[Asis-l] Kindly remind of deadline getting close: CFP for Track on Information Quality Management in Innovative Information Systems at MCIS 2012 - Deadline March 25

ISMAEL CABALLERO MUÑOZ-REJA Ismael.Caballero at uclm.es
Tue Mar 13 02:20:23 EDT 2012

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Dear Researcher,

In the case that you could be interested in submitting a paper to the track " Information Quality Management in Innovative Information Systems" in MCIS 2012, this is to kindly remind that the deadline for submitting your paper is getting close, on March 25.

Below you can find further details about the topics and, if you are interested, how to submit your paper at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mcis2012 .

Should you have any enquiries or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you very much 

Looking forward to your involvement.

Yours sincerely,
Cinzia Cappiello, Markus Helfert and Ismael Caballero

/* 7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS) 2012                    */
/* Track: Information Quality Management in Innovative Information Systems         */
/* http://www.kmowl.org/mcis/	                                                                         */



September 8-10, 2012, Guimarães, Portugal 

Important dates:
* Deadline for submissions: March 25, 2012
* Notification of acceptance: May 11, 2012
* Camera-ready versions: June 1, 2012

Data have been always considered one of the most important assets for organizations since it plays a fundamental role at both operational and strategic level. Nowadays, as we are utilizing the benefits of recent technological innovations, such as mobile and sensor technologies, an ever increasing amount of data is created and gathered in organizations. 

Although many advances have been achieved in the field, innovative technologies are presenting us new challenges on how to better address data quality concerns for the success of a task in whatever the domain of the user (work, entertainment ...).

For example, the Internet era had an enormous impact on the information management due to fact that the data portfolio includes heterogeneous sources retrieved from the organizational information system and from the Web by means of data services, web crawling and so on. The need to integrate and manage all these sources in an efficient manner lies behind a set of new topics that are becoming relevant in the data management scenario. Data and Information quality research areas as well have to address new challenges such as the selection and the integration of trustworthy contents from the Web, content credibility and author reputation outstands.

The purpose of this track is to promote all the areas related to the adoption of emergent and innovative technologies to leverage the data and information quality foundations in innovative Information Systems (e.g., those based on novel data management architectures). 


Topics include but are not limited to: 

o Data and Data Quality as a Service (DaaS and DQaaS) o Master data management o Data quality assessment and improvement techniques (e.g., data cleaning and data enhancement tools) o Visualization tools (e.g. dashboards) for data quality o Big data and Data Quality o Sensor Technology and Data Quality o Mobile Technologies and Data Quality o Data Quality in Linked Data / Open Data o Data Quality Management in Cloud Environments o Data Quality in advanced Web applications (e.g., web services, mashups, social applications, social media, crowdsourcing)

o Methodologies for information quality management o Managing Data and Information Quality context o Data and Information Quality in Business Process o Managing Information Quality Risks o Cost-Benefit and Information Quality o Information Quality Compliance (e.g., adherence to data quality standards, business rules, national legislation)

o E-government
o Healthcare
o Software engineering
o Banking and insurance applications
o Surveillance Systems 

Due to the novelty of the track topics, we encourage the submission of new ideas of research and new lines of work related to the topics.

Contributions must be submitted electronically via the EasyChair Submission System at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mcis2012
The types of publication that can be submitted are: 
* Full research papers (7-12 pages)
* Extended abstracts and short research-in-progress papers (3-7 pages)
* Posters (A2) (short abstract submissions)

<<<< PUBLICATION OF THE PROCEEDINGS >>>> All accepted full papers will be published in the Springer LNBIP series "Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing" (ISI and Scopus proceedings indexed). Accepted short papers will be published in AIS eLibrary.

<<<< TRACK CHAIRS >>>>
- Ismael Caballero, UCLM, Spain, ismael.caballero at uclm.es
- Cinzia Cappiello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, cappiell at elet.polimi.it
- Markus Helfert, Dublin City University, Markus.Helfert at computing.dcu.ie 

Ismael Caballero Muñoz-Reja
Departamento de Tecnologías y Sistemas de Información Escuela Superior de Informática Universidad de Castilla La Mancha Paseo de la Universidad 4
13071 Ciudad Real. 
email: Ismael.Caballero at uclm.es
Tfno:  0034.926.29.53.00 Ext. 6487
Fax:   0034.926.29.53.54

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