[Asis-l] Faculty openings at all levels at the UT Austin School of Information

Matt Lease ml at ischool.utexas.edu
Sun Sep 16 21:39:07 EDT 2012

The School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin has 
openings for faculty at all levels:

details: http://www.ischool.utexas.edu/about/news/view_news_item.php?ID=305

Please note that we will begin evaluating and inviting candidates on 
November 1.

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor

The School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin invites
applications for multiple full-time, tenure-track faculty positions,
anticipated to start in Fall 2013. We are considering applicants at both
the junior and senior levels. Rank and salary will be commensurate with
qualifications and experience.

We seek candidates with excellent research and teaching abilities and a 
commitment to shaping the future of the school and the discipline. We 
welcome applications from excellent candidates who can enhance our 
offerings in any area of information studies. We are particularly 
interested in candidates from the areas of design, health information, 
and human-computer interaction. Candidates must hold a doctorate degree 
in a field that is relevant to their area of research and be able to 
articulate clearly a research agenda that fits within the School's core 
areas of focus. The School of Information is ranked 8th in the nation 
among accredited programs in Library and Information Studies, #1 in the 
nation in the area of archives and preservation, and #3 in legal 
librarianship. With over 20 faculty members and lecturers, the School is 
home to approximately 300 graduate students. The School moved into new 
facilities in 2009 with extended labs and class space, and offers 
cutting-edge research and education on the human, social and cultural 
aspects of information, broadly construed.

Applicant Instructions:

Applications will be accepted until positions are filled, but we will 
begin to evaluate applications and invite candidates on November 1, 2012.

Send inquiries and applications, including curriculum vitae, a statement 
outlining how you see a fit with our program, and the names of three 
references by email to: facultysearch at ischool.utexas.edu.

Matt Lease
Assistant Professor
School of Information
University of Texas at Austin
Voice: (512) 471-9350 · Fax: (512) 471-3971 · Office: UTA 5.442

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