[Asis-l] Postdoctoral position on Web-based Technologies and/or Knowledge Management

Richard Chbeir Richard.Chbeir at u-bourgogne.fr
Tue Sep 27 16:57:32 EDT 2011

Sorry for cross-postings

########################### Call For PostDoc Position  

The MediaCorpus research group at the Laboratory LE2I-CNRS  
(http://le2i.cnrs.fr/-MediaCorpus-) is seeking excellent post doctoral  
candidates with strong background in Web-based Technologies and/or  
Knowledge Management for a one year appointment starting by November  

The prospective candidates must:

* have a PhD (5 years or less) in Computer Science or equivalent degree
* have knowledge in the theoretical aspects of one or more of the following:

    - Web and XML/RDF databases
    - Ontologies
    - information retrieval and indexing

* have well-developed social skills directed to work in a team;
* have a good command of English (some knowledge of French is  
desirable, but not required)

The position offers:

* a full time (non renewable) appointment for a period of 12 months,  
starting by November 2011
* about 2200 euros net monthly salary
* health and social security package (married candidate must seek  
extra heath coverage for family members)
* attractive and good working environments

Application details:

Please apply as soon as possible. A first selection of candidates will  
be carried out on October 22th, 2011.

* Please send:
    - a CV (including publication record)
    - a brief research description presenting your Phd and related  
research interests (1-2 page(s))
    - your two best publications

* The application must be sent by email to:

    Dr Richard Chbeir (richard.chbeir at u-bourgogne.fr)


#   Richard CHBEIR, Ph.D. in Computer Science      #
#   Associate Professor (HDR)                      #
#   Laboratoire LE2I (UMR - CNRS)                  #
#   Bourgogne University                           #
#   Aile de l'Ingénieur                            #
#   Office GS 16                                   #
#   BP 47870                                       #
#   21078 Dijon CEDEX France                       #
#   Tel.: +333 80 39 36 55                         #
#   Fax: +333 80 39 68 69                          #
#   Email: richard.chbeir at u-bourgogne.fr           #
#   Web: http://www.le2I.com                       #

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