[Asis-l] Please register (free): ASIS&T Leadership Development Program: Different paths to ASIS&T leadership

Iris Xie hiris at uwm.edu
Wed Aug 6 16:13:08 EDT 2014


ASIS&T Leadership Development Program
Different paths to ASIS&T leadership: Perspectives from award-winning ASIS&T leaders

ASIS&T Annual Meeting
November 2, 2014, 5:30–7:00 pm
Seattle, WA

The ASIS&T Leadership Committee is pleased to offer Different paths to ASIS&T leadership: Perspectives from award-winning ASIS&T leaders as part of the ASIS&T Leadership Development Program at the Annual Meeting.  The main functions of the Leadership Development Committee are to identify and recruit individuals to be potential leaders serving in various ASIS&T positions; design, develop and implement training and development activities to enhance the skills and abilities of current and potential ASIS&T leaders; and identify and/or develop logical development paths for volunteer leaders to make use of experience gained in previous positions.

The ASIS&T Leadership Committee invited four panelists representing different categories of ASIS&T award winning leaders to discuss their paths to ASIS&T leadership. In particular, they will share their motivations and experiences related to taking different leadership roles in ASIS&T, promoting their chapters, SIGs and other ASIS&T activities, how they benefit from their leadership positions professionally or personally, how their organizations benefit from their leadership positions, their problems they have encountered, and how they overcome these problems.

The Leadership Program will consist of the following:

  *   Introduction of ASIS&T Leadership Development Program by Iris Xie,  Chair of the ASIS&T Leadership Committee (5 minutes)
  *   Panel Presentation (40 minutes)
     *   Sam Hastings, Watson Davis Award winner
     *   Sarah A Buchanan, SIG Award winner, past Chair of the History & Foundation of Information Science, Chapter Member of the Year Award winner, past Chair of Los Angeles Chapter
     *   Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Chapter of the Year Award winner 2011-2013, past-Chair of the Europe Chapter, Chair-elect SIG H-FIS
     *   Anne Pepitone, Student Chapter of the Year Award winner, Chair of the Student Chapter of Simmons College
  *   A small group discussion session (25 minutes)
  *   Discussion and review (20 minutes)

Discussion questions:

  *   What motivated you to volunteer in a leadership position in ASIS&T? What path did you take to a leadership role?
  *   What to do when you take a leadership role? What makes a successful leader? How would you lead a SIG/Chapter/Committee if a troublesome member is in the group?
  *   How to recruit team members effectively to get the work of the SIG/Chapter/Committee completed? What strategies have you tried towards recruiting new members to ASIS&T? What would convince a member to serve as an officer?
  *   How would you approach succession planning for leaders of a SIG/Chapter/Committee? What types of feasible year-long programming would you like to see or host in an ASIS&T SIG/Chapter/Committee?
  *   What are some methods by which a SIG/Chapter/Committee can better collaborate with each other?
  *   How can you balance demands at you job with commitment to professional service? How do you know when to say yes and when to say no to a leadership opportunity?
  *   What benefits or rewards professionally or personally has volunteering brought you?

This workshop is free to ASIS&T attendees. Registration is required to ensure sufficient materials for the hands-on exercise. Please register for the program on the conference registration form.

Short Biography

Sarah A. Buchanan is a doctoral student in Information Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, School of Information, where her research interests include archival arrangement and description, museum archaeology, and digital classics. She joined ASIS&T as a member of the Student Chapter at UCLA in 2008, and that year wrote about the chapter's focus on informatics for the Bulletin of ASIS&T. Drawing on research interests in digital humanities, she participated in a panel at ASIS&T 2010 and served as Chair of SIG AH (Arts & Humanities) in 2010-2012. As Chair (2011-12) of the Los Angeles Chapter of ASIS&T (LACASIS&T), Sarah helped plan its 50th anniversary program in June 2011 and conducted archival research on the chapter's history. This research received the ASIS&T History Fund Research Paper Award and was later published in JASIST, 62.11. Sarah also received the 2011 Chapter Member of the Year award. She expanded upon this research in a contributed report on "Histories of ASIS&T Chapters and SIGs" as a member of the ASIS&T 75th Anniversary Task Force. Sarah served as Chair (2012-13) of SIG HFIS (History & Foundations of Information Science) as a new doctoral student and was honored to accept the SIG of the Year award on its behalf at ASIS&T 2013.

Sam Hastings joined the faculty at the University of South Carolina, School of Library and Information Science as director and professor in August 2006.   Sam's research interests in the retrieval of digital images, cultural heritage, telecommunications and evaluation of networked information services influence how she views the changing roles for information professionals.  "Without library and information scientists, there is little hope that people will be able to find the information and knowledge needed to flourish in the digital environment."  Her current research in partnership with IMLS focuses on preparing Ph.D.'s for leadership roles in libraries, archives, and museums. She served as president of the American Society for Information Science and Technology in 2004 and served five years as the acquisitions editor for the ASIS&T Monograph series, published by Information Today, Inc. Recently she launched a new annual review for Cultural Heritage Informatics with editor Charles Harmon of Rowan Littlefield.

Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan is a Full Professor at Aix-Marseille University–France in the School of Communication and Journalism (http://ejcam.univ-amu.fr/). She has been a member of the SIG H-FIS since 2009 and currently its Chair-elect as well as having been past Chair of the European chapter of the ASIS&T. She has authored more than 60 publications including a book on the History and Theories of Information Science (published in French in 2012) and co-edited a chapter book on Theories of Information, Communication & Knowledge (Springer, 2013).

Anne Pepitone has been Chair of the Simmons ASIS&T student chapter since 2013 where she has been instrumental in planning events, webinars, as well as networking opportunities for the Simmons GSLIS community. In her spare time, she has served as the Dean's Fellow for Instructional Technologies for over two years at Simmons GSLIS where she helps faculty, staff, and students implement new technology apps and tools in their research, teaching and learning experiences.

Iris Xie
Chair, ASIST Leadership Committee

Iris Xie, Ph.D.
Director of Ph.D. Program & Professor
School of Information Studies
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Phone:(414)229-6835 Fax:(414)229-6699
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