[Asis-l] Invitation to Rutgers Reception & Presentations in Montreal
Marie Radford
mradford at rutgers.edu
Fri Nov 1 20:56:57 EDT 2013
Greetings ASIST Colleagues:
You are warmly invited to Rutgers University's reception at ASIST.
Date: Monday, November 4th
Time: 7:45 - 9:45pm
Location: Café Bar on the Lobby Level - Le Centre Sheraton Montreal
Refreshments will be served. Please come and join the fun!
Please join us in congratulating and celebrating our two recipients of
ASIST awards this year:
Chirag Shah, Assistant Professor, won the James Kretsos Leadership Award,
and Carol Kuhlthau, Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the LIS
Department and Director of the School Library Media Specialist program at
SC&I, won the ASIS&T Award of Merit, the lifetime career achievement
Also, please plan to attend presentations given by our faculty, PhD
students, and Phd alumni:
Saturday, November 2nd Preconference
1:30-6:30pm- Xiaojun (Jenny) Yuan (PhD alumna) and Denise Agosto (PhD
alumna) with others, presenting and leading discussions on Information
Behavior on the Move: Information Needs, Seeking, and Use in the Era of
Mobile Technologies.
Sunday, November 3rd
o Chirag Shah (LIS faculty), Vanessa Kitzie (PhD student), and Erik Choi
(PhD student) presenting paper: Analyzing Question Quality through
Intersubjectivity: World Views and Objective Assessments of Questions on
Social Question-Answering.
o Soo Young Rieh (PhD alumna) with other presenting paper: The Value of
Social Search: Seeking Collective Personal Experience in Social Q&A.
o Heather Lea Moulaison (PhD alumna) with others on panel: Spanning
Boundaries and Disciplines: Linked, Open, and Could-based Community Data.
Monday, November 4th
8:00am- Panels:
o Nicole Cooke (PhD alumna) and Barbara Kwasnik (PhD alumna) with others
on panel: Preparing for the Academic Job Market: An Interactive Panel for
Doctoral Students.
o Mei-Mei Wu (PhD alumna) with others on panel: Use of Mobile Apps in
Information Seeking: An International Viewpoint.
1:30pm- Papers:
o Nicholas Belkin (LIS faculty), Jingjing Liu (PhD alumna), and Chang Liu
(PhD alumna) presenting paper: Examining the Effects of Task Topic
Familiarity on Searchers Behavior in Different Task Types.
o Xiaojum Yuan (PhD alumna) and Jingjing Liu (PhD alumna) presenting
paper: Relationship Between Cognitive Styles and Users Task Performance
in Two Information Systems.
3:30pm- Carol Kuhlthau (LIS Professor Emerita) with others on panel,
Enabling Systems for Inquiry-Based Learning.
6:30pm- Poster sessions:
o Chirag Shah (LIS faculty), Vanessa Kitzie (PhD student), and Erik Choi
(PhD student): 10 Points for the Best Answer!- Baiting for Explicating
Knowledge Contributions within Online Q&A and From Bad to Good: An
Investigation of Question Quality and Transformation. Winner of the SIG
USE Best Poster Award.
o Rebecca Reynolds (LIS faculty) and Xiaofeng Li (PhD student): An
Exploritory Study of Middle School Students Sensemaking in a
Collaborative Game Design Educational Project.
o Rebecca Reynolds (LIS faculty) and Eun Baik (PhD student): Analysis of
Wiki Trace and Resource Use Survey Data to Predict the Quality of Game
Design in the Guided Discovery-based Collaborative Learning Program.
o Shahe Sanentz (PhD student): NLP Tools as Editorial Aids.
o Iris Xie (PhD alumna) with others: User Engagement and System Support in
the Search Process: User Dominated, System Dominated and Balanced Tactics.
o Irene Lopatovska (PhD alumna) with others: Exploring Requirements for
Online Art Collections.
o Sung Un Kim (PhD alumna) with others: The Impact of Source Credibility
on Young Adults Health Information Activities on Facebook: Preliminary
o Jingjing Liu (PhD alumna) with others: Why Do Users Feel Search Task
o Yi-Fan Chen (PhD alumna) with others: Citation Functions in Social
Sciences and Humanities: Preliminary Results from a Citation Context
Analysis of Taiwans History Research Journals.
o Heather Lea Moulaison (PhD alumna) with others: Exploring Interface
Effect on Skimmin Comprehension: Comparing Low-Clutter and No-Clutter
Documentation Presentation Environments.
Tuesday, November 5th
10:30am- Marie Radford (LIS faculty) and Chirag Shah (LIS faculty) with
others on panel, Research Roadshow: Research Design Beyond the Ordinary.
10:30am- Rebecca Reynolds (LIS faculty), Eun Baik (PhD student), and
Xiaofeng Li (PhD student) presenting paper: Collaborative Information
Seeking in the Wild: Middle-Schoolers Self-Initiated Teamwork Strategies
to Support Game Design.
1:30pm- Rebecca Reynolds (LIS faculty) and Denise E. Agosto (PhD alumna)
with others on panel, Teens and Social Media: Where Are We Now, Where
3:30pm- Heather Moulaison (PhD alumna) with others on panel,
High-Stakes Information: Deciding What Constitutes Quality in Our
Products of Communication.
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