[Asis-l] Library Use of Web-based Research Guides

McKiernan, Gerard [LIB] gerrymck at iastate.edu
Fri Mar 9 11:22:11 EST 2012

*** Apologies for Receipt of Duplicate Postings***


FYI > Library Use of Web-based Research Guides / Jimmy Ghaphery, Erin White


This paper describes the ways in which libraries are currently implementing and managing web-based research guides (a.k.a. Pathfinders, LibGuides, Subject Guides, etc.) by examining two sets of data from the spring of 2011. One set of data was compiled by visiting the websites of ninety-nine American university ARL libraries and recording the characteristics of each site’s research guides. The other set of data is based on an online survey of librarians about the ways in which their libraries implement and maintain research guides. In conclusion, a discussion follows that includes implications for the library technology community.


This study confirms previous research that web-based research guides are a common offering, especially in academic libraries. Adding to this, we have recorded a quantitative adoption of LibGuides both through visiting ARL websites and through a survey distributed to library listservs. Further, this study did not find a consistent management or assessment practice for library research guides. Perhaps the most interesting finding from this study is the role of library systems departments with regard to research guides. It appears that many library systems departments are not actively involved in either the initiation or ongoing support of web-based research guides. 

What are the implications for the library technology community and what questions arise for future research? The apparent ascendancy of LibGuides over local solutions is certainly worth considering and in part demonstrates some comfort within libraries for cloud computing and SAAS. Time will tell how this might spread to other library systems. The popularity of LibGuides, at its heart a specialized content management system, also calls into question the vitality and adaptability of local content management system implementations in libraries. More generally, does the desire to professionally select and steward information for users on research guides indicate librarian misgivings about the usability of enterprise library systems? How do attitudes toward research guides differ between public services and technical services? Hopefully these questions serve as a call for continued technical engagement with library research guides. What shape that engagement may have in the future is an open question, but based on the prevalence and descriptions of current implementations, such consideration by the library technology community is worthwhile. 

 [ http://ejournals.bc.edu/ojs/index.php/ital/article/view/1830  ]


Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University 
152 Parks Library 
Ames IA 50011


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