[Asis-l] Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) 2015

KATHY CARBONE kcarbone at g.ucla.edu
Fri Dec 12 21:27:03 EST 2014

I would like to post the message below regarding the 2015 Archival
Education and Research Institute (AERI) to the listerv. Is this possible?

Thank you,

The seventh annual Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) will be
held at the University of Maryland, College Park from July 13 to July 17,
2015. AERI brings together scholars who engage in Archival Studies, broadly

*Application Timeline*

12/15/2014: Application forms available on the website

01/05/2015: Application process opens (early applications are strongly

02/06/2015: Deadline for applications to be received

03/06/2015: Notification of acceptance to attend AERI 2015

04/10/2015: Final AERI program available

AERI 2015 looks forward to a dynamic conference that brings together
national and international scholars engaged in Archival Studies. Please
send inquiries to aeri2015 at umd.edu. Additional information about the
conference can be found at aeri2015.umd.edu.

Dr. Ricardo Punzalan, Chair of AERI 2015 Program Committee

Kathy Carbone
AERI Project Manager
Doctoral Student, Department of Information Studies
University of California Los Angeles
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