[Asis-l] NISO White Paper Explores the Future of Library Resource Discovery
niso-announce at niso.org
Mon Feb 23 13:20:51 EST 2015
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has published a white
paper, The Future of Library Resource Discovery, written by independent
consultant, speaker, and author Marshall Breeding. The white paper was
commissioned by NISO's Discovery to Delivery (D2D) Topic Committee as part
of its ongoing examination of areas in the discovery landscape that the
information community could potentially standardize. Included in the paper
is an overview of the current discovery environment; descriptions of how
these technologies, methodologies, and products may be able to adapt to
potential future change; and a look beyond current models of discovery to
explore possible alternatives, especially those related to linked data.
"Marshall's paper thoroughly fulfills D2D's charge when we determined that
further focused exploration and analysis of the future discovery terrain
would better direct our work as a NISO Topic Committee," states Pascal
Calarco, Associate University Librarian, Research & Digital Discovery
Services, University of Waterloo, and Chair of the NISO Discovery to
Delivery Topic Committee. "The D2D Topic Committee focuses on issues
regarding the finding and distribution of information by and to users and,
among other tasks, identifies where new standards may provide solutions in
this area and creates and provides guidance and oversight to working groups
under its purview. We are appreciative that the paper, in addition to an
extensive background section, includes significant sections on gap analysis,
opportunities for future enhancements using various emerging technologies,
and discovery beyond library-provided interfaces, which will provide rich
material for our decisions on NISO projects in 2015 and beyond."
"This impressive work will propel the Discovery to Delivery Topic
Committee's and NISO's work in the area of discovery," observes Todd
Carpenter, NISO Executive Director. "NISO is pleased to be able to make
Marshall's expert observations and analyses available to the library and
information community through the commission and publication of this white
paper. We expect that the community will continue to strive to provide its
users with more universal access to diverse types of content, and this
document is an important tool to help identify areas which, if engaged in,
will provide positive and long-lasting outcomes."
"I'm gratified that the paper will be an important contribution to NISO's
work," said Marshall Breeding, author of the white paper, who has also
served on numerous NISO committees and working groups over many years. "An
area of interest for me in this paper's composition was identifying or
exploring factors that may cause barriers to discovery, examining potential
methods for progress which may benefit from additional stimulation, and
detailing further opportunities to lower thresholds of entry to support
additional contributions in the important arena of discovery services. I
hope the material in the paper will enable the Discovery to Delivery Topic
Committee to further support its important work."
The Future of Library Resource Discovery white paper is available for free
download on the NISO website at
For more information, contact:
Nettie Lagace
NISO Associate Director for Programs
nlagace at niso.org
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