[Asis-l] CfP: ECIR'13 poster/demo submissions due Oct 22
Jaap Kamps
kamps at uva.nl
Sun Oct 14 07:16:41 EDT 2012
35th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2013)
Moscow, Russia, 24-27 March 2013
Important dates (all deadlines assume Hawaii time-zone):
- 22 Oct 2012: posters/demos deadline
- 30 Nov 2012: notification of acceptance
Confirmed Conference/Industry Day Keynote Speakers:
- Mor Naaman (Rutgers, Social Media Information Lab)
- Karen Sparck Jones Award winner (announced on Jan 31)
- Paul Ogilvie (LinkedIn)
- Hilary Mason (bitly)
- Antonio Gulli (Bing Europe)
- Andrey Kalinin (Mail.Ru)
- Marc Najork (Microsoft Research)
Call for Posters/Demos
The conference encourages the submission of short papers (presented as
poster or demo) reporting original and innovative research in
Information Retrieval. Posters should present work in progress or
leading-edge work. Demo papers should describe first-hand experiences
with research prototype systems.
ECIR has traditionally had a strong student focus, and papers whose sole
or main author is a postgraduate student or postdoctoral researcher are
especially welcome. Papers that demonstrate a high level of research
adventure or which break out of the traditional IR paradigms are also
particularly welcome.
Posters and Demos are published as short papers not exceeding 4 pages,
and will be presented at a special posters and demonstrations session.
All submissions will be refereed. Posters will undergo double-blind peer
review, so authors should take reasonable care not identify themselves
in their submissions. Demo submissions are not required to be anonymous
and should preferably contain a link to an online demo.
All submissions must be written in English following the LNCS author
guidelines and submitted in PDF format electronically through the
conference submission system at http://www.conftool.pro/ecir2013/.
The Program Chairs invite for the submission of original posters and
demos in all areas of Information Retrieval, including but not limited to:
* IR Theory and Formal Models:
- Searching, browsing, meta-searching, data fusion, filtering and
- Text and content classification, categorisation, clustering
- Relevance feedback, query expansion
- Topic detection and tracking, novelty detection
- Content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, Spam filtering
- Personalised, collaborative or user-adaptive IR, recommender systems
- Adversarial IR
- Privacy in IR
- Mobile, Geo and Local Search
* Web and Social Media IR:
- Link analysis
- Query log analysis
- Advertising and ad targeting
- Spam detection
- Authority, Reputation, Ranking
- Blog and online-community search
- Social Tagging
* User aspects:
- User modelling, user studies, user interaction in IR systems
- Interactive IR, User studies, User models, Task-based IR
- Novel user interfaces for IR systems
- User interfaces, visualisation and presentation of queries, search
results or content
- Multimodal aspects
* IR system architectures
- Distributed and peer to peer IR
- Parallel IR
- Fusion/Combination
- Open, interoperable and flexible
- Performance, Scalability, Architectures, Efficiency, Platforms
- Compression, performance, optimisation
* Content representation and processing
- IR for semi-structured documents
- IR for semantically annotated collections, semantic search
- Meta information and structures, metadata
- Query representation, Query reformulation
- Text Categorisation and clustering
- Text data mining
- Opinion mining
- Cross-language retrieval, Multilingual retrieval
- Machine translation for IR
- Question answering, Natural language processing for IR, Summarization
* Evaluation
- Evaluation methods and metrics
- Building test collections and metrics
- Experimental design
- Crowdsourcing for evaluation
- User-oriented and user-centred test and evaluation
* Multimedia and cross-media IR
- Speech retrieval
- Image and video retrieval
- Digital music, radio and broadcast retrieval
* Applications
- Digital libraries
- Enterprise Search, Intranet search, Desktop search
- Mobile IR
- Genomic IR, IR for chemical structures, etc.
- Medical IR, legal IR, patent search
Program Committee co-chairs:
- Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
- Stefan Rüger (The Open University, UK)
Posters Chair:
- Eugene Agichtein (Emory University, USA)
Demonstrations Chair:
- Emine Yilmaz (Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK)
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