[Asis-l] CFP: SIGIR 2011 Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Information Retrieval
Matt Lease
ml at ischool.utexas.edu
Sun Mar 27 19:11:21 EDT 2011
Crowdsourcing for Information Retrieval: A SIGIR 2011 Workshop
The advent of crowdsourcing is driving a disruptive shift in IR areas
such as evaluation, learning to rank, and development of new hybrid
man+machine systems which blend automation and crowd computation
(potentially in real-time) to deliver innovative functionality and
search experiences. Traditionally manual-labor intensive tasks like
judging relevance and annotating training data can now be accomplished
more quickly and accurately, and at a fraction of traditional
costs.Despite this potential and early successes of crowdsourcing on
IR, many significant challenges remain with regard to theory,
methodology, policy, and best practices that currently limit our
ability to realize this potential in practice.
We invite submissions of papers describing novel, unpublished research
addressing one or more of the following areas:
* General: Theoretical, experimental, and/or methodological
developments advancing state-of-the-art knowledge of crowdsourcing for
* Applications: search blending automation with the crowd, especially
real-time systems which must model dynamic and temporal properties of
crowd behavior
* New functionality: use of crowdsourcing to realize innovative
search features (e.g. using geographic dispersion of the crowd for
local search or to detect geo-specific intents, etc.)
* Machine learning: consensus labeling for vote aggregation, active
learning strategies for efficient labeling, learning to rank with
noisy crowd labels and multi-labeling
* Evaluation: evaluating systems with noisy and multi-labeled
relevance judgments
* Infrastructure: new software packages and tool kits which simplify
or otherwise improve general support for crowdsourcing or particular
tasks (e.g. TurkIt, Get Another Label)
* Human factors and task design: how to design effective interfaces
and interaction mechanisms for the crowd; how to enable effective
crowd performance on tasks traditionally requiring scare and expensive
domain experts; how different forms of crowdsourcing or crowd
motivations (fun, socialization, prestige, economic, etc.), might be
selected or tailored for different IR tasks (e.g. Page Hunt)
* Vision: Reflective or forward-looking position papers on use of
crowdsourcing for IR
An exciting and unique opportunity of this workshop will be significant
sponsorship by CrowdFlower, including both financial support and
access to technology, personnel, and guidance. Participation in the
Crowdsourcing Challenge is optional and distinct from the workshop's
Call for Papers.
Seed Funding: The first 20 researchers who commit to submitting a
paper (and presenting it at the workshop) will receive $100 in CrowdFlower
credits to design a prototype of their project.
Grant Funding: We anticipate making 2-4 CrowdFlower grants totaling $1500.
To request a CrowdFlower grant of up to $1000. The amount of funding awarded
will be determined on the basis of technical merit, and the authors
and titles of funded proposals will be published online.
See web site for more details:
Workshop Papers
Submissions: June 1, 2011
Notification of acceptance: June 23, 2011
Camera-ready: July 1, 2011
2011 CrowdSourcing Challenge:
Grant proposals due: April 22, 2011
Notification of funded grants: April 29, 2011
Workshop: July 28, 2011
Papers should be 8 pages or less, including all references and
figures. Papers must follow SIGIR 2011 formatting guidelines and be
submitted in either Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) or Microsoft
Word Format (doc). Please ensure that any special fonts used are
included in the submitted documents. Papers should be submitted via
EasyChair (details forthcoming).
Vaughn Hester, CrowdFlower, USA
Matthew Lease, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Alex Sorokin, CrowdFlower, USA
Emine Yilmaz, Microsoft, UK
You can email the organizers at cir2011-org *at* googlegroups *dot* com.
Omar Alonso Microsoft Bing
Paul Bennett Microsoft Research
Adam Bradley Amazon.com
Ben Carterette University of Delaware
Charlie Clarke University of Waterloo
Harry Halpin University of Edinburgh
Jaap Kamps University of Amsterdam
Martha Larson Delft University of Technology
Gabriella Kazai Microsoft Research
Mounia Lalmas University of Glasgow
Edith Law Carnegie Mellon University
Don Metzler University of Southern California
Stefano Mizzaro University of Udine
Stefanie Nowak Fraunhofer IDMT
Iadh Ounis University of Glasgow
Mark Sanderson RMIT University
Mark Smucker University of Waterloo
Ian Soboroff National Institute of Standards
Siddharth Suri Yahoo! Research
Matt Lease
Assistant Professor
School of Information
University of Texas at Austin
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