[Asis-l] FW: DOCAM 2015 Call for papers
Cunningham, Flo
fcunning at kent.edu
Mon Nov 3 13:32:23 EST 2014
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Colleagues, the Australian members of the DOCAM 2015 Committee would appreciate you circulating the CFP for our forthcoming gathering far and wide within your networks etc., thank you, Paul
12th Annual International Meeting of the Document Academy
To be held at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Australia
Jointly hosted by UTS and Charles Sturt University (CSU)
July 20-22, 2015
In 2015 the Document Academy will come together under the theme of "Documents Unbounded" and is calling for submissions that examine the challenges ahead, as our understanding of data, documents, records, artefacts, evidence and memory form in the continuously changing landscape of new media and communications.
Important dates
Extended abstracts by:
15 December 2014
Notification of acceptance by:
15 February 2015
Conference dates:
20-22 July 2015
DOCAM2015 is the 12th annual meeting of the Document Academy, an international network of scholars, artists, and professionals in various fields, who are interested in the exploration of the concept of the document as a resource for scholarly, artistic and professional work.
The annual conference fosters a multidisciplinary space for experimental and critical research on the document in the widest sense, drawing on scholarship, traditions, and experiences from the arts, humanities, social sciences, education, and natural science, and from diverse fields, such as information, media, museum, archives, culture and science studies.
Research presentations
The DOCAM2015 Program Committee especially encourages completed research, research-in-progress, general conceptual and theoretical work, projects and case studies, creative and practical work in areas of document theory, document analysis and document materiality relevant to the conference theme in the following formats:
1. conference papers (extended abstracts for 20-minute presentations followed by 10 minutes of discussion);
2. brief abstracts for poster display and presentation.
Proposal submissions
Extended abstracts for conference papers and brief abstracts describing poster presentations should be submitted through the DOCAM2015 EasyChair system located at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=docam2015.
The conference language is English. Follow the submission template.
For papers include:
1. names and contact information for all contributors;
2. title of paper;
3. select the category type extended abstract;
4. 3 to 5 keywords.
Do not complete the abstract box available in the EasyChair template; instead
5. upload your extended abstract of up to 1000 words for your proposed presentation;
All abstracts should be submitted in Word document format (.doc .docx). As all extended abstracts will be blind peer reviewed, please ensure that author names and affiliations do not appear on the submitted Word document.
For posters include:
1. names and contact information for all contributors;
2. title of poster presentation;
3. enter an abstract or brief description of up to 250 words into the text box available in the template for abstracts;
4. 3 to 5 keywords;
Submissions for posters are not required to upload any additional Word documents.
All proposals should also include a brief statement providing:
* an explanation of how they will be presented (verbal, with presentation software, video, performance, or other forms of demonstration);
* preferred size of poster presentation
* any special equipment needs.
Publication of Conference proceedings
Full conference papers of between 2,500 and 5,000 words will be published in an open access peer-reviewed volume, Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy.
More Information
DOCAM2015 website: http://www.uts.edu.au/partners-and-community/conferences-and-seminars/documents-unbounded
DOCAM2015 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/docam2015
DOCAM2015 Twitter account: https://twitter.com/docam2015
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