[Asis-l] ICTIR 2013: Deadline Extension
Oren Kurland
kurland at ie.technion.ac.il
Wed Apr 24 17:24:53 EDT 2013
ICTIR 2013: Deadline Extension
The submission deadlines for the ICTIR 2013 conference have been
extended as follows.
Papers submission: May 1st.
Posters submission: May 3rd.
Tutorial proposals submission: May 1st.
Below please find the call for papers and posters.
The 4th International Conference on the Theory of Information
Retrieval (ICTIR 2013); http://www.ictir2013.org/
29 September - 2 October, 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark
The International Conference on the Theory of Information
Retrieval (ICTIR) aims to provide a forum for discussion and
interaction among those with theoretical and applicative
research interests in mathematical/formal aspects of
Information Retrieval (IR), including, for example,
foundational issues, description or integration of models,
retrieval applications, mathematical/formal techniques,
existing and/or new theories and theoretical aspects.
The fourth ICTIR conference aims to continue in the same
spirit, promoting research in the wider contexts of IR.
Accordingly, in addition to the established fields and
approaches in IR, research papers on new approaches (e.g.,
those inspired by other disciplines) are sought. Papers that
demonstrate a high level of research adventure or which
break out of the traditional IR paradigms are particularly
welcome. Experimental and/or practical results, or any other
means (including theoretical) that give support for
innovative hypotheses are of interest. Indicative topics of
interest are:
Vector-Space-based Models
Probabilistic Models
Logic-based Models
Information-Theoretic Models
Relevance-Feedback-Based Approaches
Machine Learning Methods (e.g., learning to rank)
Quantum Theory-inspired Methods
Natural Language Processing
Semantics-based Methods
Architectures, Algorithms and Complexity
Retrieval (e.g., ad hoc, Web, enterprise , desktop, mobile,
expert, cross-lingual, blog, legal, biomedical,
book, federated, vertical, etc.)
Interactive Search
Forming Test Collections and Devising Evaluation Metrics
Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis
Search in Digital Libraries
Search in the Semantic Web
Classification, Categorization, and Clustering
Topic Modeling
Filtering (collaborative, content-based, etc.)
Data Mining
Evaluation methodologies, test collections, metrics
Music, Speech and Sound
Human Gestures (e.g. eye movement)
Unstructured, Semi-Structured, and Structured DataWeb IR
User Modelling
Personal Interest Identification
Query Intent Identification
Contextual Search Issues
Social Networks and Media Tagging
Evaluation using User Studies
Human-Computer Interaction Issues
May 1, 2013: Papers submissions
May 3, 2013: Posters submissions
June 7, 2013: Notification of acceptance for papers and posters
June 28, 2013: Final papers and posters are due
All accepted papers and posters will be published by ACM in the
Proceedings of ICTIR 2013.
Peter Ingwersen, Royal School of Library and Information
Science, Copenhagen, Denmark
Birger Larsen, Royal School of Library and Information
Science, Copenhagen, Denmark
Christina Lioma, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Oren Kurland, Technion --- Israel Institute of Technology
Donald Metzler, Google
General Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit research papers up to 8 pages, or posters of
up to 2 pages, representing original and previously unpublished work.
Submissions must be written in English, and should be in the ACM Conference
style (for LaTeX, use the "Option 2" style). This is also the style that
will be required for final papers. Papers must be submitted as PDF files.
Papers submitted to ICTIR must be original. Submissions that have been
previously published, or are highly similar to previously published works,
and papers that have been concurrently submitted to other venues are
strictly prohibited.
Submissions will go through a double-blind review process. Therefore,
please anonymize your submission. This means that submissions should not
contain any information identifying the author(s) or their organization(s):
do not put the author(s) names or affiliation(s) at the start of the paper,
anonymize citations to and mentions of own prior work in the paper, and do
not include funding or other acknowledgments in papers submitted for
Papers that do not follow the guidelines specified here will be rejected
without review.
All accepted papers and posters will be published by ACM in the Proceedings
of ICTIR'13.
Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair conference web site
at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ictir2013
Experimental Evaluation Policy
Experimental evaluation plays an important role in information retrieval.
For this reason, it is important for papers to include experimental
evaluations, when appropriate.
Given the theoretical nature of ICTIR, there will be certain types of
papers for which such evaluations do not make sense (e.g., papers focused on
proofs, derivations, mathematical analyses, etc.). However, papers that
propose new models or algorithms that can be empirically tested should
include an experimental evaluation.
For such papers, the goal of the evaluation is not to necessarily improve
upon the state-of-the-art, but rather to provide an empirical comparison
against existing techniques that will demonstrate the pros and cons of
applying the new model or algorithm in practice.
Reviewers will be explicitly instructed that negative results are
acceptable, as long as: 1) the theoretical contribution is strong, and 2)
the experimental evaluation is carried out in a meaningful (i.e.,
scientifically valid and reproducible) manner. The PC Chairs will ensure
that this policy is consistently and fairly enforced.
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