[Asis-l] CONF: Poetics of the Algorithm, 16-18 June 2016, University of Liège (ULg), Belgium
Aarnoud Rommens
aarnoud.rommens at ulg.ac.be
Sat May 28 07:37:29 EDT 2016
POETICS OF THE ALGORITHM: NARRATIVE, THE DIGITAL AND 'UNIDENTIFIED' MEDIA, 16-18 June 2016 / University of Liège (ULg), Salle des Professeurs, Place du XX Août, 4000 Liege, Belgium
Poetics of the Algorithm: Narrative, the Digital, and ‘Unidentified’ Media is an international and bilingual (English and French) conference organized by the ACME Research Group and hosted by the University of Liège (Belgium), from June 16 to June 18, 2016. It focuses on interactive fiction, apps, digital comics, games, e-literature and other emerging, ‘new’ media. The conference will host workshops, roundtable discussions, panels, and presentations of papers.
The conference does not require advance registration (except the WREKshop). It is a free event and completely open to the public. All practical information is available on the website: https://poeticsofthealgorithm.wordpress.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1541606192815768/
Conference opening event
- 9.00 - 17.00: WREKshop lead by Olivier Deprez & Miles O’Shea, Académie des Beaux-Arts de Liège: “Cinématogravure” workshop.
- 20.00: WREKshop Projection by Olivier Deprez & Miles O’Shea, Salle Lumière, Université de Liège: Projection of the results from the workshop; projection of film "Après la mort, après la vie."
- 8.30 - 9.00: Welcome and registration
- 9.00 - 9.30: Introduction Aarnoud Rommens, Björn-Olav Dozo & Benoît Crucifix
9.30 - 11.30: Panel: "Thinking about Digital Comics through Practice"
- Nicolas Labarre (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne), “The Users of Comics as Scholarship”
- Anthony Rageul (Université Rennes 2, artist), “De la jubilation de concevoir des ‘récits-interfaces’”
- Daniel Merlin Goodbrey (University of Hertfordshire), “Choose the Format of the Destructor: Design Choices for Comic Creators in Print and Digital Media”
- Yannis La Macchia (graphic artist), “Narration par fragments”
11.45 – 12.45: Keynote: Ilan Manouach (artist): “Shapereader: Tactile storytelling for the visually impaired”
14.00 - 15.30: Bande dessinée numérique et esthétique
- Julien Baudry (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne), “Les paradoxes de l'innovation esthétique dans la création numérique en bande dessinée”
- Magali Boudissa (Université Paris 8), “De l’album à l’écran : enjeux narratifs et esthétiques de la bande dessinée numérique”
- Jean-Bernard Cheymol (CMI - Université Paris 3), “La vitesse dans 3" de Marc-Antoine Mathieu”
15.45 - 17.15: "Comics, Technology and 'Here'"
- Côme Martin (Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV), “Contre ou au-delà de l’imprimé ? La bande dessinée numérique à la recherche d’un statut spécifique”
- Ernesto Priego (City University of London) and Peter Wilkins (Douglas College), “The Question Concerning Comics as Technology: Gestell and Grid”
- Aarnoud Rommens (BEIP-Cofund, Université de Liège), “Weird Media”
18.00 - 19.30: Keynote: Richard McGuire & Stephen Betts: “Digitizing 'Here'”
9.00 - 9.45: Panel: "Digital Practices"
- Loraine Furter (Hybrid Publishing Group), “Hidden Histories, Public Libraries”
- Robert Rapoport (Leuphana University), “The Poetics of the AI Video Edit: Projection, Synch, Phase”
9.45 - 11.15: Panel: "Networks/Circulation"
- Estelle Dalleu (Université de Strasbourg), “D’un algorithme en résistance : le GIF. À propos de Zac’s Haunted House et Zac's Control Panel de Dennis Cooper”
- Dinu Gabriel Munteanu (Nottingham Trent University), “Indeterminate Media and the Poetics of Loss: Architecture, Colour and Mood on Tumblr Microblogs”
- Vendela Grundell (Stockholm University), “Interfacing Poetics: Glitch Art Transforming Spectatorship”
11.30 - 12.30: Keynote: Johnny Golding (CFAR-Birmingham City University, UK): “Exquisite Matter: Sensoria, Entanglement and the Roll of the Code (Encountering the Strange Case of 3D Printing)”
13.30 – 14.15: Panel: "Music and the Digital"
- Jonathan Impett (Orpheus Institute & Middlesex University), “Building with the unnamable: code, music and operational discourse”
- Raffaele Pavoni (Università degli Studi di Firenze), “From Music Videos to Music Algorithms. The Convergence of Software Houses and Record Labels in Chrome Experiments Interactive Music Videos”
14.30 - 15.30: Keynote: Sarah Kember (Goldsmiths, University of London): “iMedia: What or Where is the i in iMedia?”
