[Asis-l] CHIIR: Register Now

Kelly, Diane dianek at email.unc.edu
Mon Jan 4 14:41:10 EST 2016

CHIIR 2016: Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval
Sponsored by ACM SIGIR and in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI

LOCATION: Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
DATES:  March 13-17, 2016

Web:  http://sigir.org/chiir2016/
Follow us:  @ACM_CHIIR
Tweet with us: #CHIIR2016



* Keynotes by Mark Ackerman (U. of Michigan, USA) and Pia Borland (U. of
Copenhagen, Denmark)

* Accepted papers posted: http://sigir.org/chiir2016/accepted-papers.html

* Register NOW!  Early registration rates end on Jan 15. ACM members: $500
USD; Students: $350. http://sigir.org/chiir2016/registration.html

* Registration includes FREE tutorials

	T1: Applying Qualitative Methods in Studies of Retrieval Interactions
(Half Day)
	Presenter: Barbara Wildemuth (U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
	T2: Modeling User Behavior for Measuring Effectiveness (Full Day)
	Presenters: Charlie Clarke (U. of Waterloo, Cananda), Mark Smucker (U. of
Waterloo, Canada) and Emine Yilmaz (U. College London, UK)

* Conference hotel rate ends Jan 27:

* Workshops still accepting submissions:

	W1: System and User Centered Evaluation Approaches in Interactive IR
	W2: Usefulness of Interactive IR Systems
	W3: The Serendipity Factor: Evaluating the Affordances of Digital



CHIIR is a forum for the dissemination and discussion of research on the
user-centered aspects of information interaction and information
retrieval. CHIIR focuses on elements such as human involvement in search
activities, and information seeking and use in context. The conference
represents a merger of two successful past events: the Information
Interaction in Context conference (IIiX) and the Human Computer
Information Retrieval symposium (HCIR), which have run since 2006 and
2007, respectively. CHIIR is sponsored by ACM SIGIR and is in cooperation

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