[Asis-l] CFP: WSDM Workshop Proposals

Kelly, Diane dianek at email.unc.edu
Wed May 11 21:03:14 EDT 2011

2012 WSDM Workshops Call for Participation  

We invite proposals for full-day and half-day workshops to be held at the Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) conference on February 12, 2012. Topics of the proposed workshops should be aligned with those set forth in the call for papers for the main conference (http://wsdm2012.org/).  This year, WSDM will be collocated with the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW, http://cscw2012.org/).  We are especially interested in receiving workshop proposals that bridge these two communities. 

WSDM workshops provide a venue for more focused and less formal discussion of new and emerging research directions and applications of Web search and data mining. We strongly encourage the workshop organizers to make their workshops highly interactive, and include discussion, Q&A and panel sessions to facilitate a lively exchange of ideas among the attendees.  A workshop may also be organized as a competition/challenge around an interesting and realistically-sized dataset (possibly released by the workshop organizers for that purpose); examples include Netflix competition for recommender systems and Yahoo! learning to rank challenge. 

The format and content of each workshop will be determined by its organizers. All of the workshop organizers are expected to attend the workshop (organizers who are unable to do so should be added to the PC instead).  Organizers of accepted workshops are expected to prepare a workshop Web site, and will be responsible for publicizing the workshop in the relevant communities. The organizers will also be responsible for the reviewing process and the final workshop program, as well as for the preparation of the (informal) workshop proceedings, to be distributed to workshop participants at the conference. The workshop paper submission deadline will be determined by the organizers. As a general guideline, this date should be after the notification date for regular WSDM papers. 


Proposals are limited to 1,000 words and should contain the following information: 

o Organizers (names, affiliations and email addresses) (identify primary contact person)
o Theme and purpose
o Objectives, goals, and expected outcomes
o Relevance and importance
o Target audience
o Description of format, activities, and schedule 
o Short biographical sketch for each organizer, describing relevant qualifications and experience

If the workshop has been held previously at another conference, then the organizers should indicate this and describe briefly past attendance and outcomes, and why another workshop is needed.

Workshop proposals should be submitted in PDF using the EasyChair system (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wsdm20120).  

Direct questions to the Workshops Chair:  Diane Kelly, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA (dianek at email.unc.edu)

Workshop Webpage:  http://wsdm2012.org/workshops/index.html

Important Dates
01 July 2011:  Workshop Proposals Due
01 August 2011: Notifications
12 February 2012: Workshops held at WSDM

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