15.45 - 16.45: Panel: "Rethinking Interfaces"
- Sylvie Fabre (Université d’Artois), “Du lecteur à l'utilisateur: l'expérience de la lecture sur écran, entre raison graphique et raison numérique”
- Dane Watkins (Falmouth University), “Smudging the Interface: How Can the Aesthetics of Comics Enhance the Usability of User Interfaces?”
17.00 - 18.00: Gregory Ulmer (University of Florida; via digital conferencing): “Electracy: The Digital Apparatus”
9.00 - 10.30: Panel: "Mediality in the Digital Age"
- Simon Grennan (University of Chester) and Ian Hague (London College of Communications), “Medium, knowledge, structure: capacities for choice and the contradiction of medium-specificity in games and comics”
- Olivier Crépin (Université Paris 8), “Walking Dead : de l'adaptation à la transmédialité, transformations du rythme du récit et implications”
- Gert Meesters (Université de Lille), “Bob and Bobette and Digital Enthusiasm. How a Big Comics Publisher in Flanders Put a Lot of Effort into Discrediting His Own Books”
10.45 - 11.00: Liège Gamelab presentation
11.00 - 12.00: Keynote: Markku Eskelinen (independent researcher): “Cybertextuality in 3D: a historical-theoretical-practical framework for re-reading literature”
13.30 - 14.45: Panel: "Game Design and Narratology"
- Victor Cayres, Lynn Alves, Cristhyane Ribeiro (State University of Bahia), “A game narrative development framework based on dramaturgical analysis tools”
- Mark R. Johnson & Darren J. Reed (University of York), “Towards Participatory Game Design”
- David Myers (Loyola University New Orleans), “Possible stories and literal games”
14.45 - 15.45: Keynote: Gregory Steirer (Dickinson College): “God from the Machine: Constructing Authorship in Twenty-First Century Interactive Fiction”
16.00 - 17.00: Panel: "Reprocessing Literature through the Algorithm"
- Martin Zeilinger (Anglia Ruskin University; via digital conferencing), “Machine-Readable Beckett: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Reading and Performing Quad as Algorithmic Theatre”
- Philipp Sack (Braunschweig University of Art), “Commodity and thought forms. On ‘Poetry for Robots’”
17.00 - 18.00: Panel: "Oulipo and Digital Avant-Gardes"
- Natalie Berkman (Princeton University), “L’Oulipo numérique”
- Catherine Lenoble and An Mertens (Algolit), “Exercices de style with algorithms #Digital avant-gardes”
18.00 - 18.20: Concluding Remarks Aarnoud Rommens, Björn-Olav Dozo & Benoît Crucifix
Organizing Committee:
- Aarnoud Rommens. BeIPD-COFUND Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Liège (ULg), Belgium.
- Benoît Crucifix. F.R.S-FNRS Doctoral Fellow, University of Liège (ULg) and University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium.
- Björn-Olav Dozo. Associate Professor, University of Liège (ULg), Belgium.
Scientific Committee:
- Jan Baetens. Professor, KU Leuven, Belgium.
- Benoît Crucifix. F.R.S-FNRS Doctoral Fellow, University of Liège (ULg) and University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium.
- Björn-Olav Dozo. Associate Professor, University of Liège (ULg), Belgium.
- Gert Meesters. Professor, University Lille 3, France.
- Fabrice Préyat. Professor, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.
- Aarnoud Rommens. BeIPD-COFUND Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Liège (ULg), Belgium.
- Giovanna di Rosario. Associate professor, University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium.
Dr. Aarnoud Rommens
Post-Doctoral Fellow (BeIPD-COFUND)
ACME Research Group
Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres
University of Liege (Ulg)
Place du 20-Août 7, Bât. A2 4/47
4000 Liège, Belgium
aarnoud.rommens at ulg.ac.be
tel. +32(0)495/326237
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