[Asis-l] Thomson Reuters Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Scholarship (Due July 1, more details at http://bit.ly/1fKwidE)

Ying-Hsang Liu ruyhliu at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 20:06:23 EDT 2014

The purpose of this scholarship is to foster research in information science by encouraging and assisting doctoral students in the field with their dissertation research. The scholarship consists of an award of $1,500, administered by the ASIS&T Information Science Education Committee and sponsored by the Thomson Reuters.

Please note that “[t]he scholarship recipient must meet the following qualifications: 
(a) Be an active doctoral student in the information science area in a doctoral degree-granting institution; 
(b) Have had a dissertation proposal accepted by the institution or achieved the equivalent in their institution.”

For more details about the eligibility, nominations and selection processes, please see http://bit.ly/1fKwidE.

Chair, ASIS&T 2014 Thomson Reuters Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Scholarship Committee

Dr Ying-Hsang Liu
Lecturer, School of Information Studies
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 588
Wagga Wagga NSW 2678
Tel. 02 6933 2171  (International: +612 6933 2171)
Email yingliu at csu.edu.au
Web http://bit.ly/W6l57Z | http://bit.ly/ZPujKn
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