[Asis-l] ATTW 2015 Research Methods Workshops: Scholarships Available!

Huatong Sun huatongs at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 13:09:15 EST 2014

*Deadline extended to Dec 15 for ATTW 2015 Research Methods Workshops*

*March 17, 2015 12:30-4:30*

*Scholarships Available!*

The Research Methods Workshops are an initiative of the Association of
Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW) aimed at providing an opportunity for
those entering the profession and those less trained in research to develop
more sophisticated research skills.

This year, ATTW is sponsoring two Research Methods Workshops:

   - Bill Hart-Davidson, Michigan State University, and Ryan Omizo,
   University of Rhode Island, on* Analyzing Large-Scale Datasets in
   Writing Studies*, and
   - Huatong Sun, University of Washington Tacoma, on *Analyzing Digital
   Writing in a Cross Cultural Framework.*

These two half-day workshops will be held in Tampa on
Tuesday afternoon, March 17, 12:30-4:30.  This is the day preceding the
ATTW conference (March 18) and the CCCC conference (March 18-21).

Each workshop focuses on a methodology for data analysis and is designed to
help researchers devise and try out an analytic approach.

*Analyzing Large-Scale Datasets in Writing Studies* with Bill Hart-Davidson
 and Ryan Omizofocuses on methods for using machine-learning algorithms to
assist in the rapid analysis of a large text corpus.

*Analyzing Digital Writing in a Cross Cultural Framework* with Huatong
Sun focuses
on how to use a dialogic view of local culture to examine cross-cultural
data and articulate local technology-mediated practices as uptakes in the
age of globalization.

Complete descriptions of these workshops can be found at:

Hart-Davidson and Omizo: http://attw.org/node/188623
Sun: http://attw.org/node/188624

Registration for each workshop is $100.  Ten scholarships of $200 each are
available to graduate students to defray the cost of the workshop and hotel.

Participation in these workshops is awarded on a competitive basis and
constitutes a place on the ATTW program.

To apply for a place in one of these workshops, complete the application
form found at


Send it along with a 1-page description of your project to cgeisler at sfu.ca.
Applications are due December 15, 2014 and acceptances will emailed to you
by Jan 2.

Questions about these workshops can be directed to Cheryl Geisler (
cgeisler at sfu.ca), Chair of the ATTW Committee on Research.
Huatong Sun, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Digital Media Studies
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
University of Washington Tacoma

Book: Cross-Cultural Technology Design (Oxford UP)
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