[Asis-l] EXTENDED: JIS Special Issue on Recent Advances on Searching as Learning

Jacek Gwizdka asis at gwizdka.com
Sun Mar 29 18:58:54 EDT 2015

Journal of Information Science (http://jis.sagepub.com)
JIS Special Issue on Recent Advances on Searching as Learning

Full Paper Submissions Due:     ****April 15, 2015*****
Publication date:                         December, 2015

Search systems to date have been viewed more as tools for the retrieval of
content to satisfy information needs, than as environments in which humans
interact with information content in order to learn. However, as full-text,
information-rich search systems become the norm, there is growing
recognition of the importance of studying and designing search systems to
foster discovery and enhance learning during the search process outside
formal educational settings. The research agenda of “Search as Learning”
(SAL) will provide opportunities and challenges for researchers to
reconsider the value of search systems in providing support for learning
directly and to pay more attention to broader outcomes of searching beyond
a set of search results.

The Special Issue of “Searching as Learning” aims to flesh out research
directions and methodologies, survey state-of-the-art approaches in this
important emerging research area. We are particularly interested in
engaging researchers across the information retrieval, information studies,
human computer interaction and learning science fields.

The special issue on “Recent Advances on Searching as Learning” is
dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Information Science +
other areas) thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested
researchers in the aforesaid fields. The special issue looks for
significant contributions to the intersection of Information Seeking and
Learning in theoretical and practical aspects.

List of topics
This special issue seeks to explore current work in information seeking and
searching as learning. Authors are solicited to contribute to the special
issue by submitting articles that discuss research projects and results,
survey past works and industrial experiences and describe significant
advances in the following areas, but not limited to:
* Understanding searching as a human learning process
* When and how learning occurs in the search process
* The relationship between the learning process and searchers' work task
* Features and functionalities to foster learning
* Search interface design in support of learning
* The implications of searching for learning for different populations:
  children, low literacy searchers, non-experts
* The role of affect and engagement on learning while searching
* Methods and measures to assess learning performance and experience
* Learning analytics for search contexts
* Collaborative aspects of searching as learning
* Implicit indicators of learning (while searching)
* Interaction monitoring and optimization for learning outcomes

Important dates
Paper submission deadline:                April 15, 2015 - EXTENDED!
First review notification:                       May 29, 2015
Revised paper submission deadline:   June 30, 2015
Notification final acceptance:               August 29, 2015
Expected publication:                          December, 2015

Author guidelines
Only original papers that are not or have not been submitted for
publication elsewhere will be considered. Instructions for submission can
be found at:

The submitted papers should be formatted according to the journal style (
http://jis.me.uk/template), and submitted directly to the contact person of
the guest editors by email (preben at dsv.su.se) with CC to the
Editor-in-Chief (journal.information.science at gmail.com). The subject line
of the email should be clearly marked with "JIS Special Issue – Searching
as Learning". All manuscripts are subject to peer review on both technical
merit and relevance to the journal's readership based on originality,
quality and relevance.

Guest Editors
Preben Hansen
Department of Computer and Information Systems
Unit of Interaction Design and Design for Learning
Stockholm University, Sweden
preben at dsv.su.se (contact person)

Noriko Kando
National Institute of Informatics, Japan
kando at nii.ac.jp

Luanne Freund
School of Library, Archival and Information Studies
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
luanne.freund at ubc.ca

Jacek Gwizdka
School of Information
University of Texas at Austin, USA
jgwizdka at acm.org

Jiyin He
CWI, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
Amsterdam, Netherlands
jiyinhe at gmail.com

Soo Young Rieh
School of Information
University of Michigan, USA
rieh at umich.edu

Jacek Gwizdka, PhD  http://jsg.tel
Assistant Professor at School of Information, University of Texas at Austin
Information eXperience (IX) lab Co-Director
Distinguished Fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation Collegium of Eminent
ACM Senior Member
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