[Asis-l] ASIS&T SIG-III is now on Twitter at @sig3i
Anatoliy Gruzd
agruzd at gmail.com
Wed May 2 12:35:49 EDT 2012
In preparation for the official launch of the ASIS&T SIG-III
(International Information Issues) new Twitter account @sig3i on June 1,
2012, we are looking for social media (SM) volunteers to join the
dynamic team at the Social Media Lab at Dalhousie University to tweet
and organize social media events on behalf of the SIG.
As a SM volunteer, you will have a chance to
· Join ASIS&T’s international community of leading scholars and
practitioners on Twitter,
· Gain experience of managing a Twitter account from an organization
· Be more informed about international informational issues and key
players in this area,
· Organize and participate in exciting tweet-ups and live events on Twitter,
· And of course, become a member of the SIG-III social media team!
If interested, please complete a short form by *May 20, 2012* at
SIG-III Social Media Administrators
Anatoliy Gruzd , Dalhouse University, Canada
Anindita Paul, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India
The SIG III was founded in 1982 to promote awareness and collaboration
amongst ASIS&T’s international community, and provide a forum to explore
international informational issues. For more information about the SIG,
please visit our website at http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/ or join us
on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/asist.sig.iii/.
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