[Asis-l] ASIS&T Announces next Editor-in-Chief of JASIST

Dick at asis.org Dick at asis.org
Fri Nov 6 12:06:02 EST 2015

ASIS&T Announces next Editor-in-Chief of JASIST

It is with great pleasure that the ASIS&T Board announces that Javed
Mostafa, Professor at the University of North Carolina, will be the next
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Association for Information Science
and Technology (ASIS&T), starting in January 2016.

Mostafa brings a 21 year history, being an author or co-author of 80
peer-reviewed research papers. His main area of research is information
retrieval.  He currently serves as an editorial board member of JASIST
(since 2012) and has been an associate editor for the main information
retrieval journal in computer and information science, ACM Transactions on
Information Systems (ACM TOIS), for eight years (serving under two
different EiCs).

Mostafa now serves as an associate editor for the ACM Transactions on
Internet Technology (ACM TOIT) and has edited or co-edited several special
issues of journals, including IEEE Intelligent Systems, Journal of Digital
Libraries, and JASIST. As an organizer or co-organizer of several research
workshops, co-located with forums such as the Annual ACM SIGIR Conference
on Research and Development in Information Retrieval and the Joint
Conference on Digital Libraries, he has conducted review, selection,
publication, and publicity activities.

Mostafa succeeds Blaise Cronin, Indiana University, who has been
Editor-in-Chief for 7 years.  Cronin is the co-Editor, with Cassidy
Sugimoto, of the ASIS&T Monograph “Scholarly Metrics Under the Microscope:
>From Citation Analysis to Academic Auditing,” (2016, Information Today).

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