[Asis-l] Deadline extended: CfP: HCIR 2012 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction & Information Retrieval
Gene Golovchinsky
gene at fxpal.com
Fri Jul 27 17:01:26 EDT 2012
* **** Extended submission deadline: Sunday, August 5, 2012 ****
* HCIR 2012
* Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction & Information Retrieval
* http://hcir.info/hcir-2012
* IBM Research, Cambridge, MA
* October 4-5, 2012
* Full papers, Position papers, HCIR Challenge
Building on the success of prior HCIR workshops, the HCIR 2012 Symposium
on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval will be held on
Thursday, October 4th and Friday October 5th, 2012, at IBM Research,
Cambridge, MA. There will be a reception on Thursday evening.
We are very pleased that our keynote speaker this year will be Marti
Hearst, Professor in the UC Berkeley School of Information.
We are also excited to continue the HCIR Challenge, this year focusing
on the problem of people and expertise finding. We are grateful to
Mendeley for providing this year's corpus: a database of over a million
researcher profiles with associated metadata including published papers,
academic status, disciplines, awards, and more taken from Mendeley's
network of 1.6M+ researchers and 180M+ academic documents. Participants
will build systems to enable efficient discovery of experts or expertise
for applications such as collaborative research, team building, and
competitive analysis.
In addition to the Challenge and a small number of research
presentations, we will leave plenty of time for what participants have
consistently told us that they find extremely valuable: informal
discussions, posters and directed group discussions. Finally, we are
extending our previous format to include a few full-length,
fully-refereed archival quality papers that will be indexed in the ACM
Digital Library. We have extended the event to a second day to
accommodate more presentations (including the full papers), and to leave
plenty of time for discussion and for interaction around the poster session.
This year we invite three types of papers: full papers, position
papers/posters, and challenge reports.
* Full papers will be peer-reviewed for novelty, rigor, and
quality of presentation according to standards of first-tier
conferences. They will be published through arxiv.org and indexed in the
ACM digital library. Full papers should be 10 pages long in the CHI
two-column format. Please see http://www.sigchi.org/chipubform for
templates on this format.
* Position papers will be judged by members of the organizing
committee, based on relevance to HCIR. Idea diversity across all
submissions may also be considered. Position papers should be up to four
pages long in the CHI two-column format. Position papers will be
published on the symposium web site.
* Challenge reports will be reviewed by the organizing committee,
based on how well they address the challenge criteria. Reviewers will
select challenge systems for demonstration at the symposium, where a
panel of judges will evaluate the systems and a winner will be
determined live. Challenge reports should be four pages long in the CHI
two-column format, and may also include a video demonstration of the
system. Challenge reports will be published on the symposium web site.
Acceptance of a full paper, position paper, or challenge report earns
the author(s) admission to the symposium and the opportunity to present
a poster.
Please submit papers using our EasyChair site:
Possible topics for discussion and presentation at the symposium
include, but are not limited to:
* Novel interaction techniques for information retrieval.
* Modeling and evaluation of interactive information retrieval.
* Exploratory search and information discovery.
* Information visualization and visual analytics.
* Applications of HCI techniques to information retrieval needs
in specific domains.
* Ethnography and user studies relevant to information retrieval
and access.
* Scale and efficiency considerations for interactive information
retrieval systems.
* Relevance feedback and active learning approaches for
information retrieval.
Demonstrations of systems and prototypes are particularly welcome. If
you are interested in participating in the HCIR Challenge, please refer
to the instructions at this link:
Submission deadline (position and research papers): Sunday, July 29
HCIR Challenge:
Request access to corpus: Friday, June 1
Freeze system and submit brief description: Friday, August 31
Submit videos or screenshots demonstrating systems on
example tasks: Friday, September 14
Live demonstrations at symposium: October 4-5
Notification date for position and research papers: Thursday,
September 6
Final versions of accepted papers due: Sunday, September 16
Presentations and poster session at symposium: Thursday, October 4-5
We are pleased to be able to offer a limited number of student travel
awards based on the generous contributions of Microsoft Research.
Information about these awards and how to apply for them will be made
available at the following link:
Robert Capra, UNC Chapel Hill
Gene Golovchinsky, FX Palo Alto Laboratory
Bill Kules, The Catholic University of America
Catherine Smith, Kent State University
Daniel Tunkelang, LinkedIn
Ryen White, Microsoft Research
IBM Research
Microsoft Research
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