*
*Phone: 202-319-6277*
*Email: syn at cua.edu <syn at cua.edu>*
*Web: http://faculty.cua.edu/syn <http://faculty.cua.edu/syn> *
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