[Asis-l] Artemis > New Age Navigation Is Here and Now !

McKiernan, Gerard [LIB] gerrymck at iastate.edu
Fri Sep 6 21:38:50 EDT 2013

*** Spoiler Alert > Possible Duplicate Posting ***


IMHO > A Most Innovative IV Interface

[ http://sensory-information-navigation.blogspot.com/2013/08/regarding-3-click-dilemma.html ]

Note: Formal Screen Shots and Video are currently not available. [?]

If you are interested in An Experience, I suggest that you contact your Gale rep for a trial .
*** This is not an formal or official endorsement ; It is  or information purposes only ***


Gale Artemis is a groundbreaking research environment that integrates formerly disparate digital collections to enable innovative research. Gale Artemis provides an unprecedented, seamless research experience that helps students find a starting point, search across a wide array of materials and points in time, and discover new ways to analyze information.

Gale Artemis not only integrates full-text content with metadata and subject indexing, it also provides workflow tools to analyze information. Here are just a few of the revolutionary ways Gale Artemis will change the way users research:

Subject Indexing. The addition of detailed subject indexing aids content discovery across collections, drawing connections that simple search and retrieve cannot achieve—revealing related concepts and terms to expand thinking and exploration.

Term Clusters. Users can see topics that commonly occur in relation to their search term, which helps uncover hidden connections, or can be a helpful starting point in the early stages of research.

Term Frequency. This allows users to see the frequency of their search term(s) in the content over time, which can suggest the importance of particular concepts during given periods. Now, users can ask new questions of historical data e.g. Is there a connection between “bread” and “revolution”?

Source and Links (Except Screen Shots) Available At

[ http://sensory-information-navigation.blogspot.com/2013/09/artemis-new-age-navigation-is-here-and.html ]

Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University
152 Parks Library
Ames IA 5011


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