[Asis-l] NFAIS Webinar, ORCID, October 23
jilloneill at nfais.org
jilloneill at nfais.org
Tue Oct 8 10:22:58 EDT 2013
An Overview of ORCID: The Unique Identifier of Researchers Worldwide
Publishers, funding organizations, and even researchers themselves have faced an ongoing challenge to attribute research to the proper scientist or scholar simply on the basis of a personal name. Names change, authors often write their names differently (e.g. with/without initials), there are cultural differences in name order, and trying to differentiate between authors with very similar names can be next to impossible.
That challenge may now have been met. On October 16, 2012, ORCID (originally the “Open Researcher Contributor Identification Initiative”) began issuing persistent, unique user identifiers that marked the launch of an open and independent registry intended to be the de facto standard for author identification in science and related academic publishing.
On October 23, 2013 NFAIS will hold a 90-minute webinar (11:00am - 12:30pm EDST) that will provide an overview and update on ORCID to see what it has accomplished during its inaugural year. Our featured speaker will be Laurel L. Haak, ORCID Executive Director. She will discuss the following:
· The mission and objectives of ORCID
· Its benefits to the research and publishing communities
· Current acceptance – who is actually registering
· Current usage – if and how they are being embedded in research and scholarly workflows
· Upcoming features
· Collaborations with other persistent identifier/research data exchange initiatives such as the Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information (CASRAI), the International Standard Name Identified (ISNI) and the ORCID and DataCite Interoperability Network (ODIN)
· Future directions
If you or your staff want to learn more about this initiative and how it can benefit your organization, register for the NFAIS webinar today. NFAIS members pay $125, Sister Society members pay $150 and non-members pay $195. Three or more staff from NFAIS member organizations can participate for a group fee of $295. The group fee for three or more staff from any Sister Society is $350, and from a non-member organization is $450. The registration form can be accessed at: http://nfais.org/event?eventID=529
For more information contact Jill O’Neill, NFAIS Director, Communication and Planning, 215-893-1561 (phone); 215-893-1564 (fax); mailto:jilloneill at nfais.org or go to http://www.nfais.org/.
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